Protestation (Deutsch)
Rosa Luxemburg: Akkumulation d. Kapitals (Kapitel 21)
96. Geburtstag Helen Vita
(7. August 1928 - 16. Februar 2001)

In den 1960ern waren ihre Chansons als »kunstlose Schweinerei« verboten. (1963)
»Der Schwanz eines Furzes / jubelte vor Freude / auf der Klinge einer Sichel.«

Guten Morgen mit einer Fatrasie aus Arras.
⚙️ toot'off tootles 🛠️
Protestation (Deutsch)
Lenin: Das revolutionäre Proletariat und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Nationen --
Protestation (Deutsch)
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Viel zu früh. Erster Kaffee unter Morgenlicht, stille Küche. Östlich von hier schwimmt der Horizont in milden Pastellfarben. Verstohlene Schritte auf Kies, ein Fahrrad quietscht leise durch die Ausfahrt und verschwindet im Dahinter des Viertels. Die enge Welt der Höfe gehört noch Tauben, Krähen, Spatzen. Nebenan erwacht ein schriller Wecker und wird fast umgehend zum Schweigen gebracht. (Gähnen. Noch nicht denken. Zusammensuchen, was der Mittwoch braucht. Geordneter Aufbruch, während der Tag sich zurechtmacht. Im Dämmerlicht sind die Strukturen noch schüchtern und vage. Habt es mild heute!)

#outerworld #concrete city #waking to the day #office hours
Adam Hunt
Must be a story there...
Brian Fitzgerald
Release the Kracken!
Katherine Bond
My Monday plan.
Adam Hunt
Esp inside the malls.
Aladár Mézga
Which are of course reserved for cars...
enter image description here
falls hier mal irgendwann jemand nen #floatwheel oder #onewheel gt loswerden möchte, hätte ich evtl interesse. im moment suche ich nicht sonderlich aktiv, aber irgendwann langfristig möchte ich ggf aufrüsten (auch in der hoffnung das die größere fläche meine großen füßchen entlastet) – also gerne irgendwie im hinterkopf behalten das irgendson mastodon-milan da interesse haben könnte :D
Protestation (Deutsch)
Rosa Luxemburg: Akkumulation d. Kapitals (Kapitel 23)
Das ist so absurd, das kann nur aus Bayern kommen, wo König Söder alles aber auch alles für, ähm gegen, also doch für

sich selber macht.
was für ein Irrsinn....


#Energiewende bizarr in Bayern: Selbstversorgung verboten

Ein bayerischer Unternehmer darf an sonnigen Tagen keinen Strom für den Eigenbedarf erzeugen. Sonst droht Schadensersatz.!6025206/
© Frederic Vasquez

EVERY full-time job should pay a livable wage.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Protestation (Deutsch) - Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels: Artikel und Korrespondenzen 1869
mrrrgnnn tootles 🖖 fedizens
Karthikeyan A K 🐧
Learn Clojure – Protocol

#Clojure #Programming #Computers #Software #Code #Coding #Learn #Tutorial
I want to tell a story. This is the story why I started using #Linux. And why I had no Microsoft products in my house since.

That year was 1997. Computers on the manufacturing floor at work were mostly open hardware Z80 controlled GE/Fanuc PLC's... or PC's running a several kilobyte assembly language program connected to parallel port I/O boards. And that older stuff worked like a top 24/7/365 unless the power went out or someone accidentally blasted the steam seals near the desktop computer. They were controlling large production lines long as football fields.

Then some engineer who I will never forgive decided to rewrite all the production machine systems in Visual Basic for Windows 95. Windows and other proprietary systems were crashing like crazy. Remember, this is when Windows didn't use memory page protection and was filled with kernel bugs. It was unreal. If a machine had to be restarted, the production had to be restarted and that made a lot of scrap. There were about 30 active production lines running at one time, limited to the 1.6 megawatt agreement with the utilities. If all the Windows machines crashed, it took about 80,000 pounds of raw materials to restart the production lines. Forklifts would be filling up the dumpster on the back dock.

Every night at midnight, proprietary software known as BackupExec would start at midnight. After about half an hour, the load average would increase on the Oracle database and crash it. Every production machine would routinely push the production report and would crash the entire production line if it wasn't there to sync. The whole plant would shut down shortly after midnight, every night. After a week, this got old, fast.

One night, I had a life changing event with a Windows machine. An operator called on the radio that a plastic extruder was on fire. It was a 330,000 kilowatt PVC extruder and the Microsoft Visual Basic computer was showing zero degrees on every heat zone. Obviously with the fire from the barrel heaters, it was at least several hundred degrees. A few moments later was a loud explosion and the plant floor went dark with chlorine gas. I could see light to the right of me and that's where I ran. When smoke cleared, I could see the extruder barrel had shot the thousand pound head across the plant floor like a canon. Fortunately I was only several feet away from being in front of it, so I lived. Visual Basic had an interesting feature where malfunctions like that happened a lot.

