A1FX ⚡ Entertainment News

Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger (Official HD Video)

Corey Hart - Sunglasses At Night (Official Music Video)

3 Doors Down - Kryptonite (Official Video)

Foo Fighters - My Hero (Official HD Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqWRaAF6_WY

Coldplay - Yellow (Official Video)

Alannah Myles - Black Velvet

Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You (Official 4K Video)

Big Wreck - That Song - official music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-AKI951poE

Hinder - Lips Of An Angel (Official Music Video)

Sinead O'Connor - Skibbereen

VINNIUM /|\ The Druid Chief ☀️ https://Minds.Com/X999https://DiasporaSocial.Net/u/77 ✔️
Protestation (Deutsch)

Billionaire owned media is the cancer that is fascism itself
Corporations do fine under fascism; them and the "church"

shit we are now officially fucked.

the GOP will start court proceedings to sue the DNC for trying to change candidates.

That will delay the selection and red states will have Trump running unopposed.

Oh well, at least I'm a white guy, guess I'll buy a MAGA hat and pretend to be one of them...

so sorry to all my black, brown, woman and gay friends out there.

Anyone who gets as far as Harris is used to dealing in back rooms & quid pro quo. Here record as a prosecutor in California tells you all about her pragmatism.
Adam Hunt
Should be much more fun to watch from now on.

Das Festival Panafricain im Juli 1969: Frei in Algerien

Es sollte zum Mekka von Revolution und Panafrikanismus werden. Miriam Makeba und Nina Simone traten auf. Doch die Hoffnungen zerschellten.#Musikfestival #Revolution #Kolonialismus #Befreiung #BlackPanther #NelsonMandela #Postkolonialismus #Musik #Kultur
Das Festival Panafricain im Juli 1969: Frei in Algerien

Kein Wunder, dass ich Postkolonialismus mit so viel Unbehagen entgegentrete, wenn doch ständig so viel Tribalismus, Fanatismus und Patriarchat repliziert wird:
meinem Heimatland, der Mutter der Märtyrer

der 1990 gerade aus dem Gefängnis entlassene Nelson Mandela als Erstes nach Algerien, wo er 1962 Trainingscamps der algerischen Armee besucht hatte, die ihn, wie er bekannte, zum Mann und Befreiungskämpfer gemacht hätten

„Christen pilgern zum Vatikan, Muslime nach Mekka, die nationalen Befreiungsbewegungen nach Algerien.“

Algerien hatte erfolgreich eine Kolonie weißer Siedler bekämpft, gegen die in Mandelas Augen nur der gewaltsame Aufstand etwas ausrichten konnte.
Taschenlampe Müller
This cartoon nails it: both parties, with their “democracy” torches and chaotic brooms, seem pretty good at setting the world on fire. Promoting freedom and democracy , right? :-)
Aladár Mézga
The best democracy money can buy...
Protestation (Deutsch)
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Das Fediverse wie ich es von meiner Warte (Einsiedlerinstanz) warnehme ist naturgemäß sehr deutssprachig geprägt.

Gibt es eigentlich im Fediverse auch eine relevante internationale Community z.B. aus den USA? Größere Instanzen? Einflussreiche Nutzer:innen?

Könnte ja auch sein, dass der nicht von der Hand zu weisende automatische Bublebildungsefekt mir das bisher verborgen hat.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Faeser und das Compact-Verbot: Von der Enteignung bis zur Reichsschrifttumskammer https://magma-magazin.su/2024/07/dagmar-henn/faeser-und-das-compact-verbot-von-der-enteignung-bis-zur-reichsschrifttumskammer/
Hallo ich suche den trööt von letze Tage da wurde eine Java Motorrad angeboten. Jemand eine Idee von wem der war? Er wurde Gefunden..
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Der Akkumulationsprozeß des Kapitals - 22. Verwandlung von Mehrwert in Kapital http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me23/me23_605.htm
by Molly Porter

