Aladár Mézga
Bad neighbourhood, people already took off the wheels...
Protestation (Deutsch)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Interview mit Marija Sacharowa - Sprecherin des russischen Außenministeriums
Dashboard Sithlord
*Applause from the cheap seats.
Khurram Wadee

Ein #Halsbock 🐏🪲 (vmtl. Rothalsbock) auf einer Blüte des #Jakobskraut in unserem #Garten. Die Weibchen legen ihre Eier gerne in morsche Baumstümpfe ab und auch die Larven leben im #Totholz. Also bitte 🙏 keine alten Baumstümpfe ausgraben und Totholz liegen lassen.
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
Protestation (Deutsch)
Grenztruppen der DDR - Dies ist unser Land

Nein, der #Rechtschreibrat hat kein Aus für den #Genderstern beschlossen

[...]Der Rechtschreibrat hat prinzipielle #Einwände gegen diese Formen und sorgt sich auch um die #Verständlichkeit und #Erlernbarkeit der #Sprache. Es gibt dazu aktuell #keine neue #Entscheidung. Seine Beschlüsse hat der Rechtschreibrat ausdrücklich als #vorläufig gekennzeichnet und sich in der Frage, ob Schulen solche Formen tolerieren dürfen, für #nicht #zuständig erklärt.[...]

Da können wa gegenhalten! 🤓 ✊
Mark Lansbury

Russia's statistics service excludes data from annual report to conceal war deaths

Russia’s State Statistics Service has excluded the total number of #deaths from external causes in its annual report, independent Russian media outlet Meduza reported on July 16, citing demographic expert Aleksei Raksha.

Statistics service includes deaths caused by external factors such as road accidents, homicides, and suicides, rather than diseases. Analytics and journalists have been using that data to extrapolate the number of Russian soldiers killed in the invasion of Ukraine, something the Kremlin has refused to disclose.

#Russian #WarDeaths #StopRussianAggression #StandWithUkraine
Mark Lansbury

EU's Chat Control 2.0: Is It a Threat to Privacy and Democracy?

The #EuropeanUnion (EU) is renowned for its commitment to human dignity, freedom, #democracy, equality, the rule of law, and #HumanRights. These values are not only the foundation of the EU but also essential criteria for any country seeking accession.

However, recent developments suggest that the EU might be deviating from these principles. The proposed Chat Control 2.0 legislation, which aims to monitor private communications across all chat platforms, has sparked significant controversy and raised concerns about the future of privacy and democracy within the Union

#EU #ChatControl #privacy #security #chat #IM
Mark Lansbury

Russia's ever-escalating hybrid war has the EU in its crosshairs

When looking at these hostile actions individually, they might not constitute more than a nuisance on their own. Yet, collectively, these actions form a comprehensive #hybrid #warfare package where the boundaries are repeatedly pushed, Alexander Borum writes.

Despite an unfolding war and a continued cost-of-living crisis, life for the average #European citizen is both peaceful and comfortable.

But scratch beneath the surface and a more sinister reality appears: a Europe engaged in a protracted and fierce hybrid #war that demands our attention.

#RussianAggression #Europe #StopRussianAggression #Russian #Imperialism
Mark Lansbury

Trump Allies Bully Dems, Media to Shut Up About His Fascist Plans

The #GOP elite has rallied around a new messaging strategy: emotionally #blackmailing Democratic politicians, journalists, Hollywood celebs, and numerous other Trump critics into shutting up about the former president’s openly authoritarian vows and his extreme policy agenda.

#Trump #fascism #fascist #misinformation #propaganda #Election2024 #lies
Mark Lansbury

Citizens’ assemblies could work wonders for Labour and Britain – but only if they’re more than a talking shop

We also know citizens’ assemblies almost always make better decisions than politicians, partly because they are not seeking reelection, aren’t victims of lobbying, and have a formal process to make sure participants understand the issue.

Citizens’ assemblies are groups of people selected by lottery, much like jury service. They are demographically representative of the place in question, and they can help build consensus around divisive issues, and inform the public of policy nuances in areas where there is likely to be resistance and misinformation. They can also build solidarity between people, and give citizens a stake in political change

#democracy #CitizenAssemblies #Labour #citizens
Mark Lansbury

Big Pharma: Confidentiality agreements spark secretive deals on life-saving medicines


Confidentiality agreements are allowing pharmaceutical companies to make billions from secretive deals on life-saving medicines, an investigation by Investigate Europe and its partners has found.

Governments across Europe are unaware of what their counterparts in other countries have paid for a drug – meaning they might pay way over the odds for it or, in many cases, decide they can’t afford it at all.

#NDA #Healthcare #BigPharma #medication #PeopleNotProfits #PrivatisationFails #shareholders #greed
Mark Lansbury

Ukraine is expecting to sign security agreements with 9 more countries

The Ukrainian government is seeking to sign security agreements with 32 countries in total. Ukraine has already signed security agreements with 23 countries, Zelensky said.

The security agreements cover humanitarian, military, reconstruction, and financial assistance for Ukraine.

