... one dog for two is an asshole. like his master
Adam Hunt
Hey that is Swiss cheese!
Carefully framed so as not to show the planet killer ray apparatus.
N. E. Felibata ๐Ÿ‘ฝ

Typisch Deutsch, die Infrastruktur zerfรคllt aber das geht klar solange es ein Warnschild gibt.

Alexander Goeres
immer dieses vertrauen in magische beschwรถrungen. anstatt die schรคden zu reparieren, versuchen sie sie mit solchen formeln zum verschwinden zu bringen: geht weg, schรคden! als wรผrde das etwas bringen ...

Many Americans think that Hawai'ians lived in huts prior to colonization. The US actually de-industrialized Hawai'i. Before 1898, Hawai'i already had mass transit, railroads. The city of Honolulu was lit by nationalized, renewable hydropower before the White House had electricity

I am amazed that people do not know how to teach their own children, and yet have faith in their shapers.
If the government would treat the nazis like dangerous trespassers and just kill them it would do a lot to make the problem go away.
Jay Bryant
Itty Bitty Kitty Committee. ๐Ÿ™‚
Protestation (Deutsch)
You can follow us in other languages. Visit our website for more information https://wordsmith.social/protestation/social

Ed S
"Unlike eyes of eutherian mammals, the platypus eye has retained morphologic features present in early tetrapods such as amphibians and their evolutionarily basal sister group, the lungfishes. These include scleral cartilage, double cones and cone droplets." Which doesn't help really.

But there's a nice picture here

And Grant's 1989 paper is here
John Hummel
Thank you, @Ed S!
@Ed S
Jay Bryant
Looks like an eye and makes me think of Sauron. The Sun isn't evil, though.

Birne Helene hat dies geteilt

Birne Helene hat dies geteilt

Karthikeyan A K ๐Ÿง hat dies geteilt
yeah we should lean that its guillotine time for those bastards in charge.
Jose Luis Peruyero
Le filtro Valencia non sembla plus gaudiose hodie.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Deutsches Enver Hoxha Archiv "รœber die Intellektuellen" (1958) http://ciml.250x.com/archive/hoxha/german/enver_hoxha_wahlrede_10_november_1982.html


Et voilร , Inktober est terminรฉ ... ๐Ÿ˜ข
Merci ร  toutes et tous pour vos likes et vos commentaires.

Et surtout bravos ร  tous les dessinateurs et dessinatrices ! ๐Ÿ˜‰

#inktober #inktober-2024 #ink #encre #dessin #draw #croquis #sketch
Birne Helene hat dies geteilt

[strong]Warum gibt es in Heidelberg bei den Paketdiensten eigentlich keine Lastenfahrrรคder?[/strong]

รœberall nur die alt bekannten fetten Transporter die die StraรŸen, Rad- und FuรŸwege blockieren und nicht selten an engen Stellen gar nicht durch kommen. So wird das nichts von wegen Umweltschutz, Klimaschutz und Verkehrswende!

#Meinung #Stadt #Heidelberg #Lastenrรคder #Paketdienste #Umweltschutz #Klimaschutz #Verkehr #FuรŸwege #Radwege #2024-10-31 @Heidelberg @Verkehr @Radverkehr @Klimawandel @Stadt Heidelberg
5 Personen haben dies geteilt
red_rooster :coolified:
Weil die Burschen und Mรคdel zu nachtschlafender Zeit in ein Depot in einem romantischen Gewerbegebiet fahren, wo du zwischen den LKW mit einem Fahrrad bei Nacht einfach รผberfahren wirst und keiner merkt es fรผr Tage.
Bei im Winter kalt, im Sommer untertrรคglich heiรŸ, ihre Pakete sammeln und bis zur Decke in diese Transporter stopfen und den ganzen Tag versuchen die Dinger los zu kriegen und das fรผr kargen Lohn.
4 Personen haben dies geteilt
Dann braucht es eben andere Lรถsungen. Z. B. Verteilzentren in der Stadt und mehr Leute. Achso ja da mรผsste man ja besser bezahlen, die Arbeitsbedingungen verbessern und unsere Politiker mรผssten was fรผr die Integration von Flรผchtlingen und Migranten tun anstatt gegen sie zu hetzen!
4 Personen haben dies geteilt
Aurin Azadรฎ


Heute ist Mittwoch, der 30. Oktober 2024. KW 44.
Today is Pungenday, the 11th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3190.

