i told ya all irish people were royalty

and as king of them, all celts and other creations i was thinking how ridiculous it all is

if there was a king of europe and russia he wouldnt look like a little bitch
Protestation (Deutsch)
Hamburg: Flugblätter des KSV, der KPD u. a. an der Uni Hamburg (1972-1979) https://www.mao-projekt.de/BRD/NOR/HBG/VDS/Hamburg_VDS_KSV_Flugblaetter.shtml
when i was a boy i was kicked out of hockey for being too awesome and having too many hot girlfriends

otherwise i maybe still have a chance in hell of signing with the penguins this year and would show you how much of an awesome hockey player i am and make sure no one dares try to take sidney's puck away from him


Heute vor 79 Jahren wurde die erste #Atombombe in #Hiroshima als Waffe eingesetzt.
Bei den beiden Atombombenexplosionen in Hiroshima und Nagasaki starben 100000 Menschen sofort, weitere 130000 Menschen starben in den folgenden 5 Monaten.

Was für ein Wahnsinn. Wäre der Mensch ein intelligentes Wesen wären danach nie wieder Atomwaffen gebaut und auch nicht eingesetzt worden!

Heute vor 79 Jahren fand der erste Abwurf einer #Atombombe in einem Krieg statt. Die Stadt #Hiroshima in Japan wurde durch die Bombe massiv zerstört.

#AnDiesemTag 🧵
Schwarzweißfoto der Bombenexplosion in Hiroshima, dazu der Text: "6. August 1945: Abwurf der Atombombe auf Hiroshima."
Der #Friedensbewegung galt die Erinnerung an Hiroshima und Nagasaki immer auch als Mahnung, welche Konsequenzen Krieg haben kann.
Der Vorsitzende der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Prof. Dr. Heinz Bierbaum nahm an der Weltfriedenskonferenz gegen Atomwaffen in Hiroshima teil und warnte vor der Eskalation von Konflikten und Kriegen in Europa und im Indo-Pazifik.
Foto der Konferenz.
Northern Ireland or Ulster is now called Tasha

Woah kay!?
Protestation (Deutsch)
Die Produktion des absoluten und relativen Mehrwerts - 16. Verschiedne Formeln für die Rate des Mehrwerts http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me23/me23_553.htm
Deutsche Welle (inoffiziell)
Die Ausschreitungen von Ultranationalisten in Großbritannien werden nach Ansicht von Experten auf Online-Plattformen angeheizt. Die Regierung erhöht den Druck auf die Betreiber der Plattformen.
Deutsche Welle (inoffiziell)
Imane Khelif hat bei den Olympischen Spielen in Paris Bronze bereits sicher. Das befeuert die Gender-Debatte um die Algerierin auf Social Media. Mit der Wahrheit nehmen es dabei viele nicht so genau.

Inhaltswarnung: Spocht

LabourNet Germany
#Nigeria: Aufruf zu Protesten bei der nigerianischen Botschaft gegen die Verhaftung von 3 AktivistInnen der Protestbewegung #EndBadGovernanceInNigeria durch die Sicherheitspolizei https://www.labournet.de/?p=222192
British homosapiensapien idiotidiots abducted shetloads of irish and african people overseas in what they call canada and australia

julius caesar was killed by his own people and i later renamed caesars after myself so now theyre called vinnies ok

im a timetravelling primecreating transdimensional alien from ireland

and i just wanna go home

these people are fucked

the indians wanna come with me and leave their own country they're so sick of these motherfuckers

so northern ireland is now called tasha

brace for impact! big daddy is fucking coming home!!!!
N. E. Felibata 👽

fediverse ⁂ Symbol

Es gibt einen interessanten Hinweis für die Verwendung eines Unicode Emoji, der symbolisch auf das Fediverse verweisen soll ⁂

Ich finde das Emoji passend. Oder?


Protestation (Deutsch)
Speerspitze gegen Rußland https://www.zlv.lu/db/1/1439398518450/0
James Wragg
Really great to see Nunjucks v4 surface - a complete TypeScript rewrite with new, modern AST foundations (easier plugins, smaller packages) & full async support (no more asyncEach). A huge effort by Frankie Dintino to get this far and welcomes any help in completing the remaining work.

Repo: https://github.com/nunjucks/nunjucks4

v4 Tracking ticket: https://github.com/nunjucks/nunjucks4/issues/1

If you use Nunjucks with @eleventy or enjoy elegant JavaScript templating, give it a look.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Derzeit sind viele Sonnenflecken sichtbar https://www.zlv.lu/db/1/1478697247630/0
Why do people pretend to be the monarch of countries they are not from?

Doesn't make any sense to me
  • Displaced by illegal force in Canada from Ireland
Protestation (Deutsch)
You can follow us in other languages. Visit our website for more information https://wordsmith.social/protestation/social

Protestation (Deutsch)
Siebenschläfer verursacht Blackout am Frankfurter Flughafen https://www.zlv.lu/db/1/1447160133527/0
ever since the redesign the slack logo reminds me of a swastika
Mark Lansbury

EU should reconsider #Hungary's Schengen membership over easing visa rules for Russia, MEPs say

"If the Hungarian government refuses to change its policy, the Commission and all #EU representatives should question Hungarian presence in the #Schengen by introducing new measures to safeguard European citizens, including new controls at #Hungarian borders if necessary," the letter read.

