Susan ✶✶✶✶
Russia suspected of planting device on plane that caused UK warehouse fire | Birmingham | The Guardian
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt

Robot Vacuums That Collect Photos, Videos And Audio Of Users To Train AI Models Start Yelling Obscenities And Chasing Dogs
As far back as 2017, Techdirt was warning that robot vacuum cleaners represented a threat to privacy. In that instance, it concerned the possibility that iRobot, makers of the robot vacuum Roomba, might sell the data that its device collected about the size and layout of a home. Five years later, it was becoming clear that a new danger was emerging because robot vacuums were starting to incorporate cameras. These are the kind of images a system could gather, as reported by MIT Technology Review in 2022:
The photos vary in type and in sensitivity. The most intimate image we saw was the series of video stills featuring the young woman on the toilet, her face blocked in the lead image but unobscured in the grainy scroll of shots below. In another image, a boy who appears to be eight or nine years old, and whose face is clearly visible, is sprawled on his stomach across a hallway floor. A triangular flop of hair spills across his forehead as he stares, with apparent amusement, at the object recording him from just below eye level.

At that point, the images were taken by a development version, not a consumer product. They were then sent to Scale AI, a startup that used contract workers to label data for companies like iRobot. But the MIT Technology Review article presciently noted:
Ultimately, though, this set of images represents something bigger than any one individual company’s actions. They speak to the widespread, and growing, practice of sharing potentially sensitive data to train algorithms

Jess Nut
We built the Torment Nexus from the book "Why We Shouldn't Have Built the Torment Nexus."

Soon, Tesla will start selling gold shoes and Bibles...
Mark Wollschlager
To get noticed by other drivers and put on You-Tok for x-tra publicity. Takes people minds off of the lack of new models.
Katherine Bond
I wonder how that diminishes their attention on the road…even more. People already drive like idiots.
enter image description here

Sunshine Kitty watching me install a privacy fence right now 😻🐈🦋🌱

#findthecat #caturday #caturdayeveryday
the world has become one big Onion article :(
John Hummel
24/7 work is like a concept from dystopian sci-fi.
Lisa Stranger
@{ yup. I keep an eye on it (as if I could do anything about it) but some places will get hit worse than others. The Appalachians are wearing down after a million years or something, but places (like Louisiana started below sea level and are going to be underwater soonish geologically.

I'm stuck in Idaho economically, but that's not all bad. The lower elevations will notice it first if they haven't already shrug
Katherine Bond
I’m in the Midwest. We have plenty of water from the Great Lakes and nothing like earthquakes or hurricanes. Not much flooding. And when we have a blizzard, we have snow equipment.

There are three cats in this picture

Lisa Stranger
lordy... I didn't even see the sound bar
This guy looks a bit like Elon, don't you think?
Jose Luis Peruyero
Not me, I'm headless twelve months per year.
Reverend Elvis
Hand in hand we're dancing, kick your toe.
#arab #handinhand #music #okzitent #orient #RocknRoll #semitic #usa
William Robison
It is @𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕒 🏳️‍⚧️🦋, G+ invite beta that is.

The important thing is that every social platform is only as good as the people. There are a lot of really cool people on Diaspora and Mastodon.
Katherine Bond
That’s true. Some of my G+ people came here and I’ve met many new cool ones. 😎
N. E. Felibata 👽

[l] Raytheon kauft sich mit $950 Mio von Betrugs- und Bestechungsvorwürfen frei.

Gibt also dem Pentagon die Kohle zurück, die sie vorher betrügerisch abgezogen hatten. Und das Pentagon dann so? Let's call it a day! Wir kaufen natürlich weiter von euch!1!!

Raytheon baut Bomben, mit denen dann Hochzeitsgesellschaften und Kinder ermordet werden.

Gut zu sehen, dass die ihre kriminellen Maschenschaften diversifizieren und überall Schaden hinterlassen. Das sollte es einfacher machen, den Laden zu zerschlagen und die Führungsriege in den Knast zu packen.


Aladár Mézga
Es geht eigentlich noch besser: Während man bei geringen Summen alles zurückzahlen muss und Strafe bekommt, muss man oberhalb bestimmter Summen nur einen Teil zurückzahlen und gut ist...

Old maps of Palestine are worth money as the British created the genocidal Israel government
Jay Bryant
I've seen Zionists claim that Palestine is a modern creation, yet I've also read Roman sources that mention Palestine more than 2,000 years ago. (Latin was my foreign language in college.) Revisionist history is so much fun....
Lisa Stranger
Tony on G+ used to post old newspaper ads for flights to Palestine

I wonder how he's doing... I haven't talked to him since about the time his husband suddenly died
Zetteleien für Teenies Betriebspraktikum ausfüllen, wenn alle krank sind mit fettem Kopf dran und 🤧 ist super anstrengend. Das muss alles noch abgegeben werden und wir haben es vor dem Urlaub nicht mehr geschafft.
Und zack hat uns der Alltag wieder.

