Yesterday I played a presentation of a research project at the university of Vienna. Some artistic research went into developing the music, but the main act that evening was the latest book by Andrea Griesebner and Evdoxios Doxiadis: Gender and divorce. This work delves into married women's rights (or lack thereof) in Europe over a period of three centuries, 1600-1900. This book is a total Eye-opener on the topics of care work, economical disadvantages for women, male privilege, and when and how it all started.
Getting divorced and remarried are now common practices in European societies, even if the rules differ from one country to the next. Civil marriage law still echoes religious marriage law, which for centuries determined which persons could enter into marriage with each other and how validly contracted marriages could be ended. Religions and denominations also had different regulations regarding whether a divorce only ended marital obligations or also permitted remarriage.
Yesterday I played a presentation of a research project at the university of Vienna. Some artistic research went into developing the music, but the main act that evening was the latest book by Andrea Griesebner and Evdoxios Doxiadis: Gender and divorce. This work delves into married women's rights (or lack thereof) in Europe over a period of three centuries, 1600-1900. This book is a total Eye-opener on the topics of care work, economical disadvantages for women, male privilege, and when and how it all started.
Getting divorced and remarried are now common practices in European societies, even if the rules differ from one country to the next. Civil marriage law still echoes religious marriage law, which for centuries determined which persons could enter into marriage with each other and how validly contracted marriages could be ended. Religions and denominations also had different regulations regarding whether a divorce only ended marital obligations or also permitted remarriage.
Der anhaltende Konflikt in Khartum und anderen Regionen des Sudan flammt erneut auf. Humanitäre Organisationen ziehen sich aus dem Land zurück. Lokalen Organisationen fehlt es an Mitteln, sich gegen die Krise zu stemmen. Humanitäre Lage im Sudan verschärft sich weiter
Der anhaltende Konflikt in Khartum und anderen Regionen des Sudan flammt erneut auf. Humanitäre Organisationen ziehen sich aus dem Land zurück. Lokalen Organisationen fehlt es an Mitteln, sich gegen die Krise zu stemmen. Humanitäre Lage im Sudan verschärft sich weiter
Diese Anführer von Hamas und Hisbollah wurden getötet
Nach dem Massaker der Hamas am 7. Oktober 2023 hat Israel eine Reihe führender Köpfe der Terrororganisationen Hamas und Hisbollah töten lassen - zuletzt Hamas-Chef Sinwar. Ein Überblick.
Nach dem Massaker der Hamas am 7. Oktober 2023 hat Israel eine Reihe führender Köpfe der Terrororganisationen Hamas und Hisbollah töten lassen - zuletzt Hamas-Chef Jihia Sinwar. Ein Überblick.#Nahost #Israel #Hamas #Hisbollah…
Diese Anführer von Hamas und Hisbollah wurden getötet
Nach dem Massaker der Hamas am 7. Oktober 2023 hat Israel eine Reihe führender Köpfe der Terrororganisationen Hamas und Hisbollah töten lassen - zuletzt Hamas-Chef Sinwar. Ein Überblick.
Nach dem Massaker der Hamas am 7. Oktober 2023 hat Israel eine Reihe führender Köpfe der Terrororganisationen Hamas und Hisbollah töten lassen - zuletzt Hamas-Chef Jihia Sinwar. Ein Überblick.#Nahost #Israel #Hamas #Hisbollah…
Die Bildungsminister:innen der Länder setzen große Hoffnungen auf sogenannte Künstliche Intelligenz. Ihre aktuellen Handlungsempfehlungen, mit denen Schulen auch den Lehrkräftemangel beheben sollen, stoßen bei Expertinnen jedoch auf Skepsis. Kultusministerkonferenz: Mit Künstlicher Intelligenz gegen die Bildungsmisere
That was too easy to reach for innovative solutions to that problem stated as if it couldn't. ... so much so, one could almost suspect it was a cunning-and-subtle intentional abuse of Cunningham's Law, to encourage, to invite, thinking how, and interjecting... for the implied outcome coming through?? or a honeypot to catch those who seek to have a very french revolution?
Could have spaceships for everybody.
Years ago it came to my attention, that there exists spaceships, of human innovation, powered by zero-point energy, capable of zero-inertia propulsion; printing another of itself instantly; being flown safely by a 2 year old... Don't need to bother about the billionaires. just release the suppressed technology. Get us off this rentier's rigged game that keeps us down disempowered and dependent on the rentier's polluting inferior tech only then to be told there are too many of us because we pollute too much... Yet it's those who are now billionaires who hold us to pollute for them, draining us of our effort and wealth and time... Sure seems like an easy solution is to get rid of the billionaires. Though maybe that just resets for that to eventually happen again. Maybe if someone just starts proliferating those spaceships for everybody, we'll sublimate past that whole billionaire rentier pilferer robber-baron oligarch pantomime kleptarch fascist hegemonic dragon tyrant. [Sorry, was I spitting angry mouth froth when I said that? Heh.]
