Protestation (Deutsch)
US-„Friedensplan“: Südlibanon soll ein neues Westjordanland werden
Aurin Azadî


Heute ist Dienstag, der 22. Oktober 2024. KW 43.
Today is Setting Orange, the 3rd day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3190.

Am 22. Oktober 1940: Bei der Wagner-Bürckel-Aktion werden über 6.000 deutsche Juden von den Nationalsozialisten in das Lager Camp de Gurs in Frankreich deportiert.
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt


Heute ist Dienstag, der 22. Oktober 2024. KW 43.
Today is Setting Orange, the 3rd day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3190.

Am 22. Oktober 1940: Bei der Wagner-Bürckel-Aktion werden über 6.000 deutsche Juden von den Nationalsozialisten in das Lager Camp de Gurs in Frankreich deportiert.

Deutsche Welle (inoffiziell)

Israels Bomben treffen Geldzentralen des Terrors

Bei der Bevölkerung des Libanons ist die Schattenbank der Hisbollah beliebt - spätestens seit dem Zusammenbruch des offiziellen Finanzsystems im Land 2019. Israel will die Finanzströme zum Versiegen bringen.
Israels Bomben treffen Geldzentralen des Terrors
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
Deutsche Welle (inoffiziell)

Gesund leben: Ist lange Stehen besser als lange Sitzen?

Im Büro aber auch zuhause sitzen wir lange. Das kann der Gesundheit schaden. Aber auch Stehen kann krank machen, sagt eine Studie. Also was tun?
Gesund leben: Ist lange Stehen besser als lange Sitzen?
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt

Gesund leben: Ist lange Stehen besser als lange Sitzen?

Im Büro aber auch zuhause sitzen wir lange. Das kann der Gesundheit schaden. Aber auch Stehen kann krank machen, sagt eine Studie. Also was tun?
Gesund leben: Ist lange Stehen besser als lange Sitzen?

Protestation (Deutsch)
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dead key

today in berlin.
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt

N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
N. E. Felibata 👽

Letters from an American: October 21, 2024
On Saturday, September 7, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump predicted that his plan to deport 15 to 20 million people currently living in the United States would be “bloody.” He also promised to prosecute his political opponents, including, he wrote, lawyers, political operatives, donors, illegal voters, and election officials. Retired chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley told journalist Bob Woodward that Trump is “a fascist to the core…the most dangerous person to this country.”

On October 14, Trump told Fox News Channel host Maria Bartiromo that he thought enemies within the United States were more dangerous than foreign adversaries and that he thought the military should stop those “radical left lunatics” on Election Day. Since then, he has been talking a lot about “the enemy from within,” specifically naming Representative Adam Schiff and former House speaker Nancy Pelosi, both Democrats from California, as “bad people.” Schiff was the chair of the House Intelligence Committee that broke the 2019 story of Trump’s attempt to extort Volodymyr Zelensky that led to Trump’s first impeachment.

Trump’s references to the “enemy from within” have become so frequent that former White House press secretary turned political analyst Jen Psaki has called them his closing argument for the 2024 election, and she warned that his construction of those who oppose him as “enemies” might sweep in virtually anyone he feels is a threat.

In a searing article today, political scientist Rachel Bitecofer of The Cycle explored exactly what that means in a piece titled “What (Really) Happens If Trump Wins?” Bitecofer outlined Adolf Hitler’s January 30, 1933, oath of office, in which he promised Germans he would uphold the constitution, and the three months he took to dismantle that constitution.

By March, she notes, the concentration camp Dachau was open. Its first prisoners were not Jews, but rather Hitler’s prominent political opponents. By April, Jews had been purged from the civil service, and opposition political parties were illegal. By May, labor unions were banned and students were burning banned books. Within the year, public criticism of Hitler and the Nazis was illegal, and denouncing violators paid well for those who did it.

Bitecofer writes that Trump has promised mass deportations “that he cannot deliver unless he violates both the Constitution and federal law.” To enable that policy, Trump will need to dismantle the merit-based civil service and put into office those loyal to him rather than the Constitution. And then he will purge his political opponents, for once those who would stand against him are purged, Trump can act as he wishes against immigrants, for example, and others.

Protestation (Deutsch)
Friedrich Engels - Die auswärtige Politik des russischen Zarentums
N. E. Felibata 👽

The coverage of the news from Gaza and Lebanon is like it is being orchestrated by a central command!

Every paper, every media, every web site is using the same language, avoiding to name Israel on their headlines and using a passive sentence like "died", "exploded", "injured".

