All systems trend toward authoritarianism. There is no system of government so pure, so perfect, that it, itself cannot be gamified and abused by the few to enrich themselves at the cost of the many. The only difference is how we define "the few" and "the many".

- In monarchism, those lucky few born into a particular bloodline, control the many who aren't.

- In capitalism, those lucky few who inherited capital, control the many who haven't.

- In socialism, those lucky few placed in positions of bureaucratic authority, control the many who weren't.

- In anarchism, those lucky few who have access to greater physical might, control the many who don't.
Jetzt zerlegen sich die Demokraten in den USA auch noch .
die Ente a l‘orange braucht schon bald nichts mehr machen das wird ein Selbstläufer für ihn .
Wie gruselig und beängstigend 🤮
Protestation (Deutsch)
Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus!
Comic. Figur: "Heute bin ich voller Müdigkeit aufgewacht, habe mich ultramüde durch den Tag geschleppt und einen apokalyptisch durchgemüdeten Abend überstanden. Nun kann ich mich endlich mit letzter Kraft ins Bett retten!" Die Figur liegt im Bett und denkt: "OK, jetzt bin ich munter."
Conny Bäzol
Guten Morgen meine Liebe Timeline habt einen schönen Tag Kaffee Tee und Kakao hinstell
Conny Bäzol
guten Morgen mein lieber hab einen schönen Tag Kaffee hinstell
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Über den Nationalstolz der Großrussen
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Marina Weisband
Neues Kleid genäht. Es hat Taschen und 8 Meter Saum! Aus den Überresten eines Kleides für meine Freundin.
Marina vor einem Bücherregal in einem rosa Kleid mit breitem Volant und einer Rosenapplikation in Orange, lila, rosa und hellgrün.
Katharina Nocun
Vollkommen unverständlich, warum es noch kein Aluhut-Emoji gibt.
So Kinners, ihr schlaft wahrscheinlich schon. Ich schick euch trotzdem noch ein Foto von eben vom Strand . Mit Meer kann man ja nichts falsch machen - das beste Topmodel der Welt.

#meermittwoch #photography #nature #fotografie #landscapephotography #naturephotography #landscape
Sunset over a calm beach, with a pier extending into the water and colorful clouds in the sky.
Gilly 🐈
If it fits, it sits.
Kater Winnie sitzt in einem Karton
there might be owls
Sitting outside tonight in the dark and listening to the frogs singing very loudly in a pond somewhere nearby
there might be owls
If I knew how to post audio I’d post audio because damn these critters out here are loud
there might be owls
A friend followed me into the house and had to be gently returned to her own home
My hand holding the tiniest baby gecko, pink with large dark eyes and a grey/white striped tail
Der heutige Sonnenuntergang wird Ihnen präsentiert vom Wäldchen und dem Sonnenblumenfeld. Gute Nacht!

(Gehe jetzt Koffer packen - morgen geht’s ans Meer)

#photography #landscape #silentsunday #nature
Field of sunflowers at sunset with a colorful sky in the background.
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Lenin: Das revolutionäre Proletariat und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Nationen --
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International Conference of Marxist Leninist Parties and Organisations (CIPOML)

Years ago I was wondering what this init freedom thing was all about. Today in the wakes of regreSSHion and xzUtils it dawns on me.

This article has been written in 2022 but could not be more up to date today.

#gnu #linux #foss #init #freedom #devuan #debian #backdoor #systemd

The fight for Init Freedom

Distro Walk – Devuan

Devuan, with its promise of Init Freedom, provides users an alternative to systemd as an init process.

Long-time Linux users may remember a time when Debian was viewed as a collection of anarchists, with radical ideas about voting and decision-making. At times, Debian was even the lone dissenter among distributions about decisions made by the Free Software Foundation. However, over the years, Debian has developed its own hierarchy along the way to becoming the source for some two-thirds of active distributions. Today, the Debian derivative most reminiscent of early Debian is Devuan [1], which forked from Debian in 2014 over how decisions were made and the technical connotations of using systemd. Recently, two Devuan developers – fsmithred, who builds the live images and helps with support, and golinux, the community manager – took the time to recall Devuan's past and why their issues are still relevant today. Because Devuan lacks a formal hierarchy, they emphasize that their remarks are "unofficially official."

