Hear !!...Hear !!
Deb Zaccaro-Rojas
That should be posted on a billboard outside the next rally by demento....
Protestation (Deutsch)
Ist eine obligatorische Staatssprache notwendig?
Katherine Bond
Another cat lady?
Es zeichnet sich ab, wovor Menschenrechtsorganisationen und Journalistenverbรคnde lange gewarnt haben: Die geplante UN-Konvention zur Cyberkriminalitรคt erfรผllt nicht die Mindestanforderungen an Menschenrechte und Datenschutz. Sie schaffe โ€žbeispiellose รœberwachungsbefugnisseโ€œ und biete kaum Schutz fรผr IT-Sicherheitsforscher, Whistleblower oder Journalisten.
Russland setzt sich bei UN-Cybercrime-Konvention durch: โ€žEin gefรคhrliches globales รœberwachungsabkommenโ€œ
CCC Updates hat dies geteilt
VP Harris on television in the break room with an awesome speech. One of the guys turned up the volume.

This is the way.
Kenny Chaffin
Watching now... a few minutes behind...fortunately Youtube TV caught it and I can watch from the beginning!
Brian Fitzgerald
That was a highly motivating rally.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Was that about Biden? Pelosi? Trump maybe?
@Trocatintas What about them?
Oops! Did I do that?

The television in the break room had loud advertisements. My cell phone has a IR remote built in. The television is suddenly quiet...
It would be better if more boomers had money like this.
Farhad A
Every people I know my age making at least twice that. 100k is what I started making in !NYC in early 99
Joyce Donahue

New law means children under 18 can't be in the public library without a special card.

Mom, because she is carrying her 1-year-old, is also kept out. This is nuts... and proves that Idaho is one of the shithole states.
โ€œThey said that because I had a baby there (who canโ€™t read), Iโ€™m not allowed in the library with her unless she has a library card or I signed an affidavit. So, me and Daphne just watched from the edge while Scarlett goes in to find her book. The librarian ended up helping her.โ€

โ€œMy heart broke because what about these kids that arenโ€™t coming in with their parents?โ€

โ€œWhat about the Matildas out there that literally come to the library to just read, read, and read and then gain superpowers because theyโ€™re Matilda?โ€
Jonathan Lamothe
This is an absolute bullshit law that should be thrown out, but I'm curious, why couldn't she just sign the affidavit?
Jonathan Lamothe
@Joyce Donahue Who knows?

That said, I can't think of a single time in history where the people trying to ban books have been the "good guys".
Beim Bรผrgergeld droht der Ampel ein heiรŸer Herbst

Die Bundesregierung zieht die Schrauben beim Bรผrgergeld an. Wie das in den eigenen Reihen ankommt und warum die Union die Debatte immer weiter anfacht. Von Jan-Peter Bartels.


#Bรผrgergeld #Ampelkoalition
Wie das denn?

Haben die etwa vor das Bรผrgergeld anzupassen, gar ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen zu schaffen?

Habe ich noch nie gehรถrt.

So... I took a 30 second exposure of the night sky with my cell phone from my front porch. The top half is the actual sky and the lower is the overhang and those fake "stars" may be noise from the sensor. My other camera that has a full one inch sensor has a much more colorful exposure and not limited to black and white. Still, I'm impressed that a cell phone imager can do this
Marga Xeyat โ’ถ
Hat schon jemand was angezรผndet?
Marga Xeyat โ’ถ
Immerhin! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
HU Art Sound (2)
The Ascent Of Man

#cartoon by Michael #Maslin
N. E. Felibata ๐Ÿ‘ฝ hat dies geteilt
HU Art Sound (2)

Inside the Trump Plan for 2025

A network of well-funded far-right activists is preparing for the former Presidentโ€™s return to the White House.


One evening in April of 2022, a hundred people milled around a patio at Mar-a-Lago, sipping champagne and waiting for Donald Trump to arrive. Mark Meadows, Trumpโ€™s former chief of staff, stood in front of an archway fringed with palm trees and warmed up the crowd with jokes about the deep state. The purpose of the gathering was to raise money for the Center for Renewing America, a conservative policy shop whose most recent annual report emphasized a โ€œcommitment to end woke and weaponized government.โ€ Its founder, Russell Vought, a former head of the Office of Management and Budget under Trump, and a leading candidate to be the White House chief of staff in a second term, was in attendance, chatting amiably with the guests. He is trim and bald, with glasses and a professorial beard. His group is a kind of ivory tower for far-right Republicans, issuing white papers with titles such as โ€œThe Great Replacement in Theory and Practice.โ€ In 2021, he wrote an op-ed for Newsweek that asked, โ€œIs There Anything Actually Wrong with โ€˜Christian Nationalismโ€™?โ€