That week, a copy of Redhat Linux 4.1 arrived in the mail. I installed it on my new laptop. It was crazy fast. It did everything I wanted. I compiled the kernel. I compiled everything. It could play mp3 music. And it was reliable. It was all fun and games until some years after the IPO. Google did the same thing. I would soon learn we had a term for this. #enshitification

So this is why I love free open source software and despise walled gardens of software companies. I remember #RMS on #UseNet was a bit crazy then, but he made the #GNU software license that made this possible.

That's my Linux story. And how #Microsoft almost killed me. Other people have #Microsoft horror stories, but this one was mine.
@𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕒 🏳️‍⚧️🦋 Someone from work who knew me as "the other #linux user" in our shop, introduced me to a new project called #gentoo somewhere round mid 2004; I've been runnin it since.
Great story. Exposes the danger of proprietary software very well.

I saw GNU & FSF logos on banners in the school library around the time @𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕒 🏳️‍⚧️🦋 & @Alexandre Oliva started. Took around another 5-6 years of M$ abuse of users before I had enough and went looking for an alternative (at first looking for IRIX (experienced at college) on x86), and found GNU+Linux, and the free software advocacy work of the FSF, realised what those banners were in the library, and switched to suse, in late 2003. Because freedom.

& Yes please, more Gentoo (Gentoo user since 2010 (2007 if counting sabayon). :)
Sad that Gentoo's creator, recently announced he's ending Funtoo.

& Bedrock Linux user since 2012.

(And a thousand distros surfed around the sides.)

GNU's about freedom. Linux shares that freedom, under the GNU GPL license.

Gentoo's all about choice.

Bedrock lets you get the features of other distros interoperable as one.

Every step favouring more freedom, more choice.

Freeing from abuse, restrictions, and, as the original story highlights, dangers.

Freeing to do my computing as I prefer, especially the freedom to continue to refine towards those evolving preferences. And free to study the software, in that process of refining my use and the software and configurations, and in so doing, learning more, perchance to learn enough to be helpful in offering useful contributions back to the code, and to the community, who likewise benefit from all these opportunities availed to us by free software.

Free to mend. Free to know. Free to not be abused, neglected, nor put at risk of heavy industry machinery blowing up.

What a story, so clearly highlights why we cannot and must not put our trust in proprietary software.

Oh, and also, was going to add (like I've not waffled enough already)...

... I am among those gentoo users who have pre-emptively already added -ai to our global useflags. ;)

I'd rather keep getting my skill up, and keep my freedom and privacy, and increase knowledge and control over my own computing.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Die Produktion des absoluten und relativen Mehrwerts - 15. Größenwechsel von Preis der Arbeitskraft und Mehrwert
Protestation (Deutsch)
Rosa Luxemburg: Akkumulation d. Kapitals (Kapitel 18)
Police Are Increasingly Encrypting Their Radios to Block Scrutiny by Journalists

Press advocates say that the surge in encryption is a reaction to the demand for police accountability after 2020.
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
N. E. Felibata 👽
That's what they are ...!
N. E. Felibata 👽
Kettenhunde des Kapitals
Protestation (Deutsch)
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Reverend Elvis
Nicht aufregen....
HU Art Sound (2)
Mood of Today
#gif #mood
#gif #mood
2 Personen haben dies geteilt
Reverend Elvis

Forever! #books #read #acab
Protestation (Deutsch)
Der Arbeitslohn - 20. Nationale Verschiedenheit der Arbeitslöhne
Am 13. September findet unsere Konferenz „Bildet Netze!“ in Berlin statt. Es erwarten euch mehr als 35 Vorträge und Workshops sowie eine große Party! Mit den Top Ten, was wir aus dem Kampf gegen Chatkontrolle lernen können, und Berichte aus der Praxis einer Landesdatenschutzbeauftragten.
Bildet Netze!: Programm-Sneak-Peek mit Chatkontrolle auf und jenseits der Straße und Kritik am großen K-Wort
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CCC Updates

Am 13. September findet unsere Konferenz „Bildet Netze!“ in Berlin statt. Es erwarten euch mehr als 35 Vorträge und Workshops sowie eine große Party! Mit den Top Ten, was wir aus dem Kampf gegen Chatkontrolle lernen können, und Berichte aus der Praxis einer Landesdatenschutzbeauftragten.
Bildet Netze!: Programm-Sneak-Peek mit Chatkontrolle auf und jenseits der Straße und Kritik am großen K-Wort

Die deutschsprachige Solarpunk-Bewegung im Mastodon-Fediversum

Gepostet in SciLogs @scilogs-Spektrumverlag
Revealed: US neo-Nazi #terror group aims to revive activities ahead of election – #TheBase

The Russia-based leader of the Base, which adheres to principles of accelerationism, seeks ‘A-team leader’ in US. While far-right extremists from all corners of the internet are targeting vice-president Kamala Harris as she takes the reins of the Democratic ticket, one of the longer standing US-based neo-Nazi terror groups is also attempting to continue its covert activities as…
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