Susan ✶✶✶✶
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples | United Nations
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt

old friends partying because they meet.
Terence Eden
Boring technical question which neither the documentation nor ChatGPT can answer.

I want to automate screenshots using #Python's #Selenium Webdriver with #Chrome.

This works - but the non-logged in experience of Twitter forces dark-mode.

I want a light-mode screenshot.

I can't find a way to set SEC-CH-PREFERS-COLOR-SCHEME in Selenium. Nor can I find a light-mode toggle for non-logged in Twitter users.

Any clues gang?

(I want to automate replacing my Twitter embeds with a screenshot.)
Terence Eden
I think that's good enough for the basics.

This code will (eventually) convert all your embedded Tweets into proper semantic HTML without any tracking back to Twitter.

Rough code at:
An embedded Tweet in a website. It looks almost like - but not identical - to the real thing.
Terence Eden
OK gang! This is ready for you to test.

python --css 1234

That will take a Twitter ID and return HTML and CSS for you to embed in your website with no calling back to Twitter.

🗣 Avatars inlined as Base64 WebP
📸 All attached photos inlined
🎥 Video poster inline, <video> to original source
🔗 Hyperlinks don't use
#️⃣ Hashtags and @ mentions linked
🕰 Semantic time
♥ and 🗨 counts

Try it out at

Feedback and pull requests very welcome!
Screenshot of an embedded Tweet - there is a video attached with a native player. All links, hashtags, and user mentions work.
Eberhard Wolff hat dies geteilt


frater chaos
I have taught every cat I ever "owned" to "shake" like a dog shakes paws with you
@frater chaos My kitties know shake paw as well! When a friend of mine saw that, she decided to one-up me by teaching her cat how to high-five!


Mark Lansbury

‘His rhetoric has made Tesla toxic’: is Elon Musk driving away his target market?

Elon #Musk has long flirted with #rightwing politics, and delights in pushing an image of himself as a contrarian showman. Yet in recent months the billionaire’s political allegiances have started to raise a question for Tesla, the company that he built into the world’s largest electric carmaker: just how far can he go before customers start to abandon his products?

The German pharmacy chain Rossmann was one of the first to put its head above the parapet this week. The family-owned company announced that it would not add to the 34 #Teslas in its company fleet because of Musk’s endorsement of Donald #Trump for US president.

Trump has repeatedly called #ClimateChange a hoax,” wrote Raoul Roßmann, a spokesperson for Rossmann. “This attitude is in stark contrast to Tesla’s mission to contribute to environmental protection through the production of electric cars.”

#extremists #cars #EV #politics #propaganda
…impossible de savoir tant les marges sont importantes.
l'ampleur de la marge s'explique ici parce qu'on essaye de comparer des choux et des carottes.

Le ministère de la santé de gaza mesure les morts directs de la guerre (seulement les gens morts sous les balles de l'armée israélienne) tandis que The Lancet inclus dans sa mesure les morts indirects (morts dans les hôpitaux, famine, épidémie, suicides ...)

C'est bien expliqué dans l'article :
By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people [had been killed] in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry
In recent conflicts, such indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths [could be attributable to the current conflict] in Gaza.
Mon commentaire n'avait pas vocation à critiquer ce "dessin", mais à le compléter.

On est tous, ici, choqués par ces massacres.
Ce dessinateur utilise des chiffres pour faire son classement/podium et exprime avec son "dessin" sa détresse ou sa colère, combien il est choqué face à tout cela, moi en complétant ces chiffres imposés par les médias qui sont bien en-deça de la vérité, et tout le monde, son impuissance, face ... au commerce des armes, face à ces guerres, ces horreurs...
Mark Lansbury

Airport parking: ‘I was charged £170 for stopping at a traffic light’

Despite sending him photos clearly showing his car at the red light as pedestrians cross in front, #Bristol #airport’s private, for profit parking contractor #VCS has refused his appeal twice and is now demanding the inflated fee via debt collectors.

His case is one of the most absurd demands seen by Guardian Money in some time. Other contenders have included people being sent demands after paying to use electric car chargers, and even after #parking while they attended a speed awareness course.

Bristol airport is by no means alone in charging drivers to collect or drop off passengers – its drop-and-go prices start at £6 for up to 10 minutes – or using private companies to ruthlessly enforce the rules, even when they defy common sense.

#PrivatisationFails #CorporateTerrorism #privatisation
Khurram Wadee
I recently got threatened with a fine for parking in a hospital car park for attending an appointment. I had to make a scan of my ticket and a statement for my credit card before they would drop it. At least they apologized.

