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»Ein Kitsch zu sein, tragt es nicht länger!«
Hanno Cloudwatcher
(Post-)Punk/Hardcore/Rock/Metal and associates

Featuring new (sometimes also live and re-released/remastered) songs/videos by:
Scrunchies, Oak & Ivy, Manu Chao, Suspectre, Sarah Lesch, Knorkator, Brathering, The Margaret Hooligans, BIRD'S VIEW, Daffodildos, Envy, Latter, Lone Creep, Hinds, the garbo network, Holly Would Surrender, Can't Swim, Green Day, Mantarochen, SNAKES IN THE PIT, Touché Amoré, Krav Boca, Abermals, Bankrupt, Heiter bis Wolkig, Antilopen Gang, Madsen, Kaonashi, Meat For Dogs, Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen, Wick Bambix, EARTH SHIP - and some more... 😉

New concerts/sessions by:
BERZERK, Wine Lips...

#Punk #Hardcore #HardcorePunk #AnarchoPunk #DeutschPunk #SkaPunk #SkaCore #Screamo #PowerViolence #GrindCore #77Punk #GaragePunk #PunkRock #PostPunk #SynthPunk #PostHardcore #RABM #HipHop #ZeckenRap #PunkRap #Rock #Metal #Postrock #Postmetal #Doom #Sludge #StonerRock #MathRock #StimPunks #JukeboxFridayNight
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
Mark Lansbury

Polish Foreign Ministry suggests Hungary leave EU, NATO after Orban's controversial statements

"I do not understand why Hungary wants to remain a member of organizations that they dislike so much and that supposedly mistreat them. Why does he (Orban) not form a union with Putin and with some authoritarian states of this type?" Bartoszewski said.

"It is the principle that if you do not want to be a member of some club, you can always withdraw. Certainly, this is an anti-EU, anti-Ukrainian, anti-Polish policy at the moment."

#Hungary #Orbin #EU #NATO #democracy #Ukraine #fascism
Deutsche Welle (inoffiziell)

Nicht nur Bienen: Was Mücken, Fliegen und Wespen für uns tun

Ohne Insekten wären die Regale in unseren Supermärkten ziemlich leer. Denn mehr als 80 Prozent aller Pflanzen werden durch sie bestäubt. Ohne Mücken würde uns etwas ziemlich Leckeres fehlen. Und Wespen haben Superkräfte.
Nicht nur Bienen: Was Mücken, Fliegen und Wespen für uns tun
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
Protestation (Deutsch)
Reverend Elvis
Allen Wrench not only killed Kurt Cobain and won all the ultimate cage fights he fought in. No, he also brought evil to the world. #weneedheros #satan
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
Christian Bredlow 🌿
No, that's wrong. Better: Don't you ever expect to know it all. History of science is full of nonsense being taught because no one knew better at the time. Every second you might get an information that proves wrong everything you believed about something. You will never know. Have your opinions with some modesty and humility. But have opinions. Because that's human reality: We've been walking around since tenthousands of years and we never knew a shit -- but still we have to decide. As good as possible. This is normal.

Don't just obey what a majority tells you or people who claim to know something. Because what you decide, whether to follow or not, will be your responsibility. If the advice is good and the people are good, they will give you the information necessary to make you more sure about your decision. If they just want you to follow and disallow you to think yourself, these people are bad. And, by the way, opinion of the majority is usually bullshit, according to experience. Don't follow.
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
Protestation (Deutsch)
Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels - An das Meeting in Genf, einberufen zur Erinnerung an den 50. Jahrestag der polnischen Revolution von 1830
taz (inoffiziell)

Queere Palästinafreunde: Demut vor den Peinigern

Wo Netanjahu recht hat, hat er recht: Queers for Palestine – das ist wie Chicken for KFC – eine Anbiderung. Auch beim CSD.#Queer #Gaza-Krieg #Anti-Israel #Gaza #Westjordanland #Palästina #BenjaminNetanjahu #LGBTQIA-Community #Alltag #Gesellschaft #Schwerpunkt
Queere Palästinafreunde: Demut vor den Peinigern
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
more extremism please ;-)
Aladár Mézga
And even worse: She wants to expand voting! Didn't someone just say voting won't be necessary anymore in the future?🤔
Aurin Azadî


Heute ist Montag, der 29. Juli 2024. KW 31.
Today is Setting Orange, the 64th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3190.

Am 29. Juli 2000 gestorben: Wau Holland, deutscher Journalist, Mitgründer des Chaos Computer Clubs
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt


Heute ist Montag, der 29. Juli 2024. KW 31.
Today is Setting Orange, the 64th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3190.