In 2014, major Linux distributions were transitioning from SysVinit to systemd as an init process – init being the first process to start on a system and the one that manages other processes. Ubuntu had started using Upstart a decade earlier with little controversy. By contrast, systemd was controversial from its earliest days. To start with, systemd is much more than an init system. Rather, as contributor dasein described on the Debian User Forums, "calling systemd an init system is like calling an automobile a cup holder" [2]. That is, while systemd includes the functions of an init system, dasein said systemd is also "an effort to recreate large portions of existing userspace (including login, job scheduling, and networking, just to name a few) inside a single process traditionally reserved for the sole purpose of starting *nix userspace. (Just in case it isn't clear, there is a huge difference between starting userspace (init) and being userspace (systemd).)"

From this perspective, not only is systemd overkill, but it is a violation of the basic tenet of Unix development that an application does only one thing and does it very well. As Christopher Barry stated in the Linux Kernel Archive, this philosophy is what makes Linux "a collection of simple modular components that could be plugged together at will to do real work" [3] – an operating system that is both flexible and accessible. Just as importantly, a modular structure allows the pieces to be assembled in different ways, so that each distribution can be unique. By contrast, systemd imposes a structure on all Linux systems that reduces variety – which is convenient in some ways, but needlessly limiting in time-honored ways.

As expected, the Debian mail forums debated these perspectives extensively. Unsurprisingly, the discussion culminated in a General Resolution among Debian users, with many Debian officials favoring systemd. The winning option was to use systemd, but at the same time, a more general resolution to favor systemd placed last – a decided ambiguity. Although rarely stated in so many words, much of the dissatisfaction implied that the decision to use systemd was imposed by the Debian hierarchy upon the general membership.

Whether this implication was valid is besides the point. Many believed it was. On November 24, 2014, the Devuan fork was announced. The intention was "to produce a reliable and minimalist base distribution that stays away from the homogenization and lock-in promoted by systemd" [4].
Introducing Init Freedom

Rather than being seen as simply an anti-systemd project, Devuan calls its position Init Freedom (Figure 1). The name invokes Richard Stallman's four essential freedoms, although the idea itself might seem less basic. Devuan's Init Freedom page [5] simply defines the idea as being "about restoring a sane approach to PID1 [init] that respects portability, diversity, and freedom of choice," assuming that the value of these goals is self-evident.
Figure 1: Devuan supports a choice of init alternatives.

In practice, Init Freedom means supporting a choice of init freedoms. Although systemd advocates often maintain that supporting multiple init systems would make packaging more difficult, from its first release, Devuan has continually added init alternatives without any apparent difficulties. Today, in addition to the default SysVinit, Devuan lists six alternatives: OpenRC, runit, sinit, s6, 66-devuan, and Shepherd, and it is open to considering others. Fsmithred suggests that most people simply use sysVinit, although OpenRC and runit, which use SysVinit scripts, are also available. Scripts are also being developed for runit and to extend usability of other shipped alternatives. For those interested in learning more, discussion can be found on the Dev1 Galaxy Forum [6] and on Devuan's IRC channel [7].

In addition, the Init Freedom page lists other Linux distributions that offer systemd-free alternatives, as well as other Unices such as the BSD Family. DistroWatch also offers a search filter for distros without systemd – currently, 97, a total far higher than many might suspect, although it includes only a handful of major distributions, such as MX Linux, Alpine Linux, and KNOPPIX [8]. Devuan keeps in close touch with these distributions, especially on the Dev1 Galaxy Forum.