View of the nighttime sky above us right now (Sunshine Kitty and me!)

Camera: Canon G7X pocket camera

I think this is also useful for humans 😀
Khurram Wadee
I don't get it.
“Heil Hitler” shouts at a party – police investigate

The majority celebrates peacefully, but some do not follow the rules. At a Schlager party in Bremen, the police have to intervene several times, including due to prohibited chants. The police are investigating various crimes following a rock concert in Bremen. - "Heil Hitler" shouts at a party - police investigate Police in Bremen are investigating after "Heil Hitler" shouts were heard at an open-air Schlager music…
Protestation (Deutsch)
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
Sitting in the garden with @nanoparsec, reading good books and drinking good coffee ❤️ The dog is sleeping in the shade, the weather is beautiful, it is quiet. What a beautiful day.
Michael Simons
Glad to hear. Indeed it it is. And it also makes me happy reading something positive once in a while.
Eberhard Wolff
Andrew Pam
Mint in original packaging!
Adam Hunt
That worked out well for Kodak...
Jay Bryant
"Pro-life" has always been anti-woman.
Mx. Aria Stewart
Okay so let's talk about tech company map racism.

This is a section of my town. My town has a LOT of restaurants — so many that some are left off of maps to make room.

It also has one neighborhood that's largely Dominican.

Guess whose restaurants aren't listed.

Protestation (Deutsch) - Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels: Artikel und Korrespondenzen 1849
N. E. Felibata 👽

Belgrad - Tausende demonstrieren gegen geplantes Lithium-Bergwerk in Serbien

Tausende Menschen haben in Serbien gegen den geplanten Abbau von Lithium demonstriert.
Belgrad - Tausende demonstrieren gegen geplantes Lithium-Bergwerk in Serbien

I just had to look in case there was anything I wanted.. Shame I can't flip through those records
Für dich auf dem RC getestet. E-Mail Empfang über Friendica.

Das ist ganz praktisch, wenn nicht alle Nachrichten oder Beiträge alleine über RSS oder das Fediverse in die Timeline gespült werden. Viele von uns nutzen das Medium eMail weiterhin als Informationsquelle.

Mit den Channels gibt es sogar die Möglichkeit eine eigene Sicht darauf zu legen.

Jeder nach seiner Fasson.
#Email #friendica #rss

Eingehende e-Mail in der Timeline
Ja, mache es. Denke daran.. es geht nicht nur in die eine Richtung. Du kannst genauso auch e-Mail Adressen in einen Beitrag einbinden und so Menschen außerhalb des Fediverse erreichen.
»I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.«

(Ronald Reagan heute vor 40 Jahren, am 11. August 1984)
Niemand hat vor Russland anzugreifen. Nur paranoide Psychopathen glauben sowas 🤡 Oh, Moment, in der Zeile verrutscht. Der globale Nordwesten wollte schon immer und will Russland angreifen und zur Propaganda nennen wir die paranoide Psychopathen 🤣 😂 🤣
Finnish neo-Nazi admins racist #Telegram channel, shares arson tips with UK rioters – #terror

An Yle probe has uncovered the prominent role played by a Finnish man on a Telegram channel fuelling the anti-immigrant riots in the UK. A young Finnish man with a background in neo-Nazi activities has played a prominent online role in the organisation of anti-immigrant riots in towns and cities across the UK over the past two weeks, an Yle investigation has found.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Sharepics zur Werbung und Public-Viewing-Treffs - aktualisiert am 11.8.
Clara Listensprechen
Bummer and a half!
Kenny Chaffin
Wow there's a whole raft of variations at that amazon link!
and further 19 million per year,
it's prudent to be aware of risks, to keep learning more about the risks. dont let them gaslight you out of learning more.
Adam Hunt
No kidding!
Protestation (Deutsch)
Aktiver Widerstand, Palästina-Solidarität, Wahlkampf in Thüringen - Stand: 11. August 2024
How children as young as nine are being indoctrinated by the far-right – as revealed by former neo-Nazi

Nigel Bromage warns far right is radicalising lay people as ‘pawns’ to perpetrate violence and destruction in wake of recent unrest. Children as young as nine are being radicalised by their far-right relatives, a reformed neo-Nazi has warned. Nigel Bromage, who was involved in far-right groups for two decades but now runs a deradicalisation charity, told The…
Dieses 10 Tage inhalieren von der HNO Ärztin ist bei den Temperaturen auch bisschen unangenehm.
Hoffe die Ohrenschmerzen gehen auch wirklich weg damit.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
der Trick ist, mit den Ohren zu inhalieren, dann klappt's bestimmt. *scnr*
neuer älter

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