I'm feeling mighty lonesome
Haven't slept a wink
I walk the floor and watch the door
And in between I drink
Black Coffee
https://youtu.be/222UoHUCR0o?si=n9YMt6fK9sOGK7YF (1960)

Guten Morgen mit Ella Fitzgerald (25. April 1917 – 15. Juni 1996)
mrrrgnnn tootles 🖖 fedizens
(heute mit Arztbesuch, vor der Frühschicht {Quartals-Routine})
Victor Moral
Descubrir feeds de blogs desde Mastodon - ENTRE DRAGONES Y PINGÜINOS
Next time be more careful.
Nicely done.
redj 18


Fifth element shet going on here for real pay attentions
I fill myself with poison for a buzzon and Im 47

That's alcoholism

I smoke weed and drink coffee, too

I dont know what to do sometimes

But saving the world is one of the coolest things about living in 2024

Cos we're gonna do that like never before

Using our brains...

The world tomorrow you do not want to know

I dream about it constantly

A dystopian nightmare

In the end of the dream, I am alone by myself, the Ultimate Survivor

Alone, going down underground buildings, talking to echoes

The pain crawls over me in extreme sadness that I realize I am alone, but since I can do anything as long as it's good, I can not time travel backwards yet but somehow got here and told you to cherish nature like never before

A prophet or demigod of sorts

Selflessly defending my peoples from tumults, alone and unbroken, ferile and spaceworthy

Captain fuckin Kirk

Trying to convince you to give up your old ways of corruption and realize the obvious basics like planting trees and shooting polluters with tasers, taking over McDonalds and selling organic food

I believe you can fly

Now, fly
Victor Moral
Retoma el control de tu tiempo con Nextcloud Hub 8
Pierre Pujuguet

Floraison des anthémis maritimes dans les dunes de Frontignan. Bien calé, à l’abri du vent de terre* on est bien à surveiller une marmaille de petits-enfants.
Je n’ai pas voulu faire polémique en précisant s’il s’agissait d’un mistral ou d’une tramontane :>)
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
Sandy Ao 黄明珠

When the mist comes in...
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
Guido Kühn
Die ARD trat mit Carmen Miosga an, die AFD zu entzaubern und lieferte eine Art Dating-Show. Es gab Zeiten, da hat hat man aus gutem Grund nicht mit Faschisten diskutiert und ihnen schon gar keine Verharmlosungs-Bühne bereitet. Und es gab mal die Vorstellung, dass der ÖRR ein Schutzwall der Demokratie sei und nicht deren Ausverkäufer.
Illustration einer sich übergebenden Frau am Klo. Sie trägt ein Kleid in Deutschlandfarben. Textzeile: Nach der totalen Entzauberung der AfD durch Miosga konnte die Demokratie wieder angstfrei durchschlafen.
So ganz ist das nicht richtig. Auch die NPD hatte mal einen Platz auf dem Podium.
Gut formuliert...danke
Alexander Goeres
als gäbs jetzt irgendwo blmmen ... :-)
Beautiful :) 😍
Ich weiß wo das ist. Hab in Kiel mal eine Hafenrundfahrt gemacht. Bei dem gleichen Wetter.
virgil tibbs
bin einmal mitm Segelboot durch
Sascha 😎 🏴

Was ist der Emoji den Ihr im Fediverse in den letzten Wochen am häufigsten benutzt habt?

Leider muss ich bei mir zugeben, dass es bei mir auf Grund der <ironie> 'vielen guten Nachrichten' </ironie> folgendes Emoji war: 🤮

So jetzt seid Ihr dran! :-)

#Frage #Fediverse #Emoji #Emojis #Benutzung #User #Sascha #2024-04-24
Sascha 😎 🏴
Jo mit so was kann ich wohl genauso wenig wie Du anfangen.
Jess Nut
Location matters more than size. There are million dollar tiny apartments in NYC.
Andrew Pam
Indeed - there are places in rural Japan and Italy where you can pick up a large house and property for a peppercorn fee.
Kenny Chaffin
Yes it is!