Fsmithred adds that, "We rely heavily on Debian. Most of the packages in Devuan are unchanged from Debian. We only fork packages that require systemd. There is collaboration between Devuan and Debian on a few packages, and we occasionally send bug fixes or patches upstream to Debian for packages we do not fork."
Beyond Init Freedom

Devuan is usually referred to in terms of Init Freedom – often with the obviously mistaken assumption that it is a lost cause. However, Devuan also features Docker images and community-developed ARM packages. Chimaera, the latest Devuan release, also includes an option to not install PulseAudio to enable simultaneous speech synthesis in both a graphical and console session. In addition, at least one Devuan-derivative exists, Maemo Leste, whose goal is "to provide a free and open source Maemo experience on mobile phones and tablets like the Nokia N900, Motorola Droid 4, Motorola Bionic, PinePhone, PineTab, Allwinner tablets, and more" [9]. Although Devuan might be a niche distribution, clearly it is a thriving one.

But can Devuan's cause become mainstream? It's not impossible. Linux is in an era in which large parts of it are being written. If PulseAudio can be replaced with PipeWire – which is currently happening – then systemd's obsolescence is not impossible, either. Meanwhile, for those who disagree with the majority, Devuan provides a workable alternative, while keeping the early spirit of Debian alive.


next up: boot block freedom.
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N. E. Felibata 👽

Every accusation is a confession

Andreas Geisler
Thief thinks every man steals, as the Danish saying goes.
Bryan Meloy
Same meaning but not using religious terminology. I like it:)
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clarice overhere
serious. well at least it wasnt a silly one.
clarice overhere
and panache!
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Individuelle Globuli aus der Plazenta niedergekommener Frauen sollen gegen allerlei Beschwerden helfen. Auch wenn sie aus Schweinsbeuschel hergestellt wurden
Kann man sich echt nicht ausdenken
#esoterik #schwurbel

Vom Staat geschützt. Nur mal so nebenbei...
Die wurden ja auch so böse von den Nazis verfolgt, deshalb sind sie eine eigene Art von Medizin mit anderen physikalischen Gesetzen.
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frater chaos

"Our culture made a virtue of living only as extroverts. We discouraged the inner journey, the quest for a center. So we lost our center and have to find it again.”

—Anaïs Nin
Hey, but it's not so nice in here...
Aurin Azadî
So, wenn heute die Wetterberichte nicht was von Regen erzählt hätten, der dann doch nicht kam, wär ich gern ein wenig in dieses Draußen gegangen. Stattdessen blieb ich zu Hause und versuchte mich nochmal an einem Python-Script, mußte aber nach zwei Stunden aufgeben, weil der Kopf nicht mehr mitmachen wollte. Derweil kontaktierte mich ein Mensch, von dem ich seit 15 Jahren nichts mehr gehört hatte, und fragte, ob ich ihm gegen Geld eine Website bauen könnte. Ich hoffe sehr, der Auftrag wird was, gebrauchen kann ich es auf jeden Fall. Dann hab ich noch eine Anfrage an die Mannheimer Bürgerdienste geschickt wegen Änderung von Vorname und Geschlechtseintrag. Das Abendessen war ein Salat teils aus der Konserve und teils frisch. Jetzt geh ich wieder nach Stargate Atlantis, und dann bekommt der PC die nächsten drei DVDs zum Rippen.
Habt Ihr noch einen erfrischten Mittwoch Abend 🙂
n8-quak! 🐸​
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Die KO ist Geschichte, es lebe die Kommunistische Partei!

#antifa #solidarität #feierei in ach so grauenhaften zeiten
Am 20.07.2024 veranstalten wir die erste #Soliparty für das Bündnis gegen die autoritäre Formierung. Das Bündnis geht hervor aus den antifaschistischen Protesten gegen den Al-Quds-Marsch in Berlin, die wir als anlassbezogener Zusammenhang über viele Jahre organisiert haben. Der Abend beginnt mit einem Vortrag zu #Antisemitismus im Gaming von Constantin Winkler. Anschließend gibt es ein Konzert der Infant Sanchos. Danach darf bei den DJs [music intensifies] (Post-Punk / B-Seiten), 30TabsOffen (Millennial Nostalgia) und Iggy Schrott (Post-Punk-Wave) getanzt werden. Außerdem wird es Cocktails und Karaoke geben.

Einlass 19:30. Beginn 20 Uhr.

ZGK, Scharnweberstr. 38, Berlin-Friedrichshain «
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via LTO Karriere
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
neuer älter

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