Guten Morgen allerseits. 👋 🥐 ☕
Samstsg isses.
Ich wünsche euch allen einen schönen Tag und ein tolles Wochenende. 🌼
Habts fein heute. 🍀
Dorfnacht folgt Dorfmorgen folgt Sonnenaufgang über den Osthügeln und die verhalten Rückkehr all der Klänge, die den Tagen inmitten der Felder und Wäler gehören. Wieder beizeiten aufgewacht, Schwingen mit irgendwelchen Takten, ohne zu wissen, mit welchen, und jetzt Suchen: Das Frische des Wassers, die ersten Farben, die das neue Licht hergibt. Stadtfern reglose Stille in den Steinen, unter den Füßen, denen die gewohnten sanften Vibrationen der Umgebung, der Straßen, der Züge und Kreuzungen fehlen. Erste Gespräche, in kurzen Sätzen, Sprache ohne viel Schmuck so früh nach den Träumen. Und natürlich Kaffee. Weil Fixpunkte immer gut sind. Habt es mild heute!

#outerworld #the village and the hills #where we are we are #waking to the day
6erriet mit ie 😁🐧🍓 #FuckAfD
Hat jemand mal was mit #podman gemacht und kennt ein gutes Tutorial ?

[(Forewarned; Excuse the tone and style of this comment... I have just watched some Stewart Lee.)]

"The short answer is no, probably not!"

Not what Edward Snowden said.

Not what serves the corporation, the advertisers, nor the snoops.

How hard, or how easy, is it, to script even a simple voice to text logger, and filter a trigger word list, to keep the resources down... even before an age of llm... then with the triangulatability intrinsic to the technology, and the various motion sensors etc that they have these days... they can do much more than just cold-read you and zap you with epi-acoustic manipulations... ?

Easy, right?

How hard, or easy, is it, to write a script that hides such features upon any suspicion of being detected?

Easy right?

How hard, or easy, is it, to defy the statutes mandating maximising wealth extraction in the service of your share holders, to disobey your boss telling you to build such things, after you've already been selected for such a role because you're indifferent and even eager to do such things, knowing that were you to so disobey you would lose your salary and suffer the wrath of the corporate legal department?

Hard, right?

How hard, or easy, is it, to avoid installing any of the many spywares advertised as necessary conveniences in your service, when you've no awareness of the dangers of advertising thus nor the prudence to avoid it or to put your guard up if ever exposed, [and with data-mining being completely outside your scope of conception of possibilities, let alone the dangers of it, to you], and so eagerly lap it up as if truth rather than a set of carefully crafted lies to maximally hoodwink the most from you and have you think it was your own idea, that it's just a necessary convenience in your service and so of course you'll install it, right... ...and to have that web-connected voice-activated technology work without listening to you constantly?

Hard, right?

So the answer to “Is My Phone Listening To Me?”, is perhaps not so much the "short" answer, as the "dangerously stupid" answer.

That article reads like:
  • wrong answer [to mislead the ignorant who wont read on]
  • boasting
  • wrong answer [reaffirmed, with...
  • nonsequitor argument affirming opposite.]
  • ~watch video~ semantic nonsequitor.
  • offer of services to prevent what the article said (from the start and throughout) wasn't happening [despite indicating that it evidently has to be happening].
Well, i'm glad there's clear messaging going out there to help people with their electronic freedom.

Is this to dodge some algorithmic censorship or something?

Not to worry, the right answer is buried in there.
eff is inconsistent...
Protestation (Deutsch)
The November 8th Publishing House
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1 Hour of KPD/ML Music (Communist Party of Germany/Marxist-Leninist)
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Protestation (Deutsch)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Karl Marx - Erster Entwurf zum "Bürgerkrieg in Frankreich"
Karthikeyan A K 🐧
Unlike Kashmir and Punjab, other Indian states are not affiliated to a religion. So Pakistan is unable to kindle religious sentiments.

#Kashmir #Punjab #Islam #Sikh #Khalistan #Terrorism #India #Pakistan
John Hummel
Corvids are smart as hell, but I still wonder how they got that one to cooperate with the photo.
John Hummel
I would love to believe that. And maybe it's even true.
Mark Wollschlager
So chonk. Much nom.
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Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus!
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(Aufzeichnung einer Rede von Karl Marx über die geheimen Gesellschaften)
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Protestation (Deutsch)
Just read a fan made booklet about a board game I just played. The section "diplomacy" feels right out of Machiavel's oven.
Advise the enemy into doing things; introduce yourself as his best friend, his advisor, show him how he can defeat this one and that one, what he should buy and direct his actions against your enemies.