Am 30. Oktober 1929: Die Standseilbahn in Stuttgart wird in Betrieb genommen.
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
Aurin Azadรฎ

Jobcenter-Mitarbeiter schnรผffeln Bรผrgergeld-Beziehern im Internet nach

30.10.2024 Gegen Hartz: Jobcenter-Mitarbeiter schnรผffeln Bรผrgergeld-Beziehern im Internet nach

#HartzIV #Bรผrgergeld #Datenschutz
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
Protestation (Deutsch)
Proteste gegen Generalangriff von VW und kรคmpferischer Auftakt der Metall-Tarifrunde https://www.rf-news.de/2024/kw44/generalangriff-von-vw-und-kaempferischer-auftakt-der-metall-tarifrunde
Aurin Azadรฎ


Heute ist Donnerstag, der 31. Oktober 2024. KW 44.
Today is Prickle-Prickle, the 12th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3190.

Am 31. Oktober 1990: Nach der Hinterlegung der Ratifikationsurkunde am 1. Oktober tritt die UN-Antifolterkonvention fรผr Deutschland in Kraft.

(In der JVA Gablingen hat man davon vermutlich noch nie was gehรถrt.)
mrd_ill_be_back hat dies geteilt
Lisa Stranger

Report says crowd-sourced fact checks on X fail to address flood of US election misinformation

The nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate analyzed the Community Notes feature and found that accurate notes correcting false and misleading claims about the U.S. elections were not displayed on 209 out of a sample of 283 posts deemed misleading โ€” or 74%.

Misleading posts that did not display Community Notes even when they were available included false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and that voting systems are unreliable, CCDH said.
We knew that X would become a cess pool. Why responsible people continue to swim there is beyond me.
Am 14. September brannte ein Wohnhaus in Eberswalde. Zwei Menschen, kamen dabei ums Leben. Gab es ein rassistisches Motiv?

Am 14. September brannte ein Wohnhaus in Eberswalde. Zwei Menschen, kamen dabei ums Leben. Antirassist*innen fordern, ein rassistisches Motiv zu prรผfen, da in dem Haus vorwiegend Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte leben.#Antifa #Brandenburg #Einwanderung #Kriminalitรคt #linkeBewegung #NSU #Rassismus
Brandstiftung in Eberswalde: Antirassist*innen fordern Aufklรคrung
Birne Helene hat dies geteilt
Birne Helene

Am 14. September brannte ein Wohnhaus in Eberswalde. Zwei Menschen, kamen dabei ums Leben. Gab es ein rassistisches Motiv?

Am 14. September brannte ein Wohnhaus in Eberswalde. Zwei Menschen, kamen dabei ums Leben. Antirassist*innen fordern, ein rassistisches Motiv zu prรผfen, da in dem Haus vorwiegend Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte leben.#Antifa #Brandenburg #Einwanderung #Kriminalitรคt #linkeBewegung #NSU #Rassismus
Brandstiftung in Eberswalde: Antirassist*innen fordern Aufklรคrung

Happy Halloween! ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿ‘ป
Illustration mit Marx und Fledermรคusen
Audioaufzeichnungen รผber umgehende Gespenster, schaurige Verhรคltnisse und zur Marx'schen Kritik der Politischen ร–konomie gibt es auf unserem Soundcloud-Kanal ๐Ÿ‘‡
Karthikeyan A K ๐Ÿง
Looks like Israel's A.I has turned on every camera in Palestine and Lebanon and is screening for terrorists!

#Israel #Palestine #Lebanon
daily reminder!

next day after next day!

@Farhad A and @Bryan
when did it started? give me a date!

but i will get no answer, because they cant and they know it! damn antisemites!
daily reminder!
next day after next day!

@Farhad A and @Bryan Meloy
when did it started? give me a date!

but i will get no answer, because they cant and they know it! damn antisemites!
Martin Holland
After a good question another chart:

This one shows the #traffic to heise.de via #X/#Twitter (as a whole), (only!!) our account @heiseonline on #Mastodon (so also from the #Fediverse), our account on #Bluesky and #Threads (as a whole again) โ€“ weekly since the beginning of 2022..