Nadine Smith
23 May 2024:

If you haven’t been following the “a bear or a man” thought experiment richocheting around social media, you are missing the fascinating opportunity to witness the penny drop for some men.

I watched a video of a wife asking her husband if he would rather their daughter be in the woods with a bear or a man. “Which man?””What kind of bear?” He pondered as his mind grazed and recoiled from the details of imagined dangers.

Then she asked: “How about a woman or a bear?” She scarcely had the words out of her mouth before he answered “Woman!” No questions about who she was, what circumstances. You could see the horror of realization in his eyes.

Equally revealing is the fury in some men when they discover that so many women pick the bear.

"Vintage Retro Computer Alien Design 1955, By Panalina"

Ship's Cat By Keith Spangle
Gazze Hastanelerindeki Şok Edici Toplu Mezarlar Uluslararası Soruşturma Çağrılarına Yol Açtı

#gaza #siege

Anarşi bugün saldırıdır; her otoriteye, her güce, her devlete karşı savaştır. Geleceğin toplumunda anarşi savunma olacaktır; herhangi bir otoritenin, herhangi bir gücün, herhangi bir devletin yeniden kurulmasının engellenmesidir.
-- Carlo Cafiero
Hukuk insanları hiçbir zaman daha adil yapmadı; ve ona duydukları saygı sayesinde, iyi niyetli insanlar bile her gün adaletsizliğin aracı haline getiriliyor.
-- Henry David Thoreau

“Hukuk sisteminin içine yerleşmiş bir olgu olarak soykırım”

Ermeni soykırımı ve Ermenilere karşı uygulanan politik, ideolojik ve ekonomik şiddet, sadece Ermenilere karşı işlenmiş barbarlık gösterilerinde değil, aynı zamanda Osmanlı ve Cumhuriyet dönemlerinde çıkarılmış bir dizi normal ve sıradan hukuk metinlerinde gizlidir.
Bu minvalde soykırım, sadece fiziki imha anlamına gelmemektedir. Hatta daha ileri giderek iddia edebiliriz ki, Ermenilerin fiziki olarak imha edilip edilmediklerinin bir ayrıntı gibi durduğu bir olgu ile karşı karşıyayız. Sürgün ve imha sürecinde ne kadar Ermeninin ölmüş olduğu veya ne kadarının hayatta kalmış olduğu ikincil bir sorundur; önemli olan, Ermenilerin kadim vatanlarındaki izlerinin tümüyle yok edilmesidir.

Io from 2800 km distance photographed last Saturday by the #Juno probe. Comparing with source photo at JPL page, looks like the picture has been processed making those peeks’ shadows more defined.

Io from #Juno


And decimating the rainforests for cheap rapeseed "palm" oil
Katherine Bond

I am obeying the inscrutable exhortations of my soul today

Actually, off to see the orthopedic doctor…

#CalvinAndHobbses #Humor
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
Brian Fitzgerald
One armed woman could turn anyone into a a fugitive...
Katherine Bond
I now understand his nastiness.

109'uncu yılında Ermeni Soykırımının tüm Kurbanlarını saygıyla anıyorum... Ermeni soykırımına ve tehcirine katılanları lanetliyorum... Ermeni soykırımını unutmadık unutmayacağız!
Brian Fitzgerald
There are some seriously sick sticker sticklers out there...
Jay Bryant
Cats are their own state of matter.
Adam Hunt
Birne Helene
Hey, @taz

Der Link hier: https://taz.de/taz%20lab ist keiner!
Hallo @Birne Helene - Das sieht ganz so aus, ja, aber was soll ich jetzt mit dieser Info anfangen ohne zu wissen, wo Du diesen Link her hast? Aus einer Email? Von irgendeiner Webseite? Welcher? Schreib mir gern eine PN.
neuer älter

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