Joyce Donahue

New law means children under 18 can't be in the public library without a special card.

Mom, because she is carrying her 1-year-old, is also kept out. This is nuts... and proves that Idaho is one of the shithole states.
“They said that because I had a baby there (who can’t read), I’m not allowed in the library with her unless she has a library card or I signed an affidavit. So, me and Daphne just watched from the edge while Scarlett goes in to find her book. The librarian ended up helping her.”

“My heart broke because what about these kids that aren’t coming in with their parents?”

“What about the Matildas out there that literally come to the library to just read, read, and read and then gain superpowers because they’re Matilda?”
2 Personen haben dies geteilt
Jonathan Lamothe
This is an absolute bullshit law that should be thrown out, but I'm curious, why couldn't she just sign the affidavit?
Jonathan Lamothe
@Joyce Donahue Who knows?

That said, I can't think of a single time in history where the people trying to ban books have been the "good guys".

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