Am 29. Juli 2000 gestorben: Wau Holland, deutscher Journalist, Mitgründer des Chaos Computer Clubs


Nicht nur Bienen: Was Mücken, Fliegen und Wespen für uns tun

Ohne Insekten wären die Regale in unseren Supermärkten ziemlich leer. Denn mehr als 80 Prozent aller Pflanzen werden durch sie bestäubt. Ohne Mücken würde uns etwas ziemlich Leckeres fehlen. Und Wespen haben Superkräfte.
Nicht nur Bienen: Was Mücken, Fliegen und Wespen für uns tun

Reverend Elvis

We are very proud that this Suzy Q Records release is very international again. Today we sent the first copies to Aybike Celik in Istanbul and Reverend Onan Canobite in Knoxville TN who have contributed two iconic lyrics to the album with ‘Lonesome Nights’ and ‘Moral Panic’. Thank you!
Joyce Donahue
Flat cat!
Vex for Harris & Wallz
The bed is absorbing the void!
Protestation (Deutsch)
Clara Zetkin: Kunst und Proletariat (Januar 1911)
📢 Out now: Michail Vološinov: #Marxismus und #Sprachphilosophie
#tldrPodcast #40

Wir sprechen. Aber was tun wir, wenn wir sprechen? Drücken wir unser Inneres aus? Wenden wir ein äußeres Sprachsystem an? 👇🧵
Vološinovs Buch «Marxismus und Sprachphilosophie», um welches es im neuen #tldrPodcast geht, ist ein wichtiger Beitrag, der im Zusammenhang des legendären Bachtin-Kreises in den 1920er Jahren in Leningrad entstanden ist.
Zu Gast bei Alex Demirović ist in dieser Folge Sylvia Sasse, Slawistin und Literaturwissenschaftlerin, die das Buch «Michail Bachtin zur Einführung» geschrieben hat.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Aktiver Widerstand, Palästina-Solidarität, Wahlkampf in Thüringen - Stand: 29. Juli 2024
Protestation (Deutsch)
Weiterer Streik in Hollywood: Videospieldarsteller fordern KI-Schutz und höhere Gehälter
Protestation (Deutsch)
Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus!
Protestation (Deutsch)

[strong]ÖPNV | Der Bus kommt nicht![/strong]

Ich steh Sonntags um 8:38 Uhr auf dem Bismarckplatz am Steig E, um um 8:46 Uhr mit dem Bus 34 zur Station Altstadt zu fahren und dort auf den Zug umzusteigen. Was nicht kommt ist der Bus. Und auf der Anzeige steht nur das man auf den Fahrplan schauen soll. Doch da steht nur das, was ich von der VRN App schon weiß. Danke für Nichts!

#ÖPNV #Heidelberg #Bus #Ausfall #Anschluss #Verkehrswende #2024-07-28 @Heidelberg @Stadt Heidelberg @ÖPNV
3 Personen haben dies geteilt
Deutsche Realität.
2 Personen haben dies geteilt
Protestation (Deutsch)
Infinity Times ⭐ Global News

Venezuela election live updates: Opposition claims victory after Maduro was declared the winner

Blinken says US has ‘serious concerns’ about announced result of Venezuelan election

It’s time to ditch the lawn and go natural!

‘Mystery’ In A More Than Human World

Kamala Harris has America focused on multiracial identity

Biden-Harris administration announces commitments to phase out single-use plastic across the federal government

Biden is pivoting to his legacy. He speaks Monday at the LBJ Presidential Library

What Really Happened To Joe?; Kamala's Revealing Personnel Choices with Moe Tkacik; Interview with The Young Turks' Cenk Uygur | SYSTEM UPDATE No. 304 - Glenn Greenwald

Dems' Push to Oust Biden from the Race; Kamala's Unprecedented Rise to Power with Michael Tracey - Glenn Greenwald

The Chris Hedges Report: My Thoughts on Biden Dropping Out - Read by Eunice Wong

A manipulated video shared by Musk mimics Harris’ voice, raising concerns about AI in politics

B.C. Mountie convicted of obstruction in case of Dale Culver

‘Embarrassing’: Yukon premier blasts Bell over service issues

NT government denies lease renewal on Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Historic Yavapai-Apache Nation Water Settlement Benefits AZ

The Galapagos Islands and many of their unique creatures are at risk from warming waters

‘A war on people’ - MSF report reveals catastrophic toll of violence in Sudan

Breaking the wrong records: We’re all tired of broken records caused by the climate crisis

Queensland unveils strategy to tackle overrepresentation of Indigenous people in justice system

Can tech help solve the Los Angeles homeless crisis? Finding shelter may someday be a click away

Dublin’s homelessness spirals to 10,396 people - Cllr Daithí Doolan

Working with Fiji's coastal communities to protect vital mangrove forests

ICC holds Sixth Asia Pacific Forum of The Hague

United Way of South Africa Leads the Way with Trafficking Prevention Education for Youth

The Nature Conservancy Plants 2.3 Million Trees in Minnesota in 2024

In Southern Belize, developers are challenged to champion mangrove conservation

Italy and China sign a 3-year action plan as Italian leader Meloni tries to reset relations

METALLICA's JAMES HETFIELD: 'There's Not A Better Feeling Than Helping Someone Else And Doing It Without Telling About It'

Pope Francis: 'an applause for all grandparents!'

