Protestation (Deutsch)
W.I. Lenin: Sozialismus und Religion (Dezember 1905)
toot of, tootles ⚙️🛠️
Wer Parteimitglied bei #Grüne ist, hat keine moralischen roten Linien. #Baerbock ist absolut skrupellos.

"Die grüne Außenministerin Baerbock rechtfertigt in ihrer Bundestags-Rede die israelischen Angriffe auf zivile Ziele in Gaza, inklusive Schulen in denen Flüchtlinge untergekommen sind, bei denen in den letzten Monaten tausenden Zivilisten, Kinder, Verletzte getötet worden sind."

#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Genozid #Rechtsextremismus #Ampel

🧵 1/4
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Ole Nymoen dazu. ⬆️

"Das ist wirklich Gaslighting in seiner reinsten Form: Immer noch so zu tun, als ginge es um den Kampf gegen Terrorismus, obwohl jeder sehen kann, dass Vertreibung und Annexion auf der Tagesordnung stehen." #Grüne #Baerbock

#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Genozid #Rechtsextremismus #Ampel

🧵 3/4
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Wochen her)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Friedrich Engels - Das küerzliche Gemetzel in Elberfeld
diaspora* HQ

A big hey! from diaspora*

You might have been wondering what happened to diaspora*. Well, although we’ve been a bit quiet, we haven’t gone away! In fact, some big things have been happening in the background that we’re really excited about, and now it’s come to the time for us to tell you about them.


The first is our API, created with a lot of the initial work done by Kent Shikama, completed by Frank Rousseau and @Hank G, and supported by core team member @Jonne Haß. This was completed earlier this year, and it enables other applications to interact with the diaspora* software, giving a lot more flexibility in how it can be used, for instance in the creation of native diaspora* apps.

Account migration

One of the key features of a decentralized social network has to be the ability to move your account data from one node (we call them ‘pods’) to another. This has proved to be one of the most difficult things to accomplish properly, and consequently it has taken a long time! The back-end code to do all the hard work was completed by in a mammoth effort, and what remains is to create a ‘front-end’ interface so that it’s easy for anyone to access the feature via the account settings page. This is currently being worked on by new member @Thorsten C with support from core team members @Fla and @Benjamin Neff. It is currently being reviewed and tested, and once this has been done we’ll be able to merge it.

Next major release

Once this has been merged, we’ll be able to release a major version containing both these features, plus a lot more. This will be a big step forward for diaspora*, and we can’t wait to bring version 0.8 to you. We would really love to release this before the end of 2021, but we must make sure all bugs in the new features are ironed out before we release them, so please be patient if we can't meet that deadline!

There is always a lot more work to do, and as members of our core team have had to prioritise other areas of their work, so development of diaspora* has slowed down. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We’re an open-source project, and we’re always keen to hear from prospective coders who want to help make diaspora* better. If you want to help us, get in touch! We’ll do whatever we can to support you.

#diaspora #development #release #features #accountmigration #api
diaspora* HQ

diaspora* version released with security fixes!

It's been a bit silent as we're still focussing our efforts on the next major release. Today, we're releasing an unscheduled update which includes some urgent security fixes, so please update soon. Over the past 10 months, we have managed to collect 108 commits made by 9 contributors for this minor release.

A huge thanks to all the contributors from diaspora*'s amazing community! If you want to help make diaspora* even better, please check out our getting started guide. Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes made in this release.

Notable Changes


For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki.

#diaspora #announcement #release #07160
diaspora* HQ

A notice about diaspora*'s project infrastructure

Hi everyone.

In the night from March 1st to March 2nd, starting at 21:00 UTC until 04:00 UTC, the project infrastructure will be unavailable. Our infrastructure provider is undergoing major datacenter construction, and because of that, our servers will have to be moved from the current datacenter into a freshly built building.

This downtime will affect
  • our Discourse forum
  • the project website, blog, and wiki
  • the Gem server set up by the project, which will cause brief interruptions when updating your pod or setting up a new pod, so please don't do that during this period!
This downtime will not affect any pods and the diaspora* social network will continue uninterrupted!

We'll try to keep the downtime as short as possible, but given this maintenance involves physically moving multiple racks into a new building, there's a limit to how fast this can be.

#diaspora #announcement #downtime #maintenance
diaspora* HQ

diaspora* version released with security fixes!

We just released a new diaspora* version, which addresses two critical security issues in the Ruby on Rails framework, as well as one medium security issue in our code discovered by a security researcher.

A huge thanks to all the contributors from diaspora*'s amazing community! If you want to help make diaspora* even better, please check out our getting started guide. Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes made in this release.


For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki. As that this update includes security fixes, please update as soon as possible.

If you are a user not running your own pod, there is nothing you need to do!
#diaspora #announcement #release #07170
diaspora* HQ

diaspora*'s 10 years in community hands

This weekend marked the 10th anniversary since the diaspora* project was handed over by its founders to the community. Ten years – time really does fly!

During that time we’ve made many fundamental improvements to the software that this network runs on, from standardizing the process of making improvements to the code to completely rewriting the federation protocol on which communication between pods is based. We’ve also stabilized performance in many ways, and we've added many improvements to the user interface and new features.

Over the past couple of years things have been a bit quieter as our team of volunteer developers has been hard at work on some really huge and complex tasks. The most fundamental of these have been creating a feature to allow members to move their account from one pod to another, and creating an API to allow apps to interact with diaspora* more easily and in more interesting ways.

With these major improvements included, our next release will be a quantum leap forward for the project, and so we’re going to release it as diaspora* 1.0!