mrrrgnnn tootles 🖖 fedizens
Moin ​:meowcoffee:
Protestation (Deutsch)
Günther Hopfgartner: »KPÖ hat ihre Batterien aufgeladen« https://www.kpoe.at/guenther-hopfgartner-kpoe-hat-ihre-batterien-aufgeladen/
Protestation (Deutsch)
KPÖ: EU auch nach der Wahl weiter auf Kriegskurs https://www.kpoe.at/kpoe-eu-auch-nach-der-wahl-weiter-auf-kriegskurs/
Offene Fenster, viele Stunden später. Resthitze, Nachtkühle, Fledermäuse und ein montagsleises Viertel. Etagen weiter unten, fast verborgen vom Grün der Hofbüsche, liegen Nachbarn in den Hängematten des Balkons, umgeben von Windlichtern. Weingläser tönen dort, wo Gespräche und Musik fehlen und das Milde des Sommerabends mehr als genug ist. Vorn sitzt der Kneipenwirt im Plastikstuhl vor seinem Schaufenster, wie fast jeden Abend, trinkt Bier aus der Flasche, wischt über sein Smartphone und tauscht dann und wann Freundlichkeiten mit Passanten aus, deren Weg aus dem Tag noch nicht abgeschlossen ist. Man kennt sich eben, und sei es Stimme und Gesicht. Die Annahme, dass nun, heute, nichts mehr muss, rennt in den Stapel von akut Liegengebliebenem, und so erleuchtet der Bildschirm noch einmal das Heimbüro. Gewohnte Rituale, irgendwie.

Karthikeyan A K 🐧
Released Injee 0.2.0 – The no configuration instant database for frontend developers.


#Programming #FrontEnd #WebDev #WebDevelopment #React #ReactJS #Vue #VueJS #Flutter
Protestation (Deutsch)
Die Produktion des relativen Mehrwerts - 13. Maschinerie und große Industrie http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me23/me23_391.htm
A1FX ⚡ Entertainment News

The Tea Party - Heaven Coming Down

Big Wreck - Blown Wide Open - official music video

Audioslave - Like a Stone (Official Video)

Audioslave - Bring Em Back Alive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECGBhkOFnm4

Switchfoot - Dare You To Move (Alt. Version)

Goo Goo Dolls - Name [Official Music Video]

I Mother Earth - Used to be Alright

Our Lady Peace - Naveed (VIDEO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG4KnYSaLZw

Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer

Black Label Society - End Of Days

VINNIUM /|\ The Druid Chief ☀️ https://Minds.Com/X999https://DiasporaSocial.Net/u/77 ✔️
It Was Never About the Debate
Yesterday, I noted that The Wealthy Are Not Your Friends. It was a pretty good diary according to most of the comments; maybe go read it to fully understand the context for this one, although it isn’t necessary.
Also among the comments was an argument that I have seen repeated many times here on Daily Kos, which boils down to an extension of good faith to the billionaire donor class: the presumption that they are doing what they are doing because they share a similar sense of morality to you and I, and are concerned about the same things that we are.
I don’t feel like quoting the last example of this I saw and putting its author on the spot, so I will instead paraphrase the argument: “The billionaires were so concerned by Joe Biden’s debate performance that they became convinced he would lose to Trump, and that democracy would go with him! That’s why they support replacing him!”
That argument has always transparently been bullshit.
You don’t need to take the word of people like me to see that for yourself. I mean, AOC is out there saying as much too, as two diaries have already covered. Hakeem Jeffries came out to endorse Biden, in opposition to all the made-up media scuttlebutt. Here’s a primer on how J. D. Vance was put together as a political weapon by billionaire Peter Thiel. Bernie Sanders went on Colbert and said the same kind of thing I’ve said:
In a sense, we should thank Musk for making this issue so obvious. What we have in America now is a corrupt political system. That's all. We do not really live in a democracy. You live in a semi-democracy. You have the right to vote. But a billionaire out there has the right to contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to further his or her aims. And what Musk has done, and other billionaires are doing, is falling into line behind Trump because they know they're going to get massive tax breaks.
But let’s actually hear the reasons from the billionaire donor class themselves, shall we? Steven Levy at WIRED’s Plaintext sent out an e-mail which included the following:
But if you are billionaire venture capitalists Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, apocalypse looms in another form: a proposed tax on unrealized capital gains that affects households worth more than $100 million.
I’ll explain in a second why the cofounders of Silicon Valley’s preeminent VC firm insist that their opposition to this idea isn't totally self-interested, and why their analysis on how it would destroy the country is alarmist twaddle. But it’s significant that in the tone-deaf 90-minute podcast they released this week, they cite this part of Joe Biden’s budget proposal as the “final straw” that led them to support Donald Trump for president. Far from a clinical analysis of the issues that separate the two leading candidates for America’s top job, their take on Biden’s policies actually provides a useful window to explain why certain wealthy Silicon Valley luminaries previously known as Democrats are suddenly leaning Trump. (That list also includes Chamath Palihapitiya, a 2020 Biden donor who recently cohosted a huge fundraiser for the former president.)
Andreessen and Horowitz do enumerate several points of disagreement with Biden that affected their decision to go Trump. First, they are outraged that the administration is actively policing cryptocurrency and the blockchain, an area where Andreessen-Horowitz has huge investments. Horowitz, with typical hyperbole, calls the regulation lawless and nefarious. Strike two against Biden is the provisions in his executive order that attempt to rein in negative effects of huge artificial intelligence foundation models. But the “final straw,” they say, is a budget proposal that would tax unrealized capital gains at 25 percent, affecting only citizens worth over $100 million. Biden's goal is to prevent some (non)-taxpayers from working it so their investments are never realized, allowing them to endlessly monetize their earnings by borrowing against them.
Well, that all sounds very public-minded and not at all self-interested.
Here’s the Financial Times, no friend of labor or the working class, on how weird tech bro billionaires are about J. D. Vance. But there’s an interesting tidbit near the end that confirms the WIRED article and adds a twist:
As for buying access to the White House: It’s pretty revealing that investor Marc Andreessen and his business partner Ben Horowitz, who just came out for Trump in this podcast, spend a lot of time whingeing about being refused an audience with Biden, whereas they recently had a chance to push their tech policy ideas over dinner with Trump. Andreessen, who historically backed Democrats, says it was a Biden plan to tax billionaires that finally made him defect.
(Say, do you remember how A. G. Sulzberger lost his mind and dedicated the New York Times to destroying Biden all because Biden refused to do an interview with them? Are you sensing a pattern in these personal grievances?) Here’s an Axios article with more on billionaire Andreessen and his grudges.
Here’s The Hill reporting on billionaire Mark Cuban complaining about Biden’s restrictions on cryptocurrency, among other things.
Here’s Fox Business with billionaire Jeff Greene complaining about Biden’s plan for national rent control, among other things.
Here’s The Hollywood Reporter on multimillionaire Ari Emanuel (yes, Rahm’s brother) complaining about Biden, and here’s multimillionaire Ari Emanuel’s own hit piece in The Economist.
Here’s Joe Biden himself saying, “I don’t care what the billionaires think.”
This morning, the Biden/Harris campaign sent out a campaign e-mail entitled, “I am trying to buy your vote” which begins:
Woah, [name]: last night at the Republican convention, Trump literally said, "I am trying to buy your vote."
For once he wasn't lying: Trump's campaign is raking in enormous checks from crypto billionaires, Big Oil executives, and now even Elon Musk himself -- the richest person in the world.
we have money in politics, yes because monied interests want to rule -- but that wouldn't matter if citizens did our jobs of being informed so we would have no use for or interest in their advertising and campaign tricks
What has taken our freedoms, allowed the wealthy to make the rules, is their clever trick of getting most of us so caught up in this and that, so poorly educated, so anti-intellectual, that we don't even realize we have a job we're not doing to self rule
frater chaos
why does any of this even matter now?

