Protestation (Deutsch)
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N. E. Felibata 👽

"You won't have to vote again in four years. It'll be fixed."
- Donald Trump at FL rally

Believe Trump When He Says He Won’t Give Up Power

The former president has floated the idea of remaining beyond another term too often and praised too many dictators to dismiss his conjecture as hyperbole.

Programme highlight for 29.08.:

The programme is open to the public and we want to show you what you can expect!

On Tuesday, 6 August, you can look forward to Radikal Jüdisch:

Workshop on anti-fascism, anarchist ideas and solidarity with Jewish people

(Please bring a mask and don't come to the workshop if you have an airborne disease)

There will be
There is a lot of talk about Jewish people without a single
Jewish person sitting at the table, on the podium or in the group - especially
especially when it comes to anti-Semitism. For this reason, Riv and
Nui, from the educational collective radikal_jüdisch, organised workshops on the topic of
"Thinking Jewish people too!". In doing so, they are confronting
invisibilisation and the failure to think about Jewish people and perspectives.
perspectives. The concept of Goynormativity is at the centre of this
which enables a change of perspective in order to address the topic
to approach the topic from a non-Jewish perspective in solidarity.

In this workshop, we will focus more on Jewish perspectives
perspectives that are important for anti-fascists to stand in solidarity with
Jewish accomplices and companions, as well as with Jewish women in anarchist
anarchist movements and with anarchist Jewish ideas.

Questions will be: Which Jewish anarchist
people were and are there? How can we make Jewish people feel
Jewish people feel heard in anti-fascist struggles? What are
key terms and concepts regarding antisemitism and racism
that you should know? What does solidarity with Jewish people mean?
What exclusions and structural violence do Jewish people experience
in Germany? What anti-Semitic patterns and ideas do I have of my own?

The workshop consists of a mixture of inputs, interactive exercises
and an examination of yourself. With needs-orientated

does educational work that aims to have an impact on mainstream society.
society. Through the educational work, Jewish perspectives are made visible
to promote more solidarity and consequently combat anti-Semitism.
anti-Semitism. An important value here is to make Jewish plurality visible
Jewish plurality, creating points of contact and recognising racism and anti-Semitism
as intertwined systems of oppression, and to recognise Jewish emancipatory
emancipatory perspectives and voices. The workshop series
"Jewish people in the thinking!" brings both Jewish perspectives and
Jewish people into social movements.

The second pillar is the work within the Jewish community
and in particular with politically active Jewish people. Here we offer
Jewish empowerment workshops.

You can find the complete programme on our website:
The background is light green. On the right-hand side of the picture is a photo of two people standing next to each other and looking at each other familiarly. To the left of the photo it says ‘Workshop on anti-fascism, anarchist ideas and solidarity with Jewish people’ and underneath it says ‘Radikal Jüdisch’. At the top right it says ‘Programme’ and ‘Tuesday 06.08.’. At the bottom right is a logo and the text ‘05.08.-11.08. in Erfurt, System Change Camp’.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Wahlkampfauftakt zur Landtagwahl in Thüringen in Gera
Bu kadar çok başarılı siyasetçinin böylesine utanmaz yalancılar olması sadece onların değil, aynı zamanda bizlerin de bir yansımasıdır. İnsanlar imkânsızı istediğinde, sadece yalancılar onları tatmin edebilir.

-- Thomas Sowell
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
N. E. Felibata 👽

Far-right Elon Musk doing what he does best - spreading lies and altering viewpoints.

A manipulated video that mimics the voice of Vice President Kamala Harris saying things she did not say is raising concerns about the power of artificial intelligence to mislead with Election Day about three months away.
Entrer une description pour l'image ici

wasn't it a human speaker?
Lol, no, I mean the manipulated Kamala Harris video.

Intellectuel philosophe chocolat

N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt

Randy Ortiz - Happy Person Having a Pleasant Conversation in Public

#RandyOrtiz #dark #art #eerie #grotesque #horror #beauty #weird
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt

p'tit con

N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
Protestation (Deutsch)
Clara Zetkin: Brief an das ZK der KPD (26. Oktober 1927)

"Hiçbir şey düşünceden daha etkili değildir çünkü o bütün evreni dolaşır; hiçbir şey zorunluluktan daha güçlü değildir, çünkü her şey ona teslim olur."


"Bencillik, insanın istediği gibi yaşaması değil, başkalarını kendi istediği şekilde yaşamaya zorlamasıdır."

Oscar Wilde
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
Those credits are to encourage higher efficiency vehicles. Tesla sells theirs to other companies so they can keep on building thirsty SUVs without having to pay penalties. The whole program has been gamed into a waste, but until they change it, there's nothing wrong with Tesla selling their credits.
Gaukler Faun

Grüße aus dem #Garten. Der #Fenchel blüht und die #Wespen lieben ihn. Ansonsten scheint er für #Mücken, #Schwebliegen und andere kleine #Insekten von Interesse zu sein. Ansonsten erwähne ich mal noch die #Sonnenblume.

#mywork #cc-by-sa #natur #naturgarten #foto #fotografie
Salutations du #jardin. Le #fenouil est en fleur et les #guêpes l'adorent. Sinon, il semble intéresser les #moustiques, les #souffleurs et autres petits #insectes. Je mentionne aussi le #tournesol.

#mywork #cc-by-sa #nature #jardinnaturel #photo #photographie
Irkçı Kemalistler hiç bir zaman bu düzen karşı muhalif olmamıştır... onların tek istekleri var Kürd Kürdistan halkını tıpkı Anatoli halkı gibi asimile edip Türklük potası altında eritmektir.
"Yaşamın en önemli özelliği insanlar konusunda sürekli yanılmaktır."
  • Dostoyevski
"Ali İsmail Korkmaz'ı döverek öldüren polislerden birinin, tekme attığı ayağından rapor aldığı ortaya çıktı. İşin daha ilginç tarafı, raporu veren, Ali İsmail'in beyin kanaması geçirdiğini fark edemeyip kas gevşetici vererek evine gönderen doktor [H.G.]."
Seçim güçlüler ile güçsüzler arasında yaratılmış bir illüzyondur.




19 mayıs bayram değil... Pontos Rum soykırımı unutmadık unutmayacağız!

"Mutsuzsan, geçmişte yaşıyorsun. Endişeliysen, gelecekte yaşıyorsun. Huzurluysan, şu anda yaşıyorsun."

Lao Tzu
Jose Luis Peruyero
I'll carry him to Vulcan's twin planet, Melmac.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Erich Weinert Ensemble - Lenin fragt
Protestation (Deutsch)
Karl Marx - Entwürfe einer Antwort auf den Brief von V. I Sassulitsch
Vorwürfe stehen im Raum / wo bleibt der Paß in die Tiefe?
Georg Arne Spenden
Den hat der Elefant gefressen.
neuer älter

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