William Robison
Until the last few years I never paid much attention to issues around trans people. I figured they were just trying to live there lives, like the rest of us, the best they can. They aren't bothering anyone. Frankly I don't know if I have ever met anyone who is trans in real life. Which I guess is kinda the point of being trans.

Now because of these assholes. Instead of letting our friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family members just be who they are we have to go the additional steps of defending them for just being a fellow human being!

Cis, trans nonbinary gay straight bi, what every. This none acceptance of our fellow human beings is getting tiresome. We shouldn't have to protect trans kinds because they are trans. We should protect all kids.

Until we get it right, Yeah protect trans kida, because we seem to be stuck on stupid.
"Stuck on stupid" for sure.

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