Ihr packt das 👍🤞
Ich hab mich gerade mit mail @ befasst.
Wegen #Inkasso - Dreck, Opfer - Täter Umkehr.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Wochen her)
mach mal bitte des <@>n weg.
Ich bin da wohl mausgerutscht🫢
Protestation (Deutsch)
Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus!
William Robison
And all he did was lie. Not just lie, they were Whoppers.
Kenny Chaffin
This is the way!
Lisa Stranger
be sure to build on a nice high hill
N. E. Felibata 👽

"The 'Whisperverse': The future of mobile computing is an AI voice inside your head."

I wasn't going to share this but then the Harvard students' video (below) came out, and I felt like the two go together somehow, so here you go.

"Within the next few years, an AI assistant will take up residence inside your head. It will do this by whispering guidance into your ears as you go about your daily routine, reminding you to pick up your dry cleaning as you walk down the street, helping you find your parked car in a stadium lot, and prompting you with the name of a coworker you pass in the hall. It may even coach you as you converse with friends and coworkers, giving you interesting things to say that make you seem smarter, funnier, and more charming than you are. These will feel like superpowers."

This is making me think of that famous quote from Douglas Adams:

"Anything that is in the world when you're born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. Anything that's invented between when you're fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things." -- Douglas Adams

I'm 54 and didn't get the "against the natural order of things" itch at age 35, but... I find myself slipping into that "against the natural order of things" feeling on this one. Do I really want an "AI assistant" taking up residence in my head? The idea doesn't actually seem appealing.

"Most of these devices will be deployed as AI-powered glasses because they give the best vantage point for cameras to monitor our field of view, though camera-enabled earbuds will be available too. The other benefit of glasses is that they can be enhanced to display visual content, enabling the AI to provide silent assistance as text, images, and realistic immersive elements that are integrated spatially into our world."

Oh, right, that's why Google Glass did so well -- oh wait, it failed. Maybe it was just ahead of its time? And this time the idea will work?

"Whatever we call this technology, it is coming soon and will mediate all aspects of our lives, assisting us at work, at school, or even when grabbing a late-night snack in the privacy of our own kitchen."

This is like how they told us Twitter was for telling the world what you ate for lunch, and it actually turned out to be for fighting about politics. Now they tell us we'll have AI assistants taking up residence in our heads for assisting us with our late-night snacks, but it'll actually turn out to be for fighting about politics. (Don't ask me how. But the purpose of most technology always ends up being fighting about politics.)

The "Whisperverse": The future of mobile computing is an AI voice inside your head

#solidstatelife #wearables

Centralized totalitarianism. Teaching people to obey and not think. Nobody will have to remember anything anymore.

Owl and Woodpecker are neighbours, but not friends. Owl does nothing but complain about Woodpecker’s pecking, which interrupts his daytime sleeping. The feud between the two gets so big, and the owl’s temper so foul, that the other forest animals try to intercede, but to no avail. Even a pair of hard-working beavers gnawing away at Owl’s tree trunk won’t get him to move. But Owl has an enormous change of heart when Woodpecker’s bravery, and his pecking, save Owl’s life.
Jay Bryant
Eyup. 🙂

William Robison
Does that make her a vampire?
Bat Andrea
Mina Harker
Gerade sind mir innerhalb weniger Minuten 4 offensichtlich obdachlose Personen begegnet.

Einer rasierte sich im Park, einer aß etwas, einer schlief auf einer Bushaltestelle und einer ging einfach seiner Wege.

Wie können wir in diesem Land über "Sozialmissbrauch" reden, solange es so viel offensichtliche Armut gibt?

Wieso subventionieren wir private Immobilienbesitzer mit 4 Milliarden Wohngeld im Jahr, haben aber quasi keinen öffentlichen Wohnungsbau?

Neoliberale Scheiße!
Mina Harker
Neoliberal ist nicht der Zustand der Armut bestimmter Teile der Bevölkerung.

Neoliberal ist dies als Problem der Betroffenen darzustellen, die durch Anreize (in dem Fall negative, nämlich Sanktionen) dazu gebracht werden sollen, ihre Situation zu ändern.

Neoliberal ist es Reiche zu fördern (durch Steuererleichterungen und Direktzahlungen wie Zuschüsse zur Miete) und auf Trickle-Down-Effekte zu hoffen anstatt tatsächlich Bedürftigen zu helfen.
ja, auch etwas aus der Kategorie Täter-Opfer-Umkehr.

Leider geraten wir immer mehr in eine Dystopie
Protestation (Deutsch)
Messer, Merz und Migration
Seit dem Attentat in #Solingen herrscht in der Migrationsdebatte Ausnahmezustand. So wie sie geführt wird, lenkt sie von den eigentlichen Tätern und Gewaltverhältnissen ab, sagt Massimo Perinelli (RLS). 👇 #Sicherheitspaket
"Es ist kein Zufall, dass dieselben Personen, die Gewalt männlicher Geflüchteter am stärksten skandalisieren, auch die Grundlagen dieser Gewalt schaffen: Entrechtung, Verarmung, Lagerunterbringung, Perspektivlosigkeit und Diskriminierung. - Massimo Perinelli, Referent für Migration, 
neuer älter

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