Biden has stepped down from running, Harris is probably going to be the nominee (since she has the support of nearly everyone in the party and has raised over 100 million dollars in 24 hours)

All this hoo hah about Joe and the rest of it is fucking moot.

Kamala is going to kick rumps fat ass.
Isaac Kuo

Windows 3.1

2 Personen haben dies geteilt
Denis Salem
legendary OS
Here is the software win32 or windows 3,1 and still available on http://www.gaby.de/win3x/esoft.htm
I think this is a good change. Trump must not become president again. But I am still reminded of the Iron Sky President. ;)
Protestation (Deutsch)
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Protestation (Deutsch)
mlwerke.de - Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels: Artikel und Korrespondenzen 1851 http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me_ak51.htm
N. E. Felibata 👽

From 2019
I prosecuted sex predators. Trump is one.
I shut down for-profit scam colleges. He ran one.
I held big banks accountable. He's owned by them.
I'm not just prepared to take on Trump, I'm prepared to beat him.

Bella has had enough of today. Me too Bella, me too. #CatsOfMastodon
A tabby cat is curled up asleep; she’s covered her nose with one of her paws
Thumb on the scale much, Elmo?
X Users Blocked from Following Kamala Harris Multiple users on X reported encountering an error message when attempting to follow the official account of Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign, @KamalaHQ. Users noted that they were able to follow other accounts without issue, suggesting a specific restriction on following @KamalaHQ. Some users speculated that this limitation might be intentionally imposed by Elon Musk, the owner of X, possibly due to the rapid influx of new followers to the account.
mori_au 🇦🇺
Of course #Musk is intentionally blocking uses from following #KamalaHarris- that’s exactly how his little #ReptileBrain works.

Now if only she’d have someone set up a little #Mastoson server for her and use that for official short form comms. 🤔

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
@Kamala_Harris have an account here, but only one post visible, 4 on the counter
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Wie die Ideologie des Privateigentums uns un|frei + un|gleich macht: https://dietzberlin.de/wessen-freiheit-welche-gleichheit von @sabinenuss

#buchtipp #lesen #Kapitalismus #Freiheit #Gleichheit #Eigentum #Vergesellschaftung #Gesellschaft
»Da Kapital kein Maß kennt und durch die Konkurrenz angetrieben wird, Mensch und Natur ständig in Produktion zu halten, stößt die Ausbeutung der Natur an immer wieder neue Grenzen.« Zitat aus dem Buch »Wessen Freiheit, welche Gleichheit?« neben einem Porträt der Autorin Sabine Nuss. Foto: Kirsten Breustedt
Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin hat dies geteilt
LabourNet Germany
Ihr beiden Lieben: Wie wäre es mit einer Bewerbung im LabourNet?
William Lindsey :toad:
"A long-time national champion of abortion rights is on her way to the top of the Democratic ticket. And Vice President Kamala Harris will kick Donald Trump’s ass on the issue."

~ Joan McCarter

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #abortion

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
William Lindsey :toad:
"Harris’s own qualifications pale in comparison to the case against Trump. That case is simple and easy to make. Donald Trump is a fascist. He is a felon. He will be the oldest president in American history. All the Democrats need is someone who can repeat these facts again and again. Joe Biden sadly wasn’t that person. Kamala Harris is."

~ Alex Shephard

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #age #fascism #ConvictedFelon

William Lindsey :toad:
"A lot of us aren’t happy with the way things played out for Joe Biden. But MAGA and the media have wasted no time. They’re already coming after Kamala with racist and sexist attacks. That's why, in this very difficult moment, we must unite.

We have to be ready to push back harder, stronger, and faster than ever. We must intensely pressure the media into covering Trump’s lunacy and lies at a constant.

If we unite, we win."

~ Scott Dworkin

#KamalaHarris #Trump

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