Gerade habe ich meinen Lieblingsblog aus den Jahren 2005/2006 in der #waybackmachine wiedergefunden:

Ich bin nicht oft nostalgisch, aber gerade kann ich nicht anders. Das Bild ist von der #Demo gegen den #Opernball in #Frankfurt 2006 ... einfach geil damals.

#koksenkotzenkommunismus #antifa #nullerjahre #berlin
Antifa-Demonstrationszug mit einem Transpi mit der Aufschrift "koksen, kotzen, kommunismus – luxus für alle – kapitalismus abschaffen"
Collected Quotes
Resentment is the most precious flower of poverty. -- Carson McCullers
Biden and his fucking Israel. This is how it ends.
Aladár Mézga
Putin the Megalomaniac will be eyeing some more countries.
Putin may be a problem, but not as big as politicians and media in the West made him. The real problem is much bigger, much more subtle and the so-called Western democracies have no clue how to deal with it: the PRC and its emperor Xi Jinping.

They are much smarter and require very smart people to counter them. Those have been in very short supply before and now it's pretty much a lost case. Trump is an instrument chairman Xi knows to play very well. And he will use the opportunity for a big concert...
Lisa Stranger
enter image description here
Protestation (Deutsch)
Rosa Luxemburg: Parteitag d. Unabhängigen SP (November 1918)
Election – How They Did It

There will be a lot of finger-pointing but Harris ran a great campaign and there was nothing anyone could have done to change the outcome. Nothing. It was just too late to fix things.


I think this election was determined some time ago. This election was the culmination of the long-term “conservative movement” strategic campaign begun in the 1970s. The country has been subjected to decades of unanswered, well-funded propaganda and it has had its way with people. One by one conservatives inserted the right people into the courts and those people chipped away at the guardrails. Piece by piece they gained control of America’s information ecosystem and far too many people now believe what they’re told to believe. (The podcast “The Master Plan” does a very good job of explaining how this happened, going back to the Powell Memo.)

Corporate Dems

They got rid of campaign finance limitations. That inevitably led to moneyed interests gaining control of and neutralizing the Democratic party as an opposing force. Those we called “corporate Democrats” blocked reform after reform. And when there were majorities for reform anyway they refused to eliminate the filibuster, preventing majority rule from restoring the Fairness Doctrine, voting rights, campaign finance, and many other popular reforms that would have prevented what happened.


So I don’t think it was even about Harris vs Trump at this point.It was inevitable. We had hope that we could overcome it, but this was set in stone some time ago.
Lisa Stranger
hopefully more people will take the "corporate Dem" phenomenon seriously now

@Whuffo they believed his crap that he was responsible (in a good way) for gas being cheap —and so much of the covid inflation happened after his watch because stuff just wasn't available before that

he's good at convincing people to believe what he tells them, not their own lying eyes
I think Harris could have done much better if the Biden administration hadn't dropped the ball on immigration. Probably better enough to tip the balance.
mrrrgnnn tootles 🖖 fedizens
Frau Hangover
Moin :coffeepot:
Protestation (Deutsch) - Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels: Artikel und Korrespondenzen 1848

Inhaltswarnung: uspol

Moin moin, der olle Chrischan. Was für ein Schlingel 🤔

- FDP torpediert und demontiert die Ampel
- stärkt das rechte Lager besonders die AfD
- schmeißt eine Vorlage zur Zerstörung des Sozialstaates auf den Markt (Markt 😂)
- und just zur Wahl des amerikanischen Hitler erzwingt er Neuwahlen

An Verschwörungstheorien bin ich echt nicht interessiert. Was der Chrischan abgeliefert hat mit seinen Geldsackfreunden stinkt allerdings meilenweit gegen den Wind.
Ich denke mal Argwohn ist angebracht. 🤷‍♂️ 🤔
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (14 Stunden her)
Friedili :anarchy_heart:
Guten Morgen liebste Hubschimubschis :pride_heart:
Habe die Nacht schlecht geschlafen und mein Traum handelte davon, dass das Land in dem ich lebe, keine Regierung mehr hat und keiner weiß, was jetzt kommt, Eltern die schweigen, bedrückende Stimmung, ich habe Angst. Hatte den Traum viele Jahre so ähnlich.
Aber es war nur ein Traum, jetzt bin ich erwachsen und habe selbst eine wunderbare Tochter.
Sitze jetzt in der Küche, trinke meinen Kaffee und fühl mich sicher. Kommt fein durch heute 😘💛☕🔆🌻
Moin 🖖 Friedi ☕
Friedili :anarchy_heart:
Morschn Alm 👋☕🌻
Conny Bäzol
Guten Morgen meine Liebe Timeline habt einen schönen Tag Kaffee Tee und Kakao hinstell
Subcömandante ♠️
Guten Abend, Fediverse.