#StopRussianAggression #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine
Mark Lansbury

Climate crisis is making days longer, study finds

Melting of ice is slowing planet’s rotation and could disrupt internet traffic, financial transactions and GPS

“We can see our impact as humans on the whole Earth system, not just locally, like the rise in temperature, but really fundamentally, altering how it moves in space and rotates,” said Prof Benedikt Soja of ETH Zurich in Switzerland. “Due to our carbon emissions, we have done this in just 100 or 200 years. Whereas the governing processes previously had been going on for billions of years, and that is striking.”

#ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #CO2 #Earth
Mark Lansbury

This is how Ukraine can, and can’t use its F-16s

Experts who spoke to the Kyiv Independent said F-16s will be a boost to Ukraine but said it was correct not to view them as any sort of game-changer.

"First, they won't be the latest and most modern variants, and they are going into a high-threat environment, both from Russia's own aircraft and from longer-range ground-based air defenses," Matthew Savill, director of military sciences at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) said.

"They are useful and give the Ukrainians some more options, but we should be cautious about them 'turning the tide' and how soon they will be operationally effective."

#StopRussianAggression #WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Ukraine #F16s
Mark Lansbury

Russian losses in Ukraine reached 'conflict highs' in past 2 months, UK Defense Ministry says

An intelligence report said average daily Russian #casualties – both killed and wounded – reached 1,262 and 1,163 in the two months, respectively.

"In total, Russia likely lost in excess of 70,000 personnel over the past two months," the statement read.

"Russia's casualty rate will likely continue to average above 1,000 a day over the next two months as Russia continues to try to overmatch Ukrainian positions with mass."

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianLosses #RussianAggression #Ukraine
Mark Lansbury

France to Require Warnings on Downsized Products – Shrinkflation

France is requiring stores to flag products on store shelves that have been subject to #shrinkflation where the quantity decreases without a commensurate price drop.

In other words, shoppers can expect to see signs on product displays whenever a product has been downsized but the price has stayed the same unit price or has been increased. The signs will have to be posted for two months

What a great step forward for shoppers in France!

#Inflation #shopping #ConsumerRights #CorporateGreed #France #consumers
AfD ehrt deutschen Offizier in Namibia : Verhöhnung statt Versöhnung

Der Vizefraktionschef der NRW-AfD posiert vor einem Soldatengrab in Namibia. Die Landtagsreise sollte der Aufarbeitung der Kolonialzeit dienen. Es ist eine gezielte Provokation. Sven Tritschler, stellvertretender Fraktionsvorsitzender der AfD im nordrhein-westfälischen Landtag, veröffentlichte vergangenen Sonntag ein Foto in seiner Instagram-Story. Es zeigt den ehemaligen Bundeswehrsoldaten bei einer…
HU Art Sound (2)
... make me do this <- would fit even better
Neun Verdächtige nach Razzia gegen Neonazi-Partei festgenommen

Die "Nationalrevolutionäre Jugendrevolutionäre" sollen Angriffe auf politische Gegner und Raubüberfälle begangen haben. Bei Razzien gegen die rechtsextreme Partei Dritter Weg sind in Berlin, Brandenburg und Sachsen neun mutmaßliche Gewalttäter festgenommen worden. Die Verdächtigen im Alter von 17 bis 21 Jahren sollen den "Nationalrevolutionären Jugendrevolutionären" (NRJ) angehören, der Jugendorganisation…
„Orbán hat eine große Klappe, aber geringes Potenzial“: EU-Brandmauer steht vorerst – Fidesz wütet

Eine Hauptfrage im neuen EU-Parlament: Hält die Brandmauer gen Rechts? Es scheint so. Viktor Orbán könnte machtlos bleiben – aber doch eine neue Rolle gewinnen. Es war eine der großen Fragen vor dem Start des neuen EU-Parlaments: Hält die „Brandmauer“ gegen die neuen Rechtsaußenfraktionen? Die erste Nagelprobe gab es noch am späteren Dienstagabend (16. Juli) – und sie ist…
Marga Xeyat Ⓐ
Wieso? Ist die Faschistin Meloni nicht mehr vdLeyens Freundin?
Protestation (Deutsch) - Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels: Artikel und Korrespondenzen 1860
#Bayerns #Polizei darf ab August umstrittene #Software einsetzen

Wichtiges digitales Werkzeug für Ermittler oder tiefer Eingriff in Grundrechte? Bayerns Polizei darf ab August die umstrittene Palantir-Software VeRA einsetzen. Das beschloss der Landtag mit den Stimmen von CSU, FW und AfD. Die SPD erwägt eine Klage. Es ist ein riesiger Datenberg: Informationen zu mehr als 30 Millionen Menschen hat die bayerische Polizei in unterschiedlichen Systemen gespeichert, wie der…
Protestation (Deutsch)
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N. E. Felibata 👽

Why our food quality is approaching the quality of television

The global food system is owned by an ever smaller number of companies – it’s damaging our health, our communities and the planet

neuer älter

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