According to the signatories, the permission for #Russian or #Belarusian "workers" to move freely in the Schengen Area without clearance "could strengthen the Russian #espionage network within the EU."


#RussianSpying #sabotage #FSB
Mark Lansbury

Hungarian CEO confident in country’s oil supply despite Ukraine’s Lukoil transit block

Hungary will not face oil shortages due to Ukraine's decision to block #Lukoil PJSC's crude transit, according to Zsolt Hernadi, CEO of Hungarian oil and gas conglomerate MOL Group.

“Let’s not panic,” Hernadi said to audience members at a conference on Monday.

He said that Hungary has 90 days of strategic reserves, with the option to buy Russian crude via Croatia.

This statement contradicts concerns raised by Prime Minister Viktor #Orban's government and #Slovakia, which sought EU intervention.


#StopRussianAggression #Hungary #Oil
Mark Lansbury

SBU intercepts large-scale #FSB saboteur network across Ukraine

According to the #SBU, the network consisted of nine individuals who were simultaneously arrested in #Dnipropetrovsk, #Sumy, #Zaporizhzhia, #Kirovohrad, Donetsk, and #Odesa oblasts.

One of those detained is a member of the #Dnipro City Council and another is an official in the city council of Y#uzhne, a town in Odesa Oblast.

The individuals in question are accused of scouting the locations of critical infrastructure and #Ukrainian military positions and then sharing the details with their Russian handlers.

The suspects have been charged with treason and face life in prison if convicted, the SBU said.


#RussianAggression #sabotage #spying #Ukraine
Marginalisierte Communitys sind am stärksten von der #Klimakrise betroffen – das gilt auch für Städte des Globalen Nordens. Vom Staat oft vernachlässigt, haben Nachbarschaftsorganisationen in #Brooklyn die Sache selbst in die Hand genommen.

👉 https://www.rosalux.de/news/id/52296
Foto: Blick von Manhattan aus dem Sunset Park in Südwesten Brooklyns.
Mehr zum Thema #Klimagerechtigkeit in unserem Dossier
👉 https://www.rosalux.de/dossiers/klimagerechtigkeit
Mark Lansbury

IT software for UK nuclear submarine engineers outsourced to #Belarus

The news that the development of an IT system used by British nuclear #submarine engineers was outsourced to Belarusian developers has led to calls that the U.K. must carry out an urgent review of defense supply chains, the Telegraph reported on Aug. 3.

The employees of the outsourcing company, WM Reply, were told not to panic by their superiors and the company initially kept the fact that the work had been outsourced to Belarus secret.

The Telegraph first reported on Aug. 2 that part of the IT software used by British nuclear submarine engineers had been outsourced to Belarusian developers, one of whom was working from Russia.

The software was supposed to have been developed solely by U.K.-based IT workers with security clearance. The incident took place before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


#nuclear #ToryScum #outsourcing #PrivatisationFails #UK #British #defense #Navy
Mark Lansbury

Jeremy Corbyn calls for meeting with Home Secretary to 'stamp out racist terror'

Jeremy Corbyn and four fellow independent MPs have criticised Keir Starmer for not going “nearly far enough in identifying the anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim hatred” behind the riots in England and Northern Ireland.

In a letter to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper they wrote: “While we welcome the Prime Minister’s condemnation of the ‘far-right thuggery’ that has scarred our towns and cities this weekend, we feel his words do not go nearly far enough in identifying the anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim hatred driving this violence".


#FarRight #fascism #Starmer #Corbyn #riots #Muslim #immigrants
Mark Lansbury

Sky News: Met Police chief grabs journalist's microphone

Mark #Rowley, the head of the #MetPolice, was exiting a Cobra meeting at Whitehall, in London, when he was approached by a Sky News journalist.

The police chief was asked live on air if the Met is “going to end two-tier policing,” at which point he grabbed the microphone and threw it on the ground while hastily leaving the building.

The question around “two-tier policing” follows Reform's claims that Black Lives Matter and pro-Palestine protesters had been treated more “favourably” by officers than those who have attended far-right rallies.


#England #Police #SkyNews #journalists #aggression #PoliceAbuse
Protestation (Deutsch)
Der Arbeitslohn - 19. Der Stücklohn http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me23/me23_574.htm
Elle est enragé la madame. Une chance quelle avait pas une sacoche météorite lol :-)
Elle aurait pu en tuer quelques un qui seraient éventuellement mort d'une commotion cérébrale.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Rosa Luxemburg: Akkumulation d. Kapitals (Kapitel 19) https://www.marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/luxemburg/1913/akkkap/kap19.htm
Protestation (Deutsch)
»Deutsche Sicherheit in Ostasien« https://www.zlv.lu/db/1/1486567725782/0
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mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
N. E. Felibata 👽

La soif des minéraliers et les usines d'embouteillage d'eau

neuer älter

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