The Center for Renewing America is one of roughly two dozen right-wing groups that have emerged in Washington since Trump left office. What unites them is a wealthy network based on Capitol Hill called the Conservative Partnership Institute, which many in Washington regard as the next Trump Administration in waiting. C.P.I.โ€™s list of personnel and affiliates includes some of Trumpโ€™s most fervent backers: Meadows is a senior partner; Stephen Miller, Trumpโ€™s top adviser on immigration, runs an associated group called America First Legal, which styles itself as the A.C.L.U. of the MAGA movement; Jeffrey Clark, a former Justice Department lawyer facing disbarment for trying to overturn the 2020 election, is a fellow at the Center for Renewing America. All of them are expected to have high-ranking roles in the government if Trump is elected again. โ€œC.P.I. has gathered the most talented people in the conservative movement by far,โ€ someone close to the organization told me. โ€œThey have thought deeply about whatโ€™s needed to create the infrastructure and the resources for a more anti-establishment conservative movement.โ€

C.P.I. was founded in 2017 by Jim DeMint, a former adman from South Carolina who spent eight years in the Senate before resigning to lead the Heritage Foundation. During that time, he was one of Washingtonโ€™s most notorious partisan combatants. As a senator, he attacked his Republican colleagues for being insufficiently conservative, tanking their bills and raising money to unseat them in primaries. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader, called him โ€œan innovator in Republican-on-Republican violence.โ€ With C.P.I., DeMint wanted to create a base of operations for insurgents like himself. โ€œIf youโ€™re not getting criticized in Washington,โ€ he once said, โ€œyouโ€™re probably part of the problem.โ€ ...

Rest of article:

#2025 #trump
N. E. Felibata ๐Ÿ‘ฝ hat dies geteilt
Diesen Freitag in BREMEN! @sabinenuss mit ihrem neuen Buch: ยปWessen Freiheit, welche Gleichheit? Das Versprechen einer anderen Vergesellschaftungยซ. Kukoon im Park, 19:00 โ€“ kommt alle โค๏ธ
Solange soziale Ungleichheit Voraussetzung und Ergebnis privater Verfรผgungsmacht bleibt und die Schรคdigung von Mensch und Natur die Folge, wird Privateigentum an Produktionsmitteln immer ein umkรคmpftes Terrain sein. โ€“ Zitat von Sabine Nuss
Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin hat dies geteilt
HU Art Sound (2)
Kamala vs. Maniac

#cartoon by Jack #Ohman

#cartoon by Bill #Day
N. E. Felibata ๐Ÿ‘ฝ hat dies geteilt
Mark Lansbury

Ukraine launched more drones than Russia in July

Throughout Russiaโ€™s full-scale invasion, #Ukraine and #Russia have heavily invested in #drone technology, revolutionizing warfare. For outnumbered Ukrainian forces, drones have been one of the key weapons to strike Russian warships, naval bases, oil refineries, and airfields inside occupied territories and deep behind Russia's lines.

"In terms of this, Ukraine's Defense and Security Forces are already gaining an advantage, and in July our soldiers used more drones than the occupier. This should be a steady trend on the front line โ€” for all types of drones that our units have,"

#StopRussianAggression #DroneStrikes #UkrainianDrones
Mark Lansbury

Russian helicopter, tanks reportedly destroyed in fighting across border in Kursk Oblast

The crowd-sourced monitoring website DeepState shared pictures on Aug. 6 appearing to show a downed Russian Ka-52 #attack helicopter and two destroyed tanks amid reports of a cross-border incursion into #Kursk Oblast.

Earlier, Ukrainian authorities in #Sumy Oblast said that troops in the area had downed a Russian helicopter, two drones, and a #strong textballistic #missile. The announcement coincided with reports of intensified Russian attacks in the oblast.

#StopRussianAggression #downed #Ukraine
Protestation (Deutsch)
Nie wieder! Hiroshima und Nagasaki im Lichte der Vergangenheit und Blick der Gegenwart, Teil 2
Protestation (Deutsch)
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heise online
Atommรผllendlager: Suche dauert womรถglich Jahrzehnte lรคnger als geplant

Das ร–ko-Institut bezweifelt in einem Gutachten, dass die Suche nach einem Endlager fรผr hochradioaktiven Atommรผll im Jahr 2031 abgeschlossen sein wird.

#Atomkraft #Atommรผll #Energie #news
jeder will billigen Strom, keiner den Mรผll. Wo liegt der aktuell eigentlich herum?
Protestation (Deutsch)
Rosa Luxemburg: Akkumulation d. Kapitals (Kapitel 24)
Mark Lansbury

Smashing idea: How East Germany invented โ€˜unbreakableโ€™ drinking glasses

This is #Superfest, East Germanyโ€™s โ€œunbreakableโ€ drinking glass. Invented in the industry-rich but resource-poor socialist German Democratic Republic, Superfest glasses were designed with the aim of making them last five times longer than ordinary drinking glasses. They were soon found to be 10 times more durable.

But the main reason for its decline, paradoxically, was its strength. Glass retailers who play by the rules of the market live off the fact that their products break, so they can sell more. A glass that didnโ€™t break was a threat to #profits. โ€œIt turned out that Superfest is not suited for the market,โ€ says Hรถhne. โ€œThe glasses are too good for pure market thinking.โ€

#GDR #capitalism #CapitalismFails #PeopleNotProfits #glass #quality #unbreakable
Protestation (Deutsch)
รœber die nationale Gleichberechtigung
neuer รคlter

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