Im Frühjahr war Ralf Ruckus quer durch Deutschland unterwegs, um in fünf Städten sein neues Buch »Der kommunistische Weg zum Kapitalismus« vorzustellen.Martin Beck (Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin)
I am an addict of cringe and I love reading your comments. Please consider supporting my habit!Odysee
Die Social-Media-Plattform Bluesky verzeichnet gerade einen großen Zuwachs an Nutzern. Auslöser könnten einige Änderungen beim größeren Konkurrenten X sein.Niklas Jan Engelking (heise online)
What would you do in that sort of danger?Laura (Normal Island News)
Enjoy the adventures and philosophical conversations between the two stars of this daily comic strip, "Shrimp" and "Grits".ArcaMax
The Occupy Dame Street camp was an ongoing protest from October 2011 to March 2012. These documents are from a march in support of the occupation, which took place on the 22nd of October 2011 from the Garden of Remembrance to Dame Street.Irish Left Archive