40. Todestag Big Mama Thornton
(11. Dezember 1926 – 25. Juli 1984)

Hound Dog https://youtu.be/yoHDrzw-RPg (1952, die Originalversion)
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Reverend Elvis
I'm really wondering, doesn't it haunt you? ohh it will.

#music #iwonder #youwillpay
»Behalten Sie Ihren Hammer, Sie Rüpel!« (aus: Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein)

Guten Morgen mit dem Kommunikationswissenschaftler Paul Watzlawick (25. Juli 1921 – 31. März 2007)
moin . mit café .
Moin & Prost Kaff'!
Kaffeedose, Preßkanne, Zassenhaus-Handmühle
NACH „COMPACT“-VERBOT – Sachsen-Anhalts Behörden untersagen „Sommerfest der Pressefreiheit“ auf Poggenburgs Rittergut

Sachsen-Anhalts Behörden haben ein „Sommerfest der Pressefreiheit“ auf dem Rittergut des früheren AfD-Politikers André Poggenburg am kommenden Samstag untersagt: Es sollte am selben Tag und Ort stattfinden wie das ursprünglich geplante Sommerfest des verbotenen „Compact“-Magazins. Poggenburg und Co. wollen sich gegen die Untersagung wehren.…

Und jetzt bitte schon einmal die Wasserwerfer betanken und an dem Abend zum Veranstaltungsort bringen. Sicherheitshalber, falls da doch gefeiert werden sollte.

Kann ja nicht sein, daß die nur gegen friedlich sitzende Kids genutzt werden.
Empfehlung: Mit dem Jubel abwarten, bis die Faschos auch auf dem Rechtsweg gegen das Verbot gescheitert sind.
#Compact #Sellner #Elsässer #Stößen #Poggenburg
Protestation (Deutsch)
W.I. Lenin: Der "Linke Radikalismus", die Kinderkrankheit im Kommunismus (Kap.6) https://www.marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/lenin/1920/linksrad/kap06.html
Protestation (Deutsch)
The World Anti-imperialist Platform https://wap21.org
⚙️ toot'off tootles 🛠️
Protestation (Deutsch)
Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus!
Protestation (Deutsch)
Lenin: Eine der Kernfragen der Revolution http://www.mlwerke.de/le/le25/le25_378.htm
never speak to fox news. Whatever you say, they will use it against you. ;)
Adam Hunt
Actually Pete Buttigieg has done pretty well being on Fox regularly. He roasts them and they keep inviting him back.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Protestation (Deutsch)
»D’Caritas huet en décke Problem!« https://www.zlv.lu/db/1/1412781147314/0
Protestation (Deutsch)
Une exposition pluridisciplinaire https://www.zlv.lu/db/1/1406630831981/0
Protestation (Deutsch)
Den eigenen Ambitionen gerecht werden https://www.zlv.lu/db/1/1493449546830/0
Protestation (Deutsch)
Winterolympia 2030 in französischen Alpen https://www.zlv.lu/db/1/1419459366763/0
Protestation (Deutsch)
Weltklima im Visier der NATO https://www.zlv.lu/db/1/1440695609888/0
Adrianna Tan
Ever since Cookie passed, Mila has been taking over her ‘following human into the bathroom’ duty

#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Torties
 Large tortie in a bathroom staring with very large eyes
mrrrgnnn tootles 🖖 fedizens
Protestation (Deutsch)
W.I. Lenin: Der "Linke Radikalismus", die Kinderkrankheit im Kommunismus (Kap.1) https://www.marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/lenin/1920/linksrad/kap01.html
Enjoying some snuggles with my very old and declining cat Rowdy. He’s close to 18 years old, blind as a bat and nothing but bones. He’s still happy and purrs, though his motor gave out a couple years ago and it’s more of a vibration now. He’s the goodest of kitty cats. He’s always been so happy, loving and tolerant of all manner of kids, dogs and even other cats. I’ve never heard him hiss, growl or be foul-tempered at all. He’s the opposite of most of us gingers. 😏 😻🥹 #cats
Photo of my hand petting my old orange and white cat Rowdy.
Photo of my orange and white cat Rowdy snuggling into my hand.
Ich bin gerade wütend auf meine eigene Partei.

Ich habe Olaf Scholz geholfen in diesen Scheiß Job zu bekommen, ebenso wie Hubertus Heil.

Was bekomme ich als Dank dafür?

HartzIV zurück.
Jeri Dansky
My Tennessee, being his usual gorgeous self on this #WhiskersWednesday. #CatsOfMastodon #today
Head shot of medium-hair tuxedo cat, with his whiskers on full display —  along with his beautiful green eyes and super cute pink nose.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Ist eine obligatorische Staatssprache notwendig? http://www.mlwerke.de/le/le20/le20_059.htm
Protestation (Deutsch)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Macron will »politische Auszeit« https://www.zlv.lu/db/1/1469402031262/0
Protestation (Deutsch)
You can follow us in other languages. Visit our website for more information https://wordsmith.social/protestation/social

Mark Wollschlager
A little refresher
Rod Hilton on Mastodon
"But she's a cop!"
Yeah they're all cops, did you skip civics class?
Legislative - makes laws
Judicial - interprets laws
Executive - enforces laws
Everyone we vote on is a cop, what the shit did you think voting was?
You're picking who you trust more to grant special powers to form laws that will bind you. That's why we vote on the person, so we have a say in process to prevent tyranny.
Like I'm sorry but was the President being the "Commander in Chief" not a giveaway on this?
Grow up.

Looked back at my old choice rankings for the 2020 election primary
Warren was my top choice as of January, followed by surprisingly #Klobachar because I believed social media misinformation was the most important thing and #Warren and Klobachar had the strongest stances on it. I have Xs on #Harris ranking in Nov and Dec but shot to number 3 in Jan which I'm guessing means she announced later than everyone else. #Bernie had been number 2 but after basically calling Warren a liar and not seriously apologizing to Warren after one of his staff did a smear campaign on her, he was bumped to number 4 after Harris. #Yang had been number 3 but I guess dropped out in January. Actually Bernie was at number 5 behind a hypothetical Biden/Abrams Ticket at 4th place. In the end being in a late state I ended up voting for Bernie to give him more sway in convention. So I didn't realize just how much I favored Harris at the time. After that point I stopped keeping track and people dropped out ridiculously quickly once #Biden won SC. I'm guessing she also had some understanding of the tech problem or I wouldn't have put her in the coveted #3 spot.
Harris had not yet stepped into the race I guess at the time of filming of this video
#kamala2024 #Harris2024 #Kamalaharris2024
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
My avatar is a reminder of how far the US empire will go to get back at any journalist who dares reveal it's war crimes.
Adam Hunt
My avatar is a reminder of how far the US empire will go to get back at any journalist who dares reveal it’s war crimes.
While that is true, it just seems a bit odd to be advocating to free someone who is, in fact, already free. Just a suggestion, but perhaps an updated picture with "remember what happened to Assange" or something similar might be less dated.
Mark Lansbury

Ukraine shoots down another Russian Su-25 jet in Donetsk Oblast

Anti-air units shot the plane down as it was attempting to fire on Ukrainian positions, the statement said. The #Khortytsia group of forces also shared a video that showed an anti-aircraft missile being launched and striking a plane in the distance.


#RussianAggression #Su25 #downed #AirDefense #ShotDown #Ukraine
Protestation (Deutsch)
Über die nationale Gleichberechtigung http://www.mlwerke.de/le/le20/le20_234.htm
neuer älter

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