taz (inoffiziell)

Rechtsextremisten auf freiem Fuß: 798 offene Haftbefehle gegen Nazis

Die Zahl der gesuchten Rechtsextremisten nimmt trotz Festnahmen kaum ab. Die Linke fürchtet, dass sich die Lage vor den Landtagswahlen verschärft.#DieLinke #Kriminalität #Rechtsextremismus #Neonazis #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Rechtsextremisten auf freiem Fuß: 798 offene Haftbefehle gegen Nazis
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt

Rechtsextremisten auf freiem Fuß: 798 offene Haftbefehle gegen Nazis

Die Zahl der gesuchten Rechtsextremisten nimmt trotz Festnahmen kaum ab. Die Linke fürchtet, dass sich die Lage vor den Landtagswahlen verschärft.#DieLinke #Kriminalität #Rechtsextremismus #Neonazis #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Rechtsextremisten auf freiem Fuß: 798 offene Haftbefehle gegen Nazis

Brrr😵‍💫 habe gerade Alptraum gehabt
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
nein, heute ist nicht Montag! Du hast nicht verschlafen 😉
im Traum spielen Zeit und Raum keine Rolle, der Opel Combo stand aus irgendwelchen Gründen in der Pampa.
Juhu, in diesem Jahr gibt’s wieder das #Parkfest von #radioeins in Berlin.
Schmutzkampagne gegen #Baerbock: Außenministerin wird Kontakt mit Gigolo angedichtet

Gegen Annalena Baerbock läuft seit einigen Tagen eine Desinformationskampagne. Das Auswärtige Amt vermutet pro-russische Propaganda. Ein Faktencheck zum angeblichen Gigolo. Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock wird im Internet unterstellt, sich auf ihren Afrika-Reisen mit einem Gigolo getroffen zu haben. Eine dubiose Internetseite, die erst seit Kurzem existiert, will dafür…

Skinhead group detained in Latvia over violent crime suspicions – #terror

Six members of the skinhead subculture have been detained by the State Police for assaulting food delivery couriers of a different ethnicity. Two of the detainees were remanded in custody, police said. On July 31, the State Police detained persons in cooperation with the State Security Service (VDD). Two persons were remanded in custody on the same day and a decision on the security measures for…

Mark Lansbury

At least 5 kamikaze drones entered #Belarus airspace in latest Russian attack on Ukraine

This was the largest entry of Russian drones into Belarus's airspace since the start of the full-scale invasion. Earlier, at least four Shahed drones that were launched at targets in Ukraine veered off course and entered deep into the Belarus between July 11 and July 16. 

The first drone entered #Belarusian #airspace at around 11:20 p.m. local time, shortly after which a fighter jet was scrambled from the Baranovichi airfield, the group said.

While most of the drones almost immediately exited the country into Ukrainian airspace, one of them traveled more than 260 kilometers (around 161 miles) over Belarus, reaching the town of Stolin in Brest Oblast.


#RussianAggression #DroneStrikes #drones #Ukraine
Mark Lansbury

Romania discovers more drone debris after Russia's earlier attacks on Ukraine

Bucharest said that Russian drone debris had once again been found on their territory. Following the attack, the search for wreckage continued for several days along the Danube River, according to the statement.

The ministry also condemned Russia's attacks on Ukraine, saying that they are "unjustified and seriously contradict international law."

It was not the first time that wreckage of drones, likely from Russia, has been found on Romanian territory, which is a NATO country. Russia has repeatedly targeted Ukrainian port infrastructure on the Danube River that separates Ukraine and Romania.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said in September 2023 that while Russian drones are not intentionally targeting Romania, the situation is still "unacceptable."