Ach wie großzügig, jetzt wechselt der #inkassodienstleister schon innerhalb eines Schreibens die angeblich noch offenen Beträge, weiterhin, ohne die ursprüngliche Hauptforderung zu begründen oder auch nur zu spezifizieren...
The energy inefficiency of AI is a telltale sign that they're on the wrong track. The human brain does what an LLM does with three orders of magnitude less training while consuming fewer than 10 watts of energy.
Biological intelligence and AI are currently qualitatively different, and if AI engineers were smart (which they're not; their greed has overcome their reason), they would attempt to discover biological intelligence's secret and improve on it.
Good science is an inherently socialist enterprise; bringing capitalism into the mix is always sure to spoil it.
And this phenomenon takes place from the largest scale (e.g., which kinds of research funding agencies and corporations are willing to fund) to the smallest, down to the interactions between individual scientists.
My collaborator and I have been victims of this lately. We developed some software. A couple of colleagues in my department recognized that it might have monetary value, so they plagiarized it and submitted the plagiarized code repository to the NSF as their own work.
My collaborator and I have been forced to deal with this situation for over a year and a half, during which time we have gotten almost no science done.
As a side-effect of this criminality, my collaborator has been unable to publish her dissertation research for over a year. The culprits of the plagiarism and federal grant fraud are effectively holding the paper hostage.
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A chemical like insulin cannot itself be patented. A method for extracting or producing a chemical like insulin can be patented. More than one method of producing insulin has been patented during the last 100 years.
In January 1922, Leonard Thompson, a 14-year-old boy dying from diabetes in a Toronto hospital, became the first person to receive an injection of insulin. Within 24 hours, Leonard’s dangerously high blood glucose levels dropped to near-normal levels.
The news about insulin spread around the world like wildfire. In 1923, Banting and Macleod received the Nobel Prize in Medicine, which they shared with Best and Collip. Thank you, diabetes researchers!
Soon after, the medical firm Eli Lilly started large-scale production of insulin. It wasn’t long before there was enough insulin to supply the entire North American continent. In the decades to follow, manufacturers developed a variety of slower-acting insulins, the first introduced by Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc., in 1936.
Insulin from cattle and pigs was used for many years to treat diabetes and saved millions of lives, but it wasn’t perfect, as it caused allergic reactions in many patients. The first genetically engineered, synthetic “human” insulin was produced in 1978 using E. coli bacteria to produce the insulin. Eli Lilly went on in 1982 to sell the first commercially available biosynthetic human insulin under the brand name Humulin.
Those in the picture all have 3-car garages. Around here there are lots of these, but usually the houses are huge 5-bedroom, 3 bath. I would bet that one of the 3 slots is where things like bikes, lawn mowers, etc. are stored.
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My German is decades too rusty to make out what he was saying, but by any chance was he simply saying space is Euclidean (rather than spherical or hyperbolic)?
In my "understanding" the value of Einstein's cosmological constant relates to the geometry of the universe, with values less than 1 corresponding to a spherical space, values greater than 1 a hyperbolic space, and a value of 1.0 corresponding to Euclidean space. (FWIW, the value of this constant relates to the likely fate of the universe in the long term: A value < 1 means a "Big Crunch", in which the universe eventually collapses back on itself; >= 1 means heat death, in which the universe simply expands forever into nothingness.)
It appears the value is damned close to 1.0 -- that is, Euclidean, which one could interpret as "flat" -- so heat death it is.
Der nette Herr Merz von Nebenan Wenn Merz nicht gerade exaltiert fingerzangen-gestikulierend und gespreizt akzentuierend bedeutungsschwangere aber meist inhaltsleere Sätze fräsend das mottenkugelige Empörion des in Wohlstand ergrauten Bürgertums gibt, versucht er den netten Normalo darzustellen, der er weder ist, noch sein will. #Deutschland #1 #Boomer #deutschland #merz #union #wohlstand
einfach das du vll. doch persönlich hier bist. und man vll. doch sich wünsch das du unsere anworten ließt :)
ich kann das verstehen das du angenervt bist. hab ja eine fragen gesehen. wo ich mich auch frage "das kann man so nicht einfach beantworten, weil das bild eine zusammen fassung von vielen dingen gleichzeitig ist"
ich mag total deine arbeit, du steckst da so viel arbeit rein und alles. und da sind dann kritiken an vielen dingen/details einfach überflüssig.
Ich halte es mit Mastodon wie mit Twitter: beide Plattformen sind aus unterschiedlichen Gründen nicht meine (No Offense). Bin da gerade sehr distanziert, ich weiß. Und eigentlich war mir danach den Account zu schließen. Da es mit vertretbarem Aufwand zu handhaben scheint, habe ich mich dafür entschieden es einstweilen wie bei Twitter zu handhaben: Ich automatisiere die Beiträge, kümmere mich jedoch um die Moderation der Kommentarspalte unter meinen Beiträgen, lese also mit.
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mit "Survival of the fittest" ist übrigens NICHT überleben des stärkeren gemeint, sondern überleben des angepassten. Blauschwarzer Anzug unter Blauschwarzen Anzügen (angepasst: gleichgeschaltet, spießig...) Insofern könnte Herr Merz gewinnen!