Present yourself as a trusted ally. Perhaps he will believe you and be hesitant about backstabbing you. You will profit from it.

You should really learn how to point with the finger on someone, telling everyone at the table how powerful he is and how he will win soon. Here you can exaggerate as you want, paint a horror image of total domination simply because he could theoretically do this or that.

If you can see that there is no chance to win anymore, use the time left to build yourself up a reputation. Choose one person you can influence and guide him to victory while punishing every backstabbing directed at you at any cost - they shall "learn" you always keep your word and your counsel is truth - they won't readily recognize that it won't be the case next time.
Protestation (Deutsch) - Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels: Artikel und Korrespondenzen 1885
Waffen im 3D-Drucker hergestellt – #Impfgegner von der Mosel: #Haftstrafen für Angeklagte der “#Paladin”-Gruppe
Drei Männer hatten eine bewaffnete Widerstandsgruppe gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen gebildet. Der Hauptangeklagte und Rädelsführer muss für zwei Jahre und neun Monate ins Gefängnis. Zwei andere Mitglieder der Gruppe wurden zu Bewährungsstrafen verurteilt.
Thomas Gutsche

Obdachlos in Berlin: "Ohne unsere Freunde hätten wir gar nichts"
Die Inflation hat das Leben für alle teurer gemacht. Für Menschen, die mit dem Nötigsten durchkommen müssen und auf Spenden von anderen angewiesen sind, ist der Alltag besonders schwer geworden. Wie kommen René, Oliver und Toni zurecht? Kriegen sie weniger Spenden? Einer von ihnen wohnt jetzt in einer Wohnbox. Ein rbb-Video auf youtube.
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
bist Du noch hier? Alles Gute.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Guido Kühn
His Masters Voice
In Putins bizarrer Westprominenz-Sammlung nimmt Schröder zwischen Steven Segal, Gerard Depardieu, Kanye West, Roger Waters und anderen Verirrten als Altkanzler eine Sonderstellung ein. Und […] …
Zum Weiterlesen den Link benutzen.
#russland #schröder #spd
Illustration eines nackten Gerhard Schröder mit Halsband und Leine in den Farben Russlands. Textzeile: Happy End: SPD versöhnt sich mit Schröder, Altkanzler mit besten Beziehungen nach Moskau
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Tage her)
Hauptsache, seine Frühlingsrolle bleibt bei ihm ...
Wenn der #HartzIV-Kanzler und #Putins #Gazprom-Freund #Schröder wieder einen Platz im Herzen der #SPD findet, somit seine Verbindungen etablieren kann, wird die nächste Partei unwählbar. Es wird einfacher die aufzuzählen wo Mensch sein Kreuzchen bei Wahlen noch gefahrlos machen kann.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Deutsches Enver Hoxha Archiv "Über die Intellektuellen" (1958)
Arizona attorney general investigating Trump’s rifle comments about Cheney
Arizona’s former attorney general Mark Brnovich, suppressed findings by his investigators who concluded there was no basis for allegations that the 2020 election was marred by widespread fraud. That’s according to documents released Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2023, by his successor, Kris Mayes.
Hearing set for Monday after judge returns challenge to Elon Musk’s giveaways to state court
A judge on Friday rejected Elon Musk’s attempt to move to federal court a lawsuit challenging his $1 million daily giveaways to registered voters in swing states, enabling a hearing to proceed before Election Day. Musk’s attorneys have accused Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner (D) of attempting to rush a court-ordered stop to the giveaways.
Russian fighter accused of war crimes in Ukraine in 2014 to stand trial in Finland
Yan Petrovsky, also known as Voislav Toden, is charged with fighting against Ukrainian forces as part of the neo-Nazi Russian unit, Rusich. A Russian combatant who fought in Ukraine in 2014 has been charged with alleged war crimes by prosecutors in Finland. Yan Petrovsky, who is also known as Voislav Toden, will stand trial in Helsinki for five suspected war crimes
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Longtime neo-Nazi Kevin Goudreau was sentenced to seven months after he stole a Pride flag from a neighbour’s house and burned it while yelling homophobic slurs. According to the courts, Goudreau stole a gay pride flag from his neighbour’s porch and burned the flag in his backyard around 2 am. During the burning, he began shouting homophobic slurs.
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