#RussianAggression #Romania #RussianDrones #NATO #Ukraine #drones
#Roma-Denkmal im Berliner #Tiergarten :Ein Ort der Stille wird erschüttert

Der geplante Bau einer S-Bahn-Linie unter dem Sinti- und Roma-Denkmal in Berlin sorgt weiter für Ärger. 50 Einwendungen sind bei der Bahn eingegangen. Fast könnte man den Ort übersehen. Im Schatten des Reichstagsgebäudes in Berlin steht das Mahnmal für die ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas, in einer äußeren Nische des Tiergartens. Nur eine Handvoll Touristen hat am Donnerstagmittag hier die…

Jewish groups present recommendations for schools to tackle antisemitism

The four-page set of guidelines is a joint effort from the ADL, AJC, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Hillel International and JFNA (...) The guidelines call for university leaders to “anticipate and mitigate disruptions” on the one-year anniversary of the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks in Israel. Other suggestions include: “Clearly communicate campus rules, standards,…

Mark Lansbury

Russia passes new #cryptocurrency law in effort to dodge sanctions

Russia on July 30 passed a law that will allow businesses to use cryptocurrencies in international trade, as the Kremlin seeks ways to circumvent Western sanctions

The new law will go into force in September, Reuters reports, but will not affect an existing ban on cryptocurrencies being used for transactions inside Russia.


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #sanctions #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine
Am 4. August 1914 waren die deutschen Sozialdemokraten wie besoffen von der Ehre, sich gleichberechtigt totschießen lassen zu dürfen.
Berliner Volksblatt 
Zentralorgan der sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands 
Dienstag, den 4. August 1914 

Die Sozialdemokratie und der Krieg! 

Die sozialdemokratische Reichstagsfraktion bewilligte in der heutigen Sitzung des Reichstages die von der Regierung geforderten Kriegskredite. Gleichzeitig gab sie nachfolgende Erklärung über ihre Stellung ab:
Als Folge des »Burgfriedens« und der Bewilligung der Kriegskredite vom August 1914 beklagte die SPD auf ihrer Reichskonferenz im September 1916 einen Mitgliederschwund von 64 Prozent.
Mark Lansbury

Ukraine able to produce over 3 million drones a year

Drones have been a key tool in Ukraine's defense against Russia's war. Ukraine officially presented its Unmanned Systems Forces in June, after President Volodymyr Zelensky issued a decree in February ordering the creation of a separate branch of the armed forces tasked with improving drone operations.

"We have large enough production capacity, we can produce more than 3 million drones of various types today,"


#StopRussianAggression #UkrainianDrones #Ukraine #drones
Mark Lansbury

Ukrainian paratroopers repel another massive Russian attack near #Kurahove

Russian forces reportedly used 10 tanks, 47 armored vehicles, 10 motorcycles, and one buggy during the most recent attack.

The Airborne Assault Troops Command shared a #video of the battle and reported that Ukrainian forces managed to stop the assault, dealing 68 casualties to Russian troops, including 36 killed and 32 injured soldiers.

Twelve armored vehicles, eight tanks, nine motorcycles, and one buggy were also destroyed, the unit said.


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #Ukraine
Mark Lansbury

Opinion: Russian Kh-101 missile with US components continues killing Ukrainians en masse

Kh-101 is Russia’s most modern missile , with a high-precision accuracy range of 5-6 meters and the ability to change its trajectory mid-flight. Russia’s demand for this missile is evident from the increase in its production from 56 in 2021 to 420 in 2023.

While Russian officials claim the Kh-101 is made entirely of Russian components, research by the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission (NAKO) and our partners reveals that many critical foreign components are present in this and other Russian missiles.


#sanctions #RussianAggression #missiles #Ukraine
Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf
Wie reiche Medienbesitzer leichtgläubige Menschen zu Ausländerfeindlichkeit aufhetzen. Das sind (nicht zufällig) dieselben, die Klimaleugner-Propaganda verbreiten. Hier im Cartoon Rupert Murdoch, zu dessen Imperium Newscorp gehören Fox News, Wall Street Journal u.v.a..