Heute abend muss ich mal eine Lanze für Dich brechen.

Habe mich in den letzten Tagen dreimal mit wichtigen Anliegen an Dich gewand, und Du hast jedes Mal ganz wundervoll reagiert.

Du hast mich mit Deiner Solidarität vor einer drohenden Ersatzfreiheitsstrafe bewahrt.
(fxxk dich #teamfuchs)

Der Aufruf zu den #Bezahlkarten fand große Resonanz, und hat den Tausch-Inis viele Aktive und Tauschwillige zugeführt.

Und als ich Dich heute um Rat für ein Antifaprojekt in unserem Kiez fragte, hast du mich mit tollem Input, interessanten Links und erfahrenen Leuten connectet.

Weiß gar nicht was die Aufmerksamkeitsjunkies in den unsozialen Medien alle haben, ich brauche weder Insta, noch TikTok oder Bkuesky, denn hier finde ich alles was ich brauche, und mir gut tut. Und das, was mir nicht gut tut, hat hier keine Relevanz.

Dafür liebe und schätze ich Dich, und wollte einfach mal sagen:
Du hast die Haare schön, Fedi.

Adrianna Tan
New employee orientation at Monterey Bay Aquarium

#Monterey #Nature #Marine
I am feeding some steelhead trout babies
Adrianna Tan
I think I’ll keep updating this thread to share the joy I see whenever I am onsite (which is going to be, often, coz I need this)

I learned that the jellies have circular tanks because.. they get stuck in corners
A photo of moon jellies in a circular tank
Adrianna Tan
Top view of an actual shark tank
A photo of the shark tank from the top with many types of sharks including 7-gilled sharks
Moin ihr lieben und evl weniger lieben. ☕️
Aufstehen und feststellen das Lindner an seiner Arbeitsverweigerung gescheitert ist. Ich will hoffen das sich das bei der Bundestagswahl niederschlägt und die FDP untergeht.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (14 Stunden her)
Was hat Trump jetzt vor?
Elon Musk ist Donald Trumps mächtigster Oligarch
2024 wird "so gut wie sicher" erstmals die 1,5-Grad-Schwelle übertreffen
Wann gibt Magnus Brunner seinen Ministerposten ab – und an wen?
Die Furie
Heute hilft nur noch Sarkasmus & ein El Hotzo-Moment.

(Martin Perscheid fehlt!)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Tag her)
Die Furie
Bitte teilt diesen Cartoon von Perscheid nicht mehr.

Er ist nämlich

die knilche entblöden sich doch - selbst nach dem anschlagsversuch - nicht selbst zu sagen, das 2nd amendment schütze die grundrechte, aber dem zuzustimmen bringt die broflakes in schnappatmung?
Protestation (Deutsch)
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Haddock Meme.
Haddock: What a week. huh?
Marx: Comrade, it's capitalism
Odradek hat dies geteilt
World Beauty :verified:
The Ghoul of IC 2118
Credits: Casey Good/Steve Timmons
#nature #space #astrophotography
The Ghoul of IC 2118
lar seat headrest
im a blue collar worker
a blue dog collar
The Latest Kate
A drawing of a bat flying in front of a full moon. The caption reads, "right now is a good time to treat yourself EXTRA kindly"

My voicemail: "Please hang up and leave a text message!"
Kenny Chaffin
Google assistant does that for me....
That really sums it up...
Feels bizarre that life goes on as though nothing had happened.
Alex Feldstein
Trump wants to extend his tax cuts for the rich, which would add $4.6T to the deficit.

But he wants to go even further, cutting the corporate tax rate to 15%.