The screen capture is from yesterday Swedish "liberal left" Dagens Nyheter. covering the catastrophe in Lebanon.
- Doctors warn after attacks in northern Gaza - 87 reported dead or missing
  • Explosions in Beirut - houses reported hit
And EVERY freaking time when they report about the casualties in Gaza, they use the EXACT same phrase "According to hams controlled heath department".

This is one of the first times they actually reported about the catastrophe in Gaza after days of silence about the catastrophe in the north or even mentioning the starvation of upto 400 000 people by the genocidal regime of Israel and it's murderous gang.

#Sweden #Leban #Media #Israel #Gaza #Propaganda #Inhumanity #Politics #Genocide #Inhumanity

Protestation (Deutsch)
Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus!
Taiwan von links (verstehen)! HEUTE 19:00 for free, taz-Kantine in Berlin + Livestream: Talk mit unserem Autor, dem Sozialforscher & China-Experten Ralf Ruckus. Der Konflikt zw. einem kapitalistischen Block um die USA und einem um die VR China hat sich in den letzten Jahren zugespitzt: In naher Zukunft könnte er an der Taiwan-Frage eskalieren, auch kriegerisch. Eine solche Eskalation beträfe uns alle 🎤 Link zum Talk:

#taiwan #china #kapitalismus #kommunismus #ralfruckus
Südostasiatische Migranten protestieren in Taipeh gegen Diskriminierung als Wanderarbeiter:innen. Foto: Ralf Ruckus
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Wochen her)
Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin hat dies geteilt
N. E. Felibata 👽

#Hmm, #Oldie, but #Goldie ...

Dueling Banjos

Documenting the Decline
Protestation (Deutsch)
Gerda de Vos
Gerda de Vos

An artist friend makes these wonderful illustrations for a fairy tale about an elf girl and her friend from a tribe of bird-people.
#art #bird #elf #cat #home
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
N. E. Felibata 👽


Gerda de Vos
Thank you, friends!
Hugs to you
(this is also my friend's illustration)
Jose Luis Peruyero
Usually, It only helps to hide them away.
Jay Bryant
Solve? No. Help me hide from them? Yes.
N. E. Felibata 👽

'Blade Runner 2049' Producers Sue Musk, Tesla and WBD

Protestation (Deutsch)
BERLINER APPELL - Gegen neue Mittelstreckenwaffen und für eine friedliche Welt
N. E. Felibata 👽

BREAKING: Trump Fired After Cash Register Comes Up Short In First Shift At McDonald’s — The Onion Headlines

N. E. Felibata 👽

"Senile old man got bronzer on my fries, didn't wear gloves," one reviewer, "Karen S", stated. "Repeated himself several times … 0 stars. Do not recommend."

...Another reviewer, "Bill N", wrote, "The atmosphere was creepy with a convicted felon… behind the counter...

Protestation (Deutsch)
Metallerinnen und Metaller in Baden Württemberg warnen die Kapitalisten!
Protestation (Deutsch)
IFA Wartburg - The free German youth / IFA Wartburg - Freie Deutsche Jugend (FDJ)
N. E. Felibata 👽

Brave IDF soldier explains he had no choice but to shoot terrifying toddler

Alarming footage has emerged of an orphaned Palestinian girl, about seven years old, carrying her injured sister over her shoulder for two kilometres. The barefoot girl was trying to get her sister to one of the Hamas strongholds that are sometimes referred to as “hospitals”.

#USA #fascism

N. E. Felibata 👽
Also echt jetzt,, das mit der Digitalkompetenz, das solltet ihr doch eigentlich geschnallt haben ...

Warum also:



#Und tschüss
Brave IDF soldier explains he had no choice but to shoot terrifying toddler

Alarming footage has emerged of an orphaned Palestinian girl, about seven years old, carrying her injured sister over her shoulder for two kilometres. The barefoot girl was trying to get her sister to one of the Hamas strongholds that are sometimes referred to as “hospitals”.

#USA #fascism
N. E. Felibata 👽 hat dies geteilt
N. E. Felibata 👽

»Zum Frühstücke habe ich häufig ein trockenes Stück Convictbrod in den Wasserkrug getaucht.«

Guten Morgen mit Magister Johann Georg Tinius (22. Oktober 1764 – 24. September 1846), Pfarrer, Bibliomane und einer der größten Bücherdiebe der Geschichte, der für seine Leidenschaft sogar gemordet hat.

Merkwürdiges und lehrreiches 
Leben des M. Johann Georg Tinius, 
Pfarrer zu Poserna 
in der Inspektion Weißenfels 
Von ihm selbst 

Mit einem Essay von Herbert Heckmann 
Friedenauer Presse Berlin
moin . hier nur mit café .
Moin & Prost Kaff'!
Frühstücksgedeck im Café Zeit
neuer älter

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