We hoped we might be able to release version 1.0 on the date of our 10th anniversary, but limits on our resources have meant that these big new features are not yet ready. If you think that you could help with some coding or reviewing tasks to get us over the line, please let us know! We'd love some help from our wider community, and we can’t wait to be able to offer these new features to you all.

Thanks to you all for being part of diaspora*'s amazing community!

#diaspora #anniversary #release #development #help
Ein ganz normaler Tag in ner ganz normalen Klinik.
Bettenmanager an nem Montag spielen ist nen scheiss Job :-)
Habs ja aber irgendwie gestern hinbekommen alle Patienten irgendwie unter zu bringen.
Nachdem 2 Stationen das unmögliche möglich gemacht haben, konnte ich bei mir das unmögliche möglich machen und die Patienten aus dem Coro Labor, der Inensivstation und der ZNA übernehmen.
Am Ende hatten wir sogar für den Spätdienst 2 freie überwachungsbetten.
Der Onko Patient mit HB von 4 musste 1/2
2/2 auch nur 12 Stunden in der Notaufnahme auf sein Bett warten :-(
Gekommen war er mit nem HB von 3, keine Ahnung wie er mit so wenig roten blutkörperchen noch Lebensfähig war.
10 bis 14 ist normal, ab 7 gibt's Erytrozytenkonzentrate.
Willkommen in einem der besten Gesundheitssystemen der Welt, wo so schwer Kranke 12 Stunden in ner Notaufnahme Butze auf ner Trage rumliegen müssen.
Freie Betten hatten wir reichlich, nur kein Pflegepersonal das die Betten betreut.
Egal, interessiert eh keinen.
Nur nicht vergessen
du bist nicht weniger wert
wenn du nichts leistest
Ein ganz interessantes Video dazu, wie ich finde:
nocci [cyberpunk'd]
Heute wurde ich beobachtet... das war nett.

Eine Krähe sitzt auf einem Verkehrsschild vor einem rot/orangener Hauswand und schaut mich direkt an.
Der Himmel ist sehr bewölkt.
mrrrgnnn tootles 🖖 fedizens
Moin ​:catwhithtea:
Protestation (Deutsch)
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Protestation (Deutsch)
Friedrich Engels - Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England - An die arbeitende Klasse Großbritanniens
Protestation (Deutsch)
PLA Archiv Geschichte der PAA - allgemeine Schlussfolgerungen (AUSZUG)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Sylvester Stallone F.I.S.T. 1978 street fight scene
Protestation (Deutsch)
Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus!
Protestation (Deutsch)
Revolutionary Democracy
Protestation (Deutsch)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Rosa Luxemburg: Neue Strömungen in der polnischen sozialistischen Bewegung in Deutschland und Österreich

They Died With The AC Off

Why does the government get away with murder by not giving any support during hot weather? They're good at taking care of citizens dealing with cold, but not heat.
"The White House did not respond to requests for comment."

"It's our policy not to talk about these things"


They Died With The AC Off

Why does the government get away with murder by not giving any support during hot weather? They're good at taking care of citizens dealing with cold, but not heat.

📬 Ab heute im Briefkasten: Die Oktober-»Blätter«!

Mit: Wolfgang Thierse, Jason Stanley, Seyla Benhabib, Naika Foroutan, Richard C. Schneider, Julian Busch, Anja Krüger, Albrecht von Lucke u.v.m.

Die Oktober-Ausgabe der »Blätter« auf einem Holztisch. Aufmacher: »Ein Jahr 7. Oktober: Israel und die Linke«, Jens Balzer, Richard C. Schneider, »Der Campus als Schlachtfeld«, Jason Stanley
Ende Gelände
+++ Die Tesla Bauschneise ist blockiert - "So lange wir hier sind, stehen die Bauarbeiten still!" +++

Grünheide. In der Nacht von Sonntag auf Montag wurde in der gerodeten Schneise bei der Tesla Fabrik ein Baumstamm aufgestellt und mit Seilen abgespannt. Weitere Bauarbeiten werden damit blockiert. Die Schneise wird von der Deutschen Bahn gerodet, um für Tesla einen Güterbahnhof zu bauen.

Die Aktivist*innen des Protestcamps "Tesla stoppen", welches nur wenige Meter von der gerodeten Schneise entfernt liegt, haben sich zu der Blockade geäußert: "Die Tesla-Erweiterung wird hier Stück für Stück durchgesetzt. Die Deutsche Bahn und das Land Brandenburg schaffen durch die Hintertür Fakten, bevor Tesla überhaupt gekauft hat. Vorauseilender Gehorsam für einen Milliardär! Aber nicht mit uns! So lange wir hier sind, stehen die Bauarbeiten für Tesla still." sagt Mara, Pressesprecherin des Camps.

Weiter in den Kommentaren. Aktuelle Infos im Ticker (
Sui hat dies geteilt
In Köln Bonn fliegen jede Nacht etwa 45 Flugzeuge. Frachtverkehr, Kurzstrecken und natürlich nach Malle
Working Class History
#OtD 14 Oct 1913 the Senghenydd Colliery Disaster occured. The explosion killed 439 miners and a rescuer. It is still the worst mining accident to have occurred in the United Kingdom

"Der Themenkomplex »Klima, Energie, Versorgung« stürzte im gleichen Zeitraum ab: von 44 auf derzeit 17%

Diese Entwicklung erklärt sich primär dadurch, dass alle – vor allem [#CDU / #CSU), mittlerweile aber sogar die #Ampel'parteien – in den migrationsängstlichen Chorus der Klimawandelleugnerpartei #AfD eingestimmt haben. Tatkräftig unterstützt von Talkshows und Berichterstattung."

#Klimakratastrophe #Medienproblem #Propaganda #ÖRR #ARD #ZDF #SPD #Grüne #FDP
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