#SocialMedia #TwitterExodus #TwitterMigration #ElonMusk
Chart showing the traffic to heise.de via Twitter, Mastodon, Bluesky und Threads since 2022..

Report says crowd-sourced fact checks on X fail to address flood of US election misinformation

The nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate analyzed the Community Notes feature and found that accurate notes correcting false and misleading claims about the U.S. elections were not displayed on 209 out of a sample of 283 posts deemed misleading โ€” or 74%.

Misleading posts that did not display Community Notes even when they were available included false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and that voting systems are unreliable, CCDH said.

Rodung des Emmauswalds in Neukรถlln: Naturschutzverbรคnde schreiben Offenen Brief an Senat

รœber die Rodung von Neukรถllns grรถรŸtem Wald wird seit Jahren diskutiert. Der Senat kann sich nicht mit den Anwohnern einigen, doch an dem Projekt wird festgehalten.

In memoriam Jamshid Sharmahd (69)๐Ÿ•ฏ. Der deutsch-iranische Unternehmer und entschiedene Gegner des Mullah-Regimes war unter absurden Begrรผndungen verhaftet und zum Tode verurteilt worden und ist gestern trotz aller Bemรผhungen seiner in Deutschland lebenden Tochter, und des Auswรคrtigen Amtes im Iran exekutiert worden.
Portrรคt von Jamshid Sharmahd
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (6 Stunden her)
Feiges, abscheuliches und mรถrderisches Regime, das hoffentlich eines nicht mehr fernen Tages klรคglich scheitert.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (6 Stunden her)
Birne Helene

I'm a little concerned about how my #solarpunk channel is going and if I'm going about it the right way. The point of it is to start a movement where people create sustainable communities in their area to focus on their own distinct parts of solarpunk. The reason for this channel to begin with has to do with my community building toolbox I'm trying to build on top of Friendica. I'm self taught so I'm running into a real wall when it comes to altering data bases with PHP as there are at least 3 layers of code here, one the main code, the second more complex code created for security reasons and lastly 3rd party clients that make the job much easier if your bread and butter is coding but just add levels of confusion if you are a noob.
Solarpunk Philly was always going to be my first community to start with. I realized I couldn't explain the rule structure needed to the average coder if they decided to try and help so I realized that I needed to use Solarpunk as the vehicle to explain the toolkit. Meaning if I wanted to move forward and get any outside interest, I had make this channel to explain things so they knew exactly what I wanted.
The upcoming sustainable community section is 6 episodes long with the last describing the platform I've been working on. I got a ton of positive feedback what I said I was thinking about making a solarpunk channel. My first video has around 150 views which is pretty good, my second video has less than a 3rd of that.
There are 3 reasons why I can think of the drop off after the interest. a) people think solarpunk and only think of the literary and artistic works of a post transition world and not something they can live now. When it became clear it was an activism channel isn't of an artistic channel some were turned off. B) People telling me to just make it and not overthink it. Since I was basing this off the Solarpunk Philly group I had planned to start, I could have gone with solarpunk planet, solarpunk world, or solarpunk nation but all sounded more like corporate naming convention. Solarpunk USA was just an expansion of Solarpunk Philly, and the USA has specific needs to learn that other nations don't and are in a unique position with too much materialism and waste as opposed to scarcity in many other nations. However the naming convention Solarpunk Philly could easily be projected to Soarpunk Barcelona or Solarpunk Nairobi. Perhaps since it appears too US centric, turning people form other nations off. Perhaps a way to fix this will be to change the name to something different such as Solarpunk NOW. This implies that the unlike most of the genre where transition has happened we can have it now if we put in the effort. There could also be a more inclusive name I can go with. I still have the ability to change the name at this point.

I'm using Friendica, hence the wall of text, so I don't have the option to give polls (hopefully a feature out next year). Please put you answers in the comments

Were you hoping for a channel more on art and less activism? Are you turned off by the name if you are now from the US? Is solarpunk NOW a better name or do you have an even better name than Solarpunk USA? Am I just overthinking all of this? (the answer is yes but marketing involves overthinking things and I don't have marketing money cause this is all free)

neuer รคlter

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