This would result in the 100 biggest corporations receiving a giveaway of $48B annually.

It's clear who he works for.

-- Robert Reich
Powerbook 5300 - In the weeks to come,
protecting your communications and online activities might become increasingly important 🔒

Remember that complete anonymity online is difficult to achieve,

But here are a few tools
you can start using right now to greatly improve your protections and data privacy online:

📶 VPN (Proton VPN):

:blocky_white_cursor: Browser - Day-to-Day (LibreWolf):

:tor: Browser - Sensitive Activities (Tor):

:protonmail: Email (Proton Mail):

📩 Throwaway Email Addresses (SimpleLogin):

:signal: Messaging & Audio/Video (Signal with username):

📄 Shared Documentation (Anytype):

🔃 File Sharing (OnionShare):

🗺️ Maps (OsmAnd):

✊ Activism & Groups (Mobilizon):

📆 Scheduling Meetups (Framadate):

#Privacy #Safety #USpol #Activism

Powerbook 5300 - If you're worried about storing your data with US tech companies in light of the election results, this link has a list of European alternatives. These include:
  • Email hosting
  • Cloud storage
  • Domain name registration
  • Navigation apps
  • Many other services
Stay safe.

Air Quotes Comedian
Visiting Hours.
The New Oil
New #Tuta Calendar app is now on #FDroid!

#privacy #cybersecurity
Sapere Aude
what is the non-open part in the Tutanota universe?

#Tuta #FDroid #privacy #cybersecurity
The New Oil
This would be a better question for @Tutanota
California voters said no to a ballot measure banning slavery.

Think about this. Who are these people in my country. Majority.
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
Andreas Geisler
It's like they want to violent protest only.
Andreas Geisler
Horrific political distractions are no coincidence

It's raining PFAS in South Florida: Occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in wet atmospheric deposition from Miami-Dade, South #Florida

• This is the first PFAS data collection for rainwater in South Florida.
• PFCAs and PFSAs are the major components in rainwater in South Florida.
• PFOS and PFOA levels detected in rainwater are above EPA health advisory levels.
• Compound ratios indicate a mixture of point and non-point sources in the rainwater.
• Northwestern air mass contributes to the increase of the sum of PFAS.

Atmospheric deposition plays a crucial role in the fate and transport of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), especially in areas far from production sites. It could be comparable to or exceed point source inputs. This study assessed the occurrence and composition of legacy and emergent PFAS in wet deposition in the Miami-Dade area, South Florida. Rainwater samples were collected from three locations in Miami-Dade County between 2021 and November 2022 (N = 42), The sample preparation methodology was validated, involving solid phase extraction (SPE) using a weak anion exchange (WAX) cartridge, followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using isotopically labeled internal standards. The results indicate that 74 % of the major components were perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs), while 12 % were perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids (PFSAs). Specifically, perfluoro-n-butanoic acid (PFBA) was the most frequently detected compound, detected in 95 % of the samples. Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) levels detected are above EPA-updated health advisory levels for drinking water, averaging 0.24 ng L−1 and 0.32 ng L−1, respectively. PFOS and PFOA fluxes in the Southeast were similar to those reported in the Northeast United States. Compounds such as perfluoro-1-hexanesulfonate (4:2 FTS), perfluoro-1-octanesulfonate (6:2 FTS), perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA), perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS), PFOA, perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), and perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) showed significant seasonal variation, with higher concentrations during the dry season. The perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA)/PFOA and PFOA/PFNA ratios suggest a mixture of point and non-point sources in rainwater. Air mass simulation indicated that contribution from Northwestern influences the increase in the sum of PFAS.
Joyce Donahue

America needs to embrace November 5th as a day calling for rebellion...
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
Susan ✶✶✶✶ - If you're worried about storing your data with US tech companies in light of the election results, this link has a list of European alternatives. These include:
  • Email hosting
  • Cloud storage
  • Domain name registration
  • Navigation apps
  • Many other services
Stay safe.
Powerbook 5300 hat dies geteilt
Protestation (Deutsch) - Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels: Artikel und Korrespondenzen 1880
Katherine Bond
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
Simon Ashcroft
It beggars belief that this is an issue over there.
Donna McClure
Not easy today @Katherine Bond!
neuer älter

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