300,000 children in Southern Africa threatened by severe acute malnutrition

Inside Greenpeace International’s legal fight against Big Oil’s bullying lawsuit

Can a lake become a person in law? A B.C. First Nation wants to find out.

Iran’s supreme leader endorses reformist Pezeshkian as new president. He takes oath Tuesday.

Body cams for gardaí to ensure sense of security on our streets - Cummins & Byrne

UK is ‘broke and broken,’ new government says as it prepares to tackle shortfall in public finances

Los Angeles Zoo sets record with 17 California condor chicks hatched in 2024

Appeal for information on whereabouts of 17-year-old girl missing from Co. Meath

NSW Police seek assistance to locate 14 year old Indigenous boy

Concern for woman missing from London home for almost two weeks

Appeal for information on 23rd anniversary of teenager's 'brutal and harrowing' murder

NYC mayor issues emergency order suspending parts of new solitary confinement law

Briefing: Negotiating States Must Address Human Rights Risks in the Proposed UN Surveillance Treaty

Irish sisters christen US warship bearing name of their brother, who was lauded for heroism

French Bishops lament 'scenes mocking Christianity' at Olympic Ceremony

Paris Olympics organizers say they meant no disrespect with ‘Last Supper’ tableau

Apple has reached its first-ever union contract with store employees in Maryland

Dutch beach volleyball player who was convicted of rape is booed before losing first Olympic match

Justice Department says TikTok collected US user views on issues like abortion and gun control

To keep its profits, Big Oil stole our future

Members of the Druze community mourn victims of the Golan Heights attack

Israel weighs response to Hezbollah after a rocket from Lebanon kills 12 youths on a soccer field

Digital Apartheid in Gaza: Unjust Content Moderation at the Request of Israel’s Cyber Unit

Green Party endorses "Arrest Netanyahu" protest in DC on July 24

Galway To Protest Against Apartheid Israel - RE/Max Office, Friday, 26th July

Urgent Care for Confiscated Sea Turtles

Why are These Travel Companies Still Selling Dolphin Shows?

Journalists Sue Massachusetts TV Corporation Over Bogus YouTube Takedown Demands

CBC Radio Saskatchewan Interview with ACORN leader on housing

ACORN Celebrates 20 Years of Building Power at our 7th Biennial National Convention

Op-ed in Toronto Star: Skyrocketing rent. Evictions. Renovictions. A renters’ bill of rights could help solve our housing crisis.

Oxfam reaction to the Rio de Janeiro G20 Ministerial Declaration on International Tax Cooperation: “this is serious global progress”

XR rebel who stopped a planet-wrecking train walks free from court

Safeguarding Arizona’s Avian Diversity

New Faces at the Niobrara Valley Preserve

TNC to Receive $200 Million from EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program, Part of Historic $421 Million Multi-State Coalition Grant

Defenders of Wildlife Opposes Disastrous House Interior Appropriations Bill

Yellowstone Bison Contemporary Plan Allows for Ecological and Cultural Values

Artist Mia Fonssagrives Solow on finding inspiration in nature and supporting WWF

Meta Removes 63,000 Instagram Accounts Linked to Nigerian Sextortion Scams

Museums closed Native American exhibits 6 months ago. Tribes are still waiting to get items back.

The Order of Bards Ovates & Druids [OBOD] Tea with a Druid 316: Back to the Future

VINNIUM /|\ The Druid Chief ☀️ https://Minds.Com/X999https://DiasporaSocial.Net/u/77 ✔️
Maybe Donald Dumb won that auction.
He will campaign bragging "I'm a nobel prize winner!"
Christoph S
Rechtsextremismus bei Simson-Treffen in Zwickau: DDR-Kult im braunen Sumpf | MDR.DE

Uff. Leider werden solche Treffen ja gerne von Rechtsextremen vereinnamt
Girl Of The Sea
There is the evil Afd Beast in Germany, and the evil Republican Party Beast in America.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Bekenntnisse - Marx Antworten im Gesellschaftsfragebogen
Jochen bei Geraspora*
ich sehe gerade das hier ein Männchen dabei war 🙃
Chris Tiane
ja. gut gesehen ;)
neuer älter

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