Ich stelle mich übrigens für fast alles zur Verfügung, was dazu beiträgt, ME/CFS ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit zu bringen. Ihr habt einen Podcast und seid bereit, mich zu interviewen? Gerne! Ihr habt einen Blog und seid bereit, darüber zu schreiben? Sofort! Ihr seid journalistisch unterwegs und könnt etwas dazu veröffentlichen? Jederzeit.

Holt uns aus der Betroffenen-Bubble in die Mitte der Gesellschaft, denn da kommen wir alleine oft nicht mehr hin.

#mecfs #longcovid #postcovid
Mark Lansbury

Russian forces attack ambulance and injure 1 child and 3 adults in Kherson Oblast

Occupation forces dropped a bomb from a drone on a 12-year-old boy who was outside on a street in #Bilozerka. The boy sustained a blast injury and a contusion, as well as wounds to his leg and abdomen.

He was hospitalised in moderate condition.


#WarCrimes #CiviliansAttacked #children #StopRussianAggression #Ukraine
Mark Lansbury

‘A polarisation engine’: how social media has created a ‘perfect storm’ for UK’s far-right riots

A breeding ground for far-right, #conspiracy and #extremist ideologies

Everything about the violence that erupted on #Southport’s streets and then in towns across the country, fuelled by wild rumours on #SocialMedia and anti-immigrant rhetoric, was deeply familiar.

“There’s always been #propaganda and there’s always been violence. What’s brought violence mainstream is social media. [The US Capitol attack on] January 6 is the perfect example: people wouldn’t have been able to find each other if social media didn’t cluster them together and isolate them to incite them further.”


#FarRight #violence #incitement #fascism #dystopia #algorithms #AI
Brian Fitzgerald
Many do not recognize the distinction between demonstrating insightfulness and inciting conflict with inflammatory statements. Therein lies the difference between acumen and agitation.
Mark Lansbury

#Russian occupiers likely cut off Ukrainian prisoner's limbs and head – Ukraine's #HumanRights Commissioner

A photo has been posted online that appears to show the body of a Ukrainian prisoner whose head and limbs have been cut off by the Russians.

This isn’t just a violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War – it’s an absolutely monstrous act. I would like to note that international humanitarian law stipulates that prisoners of war may not be tortured, abused, or killed."


#WarCrimes #POWs #StopRussianAggression
7 minutes, 48 seconds later, Trump once again picked up the water bottle – this time he broke the seal, and drank from it. He then placed the bottle back on the table, even closer to him.

Ed S
So, he reached for a distant water bottle, on his left, intended for one of his hosts, ignoring the one to his right. Possibly he saw it - and not the other one - because he was facing his hosts? Possibly he suffers hemineglect on his right? (Ironic?) Or, as some are saying, it was a form of bullying, a power play.
Mehr als 1.400 ukrainische Ärzte warten in Deutschland auf Zulassung

Sie wollen arbeiten, dürfen es aber nicht: Mehr als 1.400 aus der Ukraine geflohene Ärzte warten auf die Bearbeitung ihrer Approbationsanträge durch die deutschen Behörden. Und das, obwohl sie hier dringend gebraucht werden.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gesellschaft/gefluechtete-aerzte-zulassung-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Ärztemangel #Zulassung #Ukraine
»Sagte ich: Mord? Natürlich Mord. Soldaten sind Mörder.«

(Kurt Tucholsky am 4. August 1931 in der ‹Weltbühne›)
Macht und Geld tötet. SoldatInnen freuen sich wahrscheinlich über jeden Tag, an dem es nicht ernst wird.

Steven Vaughan-Nichols

I resemble this cartoon.
Karthikeyan A K 🐧
If ur a Hindu & purchase stuff in aadi, definitely mudhevi will reside in yout house. If you eat non veg u will face a gory death & will goto hell.

#Hinduism #religion #Karma
neuer älter

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