This one is MInt.. still on 20.3 because it's very very old by most standards and doesn't get on with the 6.x kernel and graphics drivers.. Others run Manjaro and my servers run all kinds of stuff but mostly Proxmox.
XFCE is my preference, mostly because it doesn't add bloat and doesn't move things around every update. That was also my reason for XFCE. Since I have a Tuxedo laptop and their own OS TuxedoOS is based on KDE, I gave it a try. And at least on a Tuxedo it runs super well.
I have issues with Arch.. Manjaro XFCE is pretty much the same thing without the headaches. Runs like a star on my old Lenovo laptop. Enable the testing branch if you want fun with the bleeding edge. It travels and is set up so I don't have to see any of the crap on hotel tv's.. just plug in and it works ;) I have to say I'm impressed with how the display manager works in XFCE these days..
Fedora mainly in my desktops, usually debian, ubuntu or mint in my VMs or a distrib i want to test, when i sant tout install a server, that's debian or Rocky, Guix for some special purpose.
Since the death of my old Asus laptop - where I had installed antiX, I've been using Debian and Ubuntu based distros, As desktop environments, Xfce, Plasma and Trinity. Newcomers should use whatever they like after consulting DistroWatch, as long as they choose Mageia. LOL KDE is one of the most easy/intuitive DEs I know, but I must confess I don't know much. ;)
I have a tiny old Samsung netbook.. it only had 968mb's of ram.. so it runs AntiX.. and it's brilliant (but a bit of a pig to maintain).. Luckily it was the 64bit version or things could have got violent..
I used Mandrake / Mandriva / Mageia for years, and openSUSE Tumbleweed since 2016. On my new PC I test Opensuse Slowroll. And I am a fan of KDE Plasma for its high level of customisation.
Celeron's are crap.. Luckily mine had the Atom with the integrated graphics.. quite a little beast on the quiet.. It's use case was monitoring our live streams when we were out covering protests a few years ago, which it managed quite well.
Garuda is my main distro for more than 4 years since I've got "low-mid-tier" CPU with IGP. Not even for gaming, lol. It could've been Manjaro, but I had some headache with it, so I've changed my mind for Garuda. Though, I've been using Arch sometimes too and it was awesome experience! KDE Lite meet mine needs and look very good as window manager (with tiling features!). Tiling manager I use is DWM 'cuz it's very fast and minimal. For newcomers I might recommend Manjaro for "office tasks" and Garuda for experimenting as distros and KDE (/Lite) as interface 'cuz It looks pretty and friendly.
I'll go for number six. I started the day with ambition to get some projects completed. Then reality set in and I didn't get anything done today. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Im @Handelsblatt durfte #Lindner einen Gastkommentar veröffentlichen. Schon in der Bildunterschrift, steht sinngemäß: "Bei einem Schienbeinbruch, muss man erstmal Lichtnahrung aufnehmen und sich einen Heilkristall kaufen."
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Das ist absolutes Grundlagenwissen und ganz doll wichtig zu verstehen. Maurice Höfgen hat das hier mal sehr verständlich in seinem Substack erklärt. Bitte unbedingt lesen, damit ihr nicht auf solche Heilkristall-Esoterik hereinfallt.
Sind Schulden unmoralisch? Die Debatte darüber führt in die Irre, wenn wir Geld nur als praktisches Tauschmittel begreifen, aber sein eigentliches Wesen nicht verstehen.
Hab heute übrigens unfreiwillig ein Experiment gemacht. Musste einen Text auf Englisch verfassen, in dem an einer Stelle eine Frau mit akademischem Titel aber ohne Vornamen erwähnt wurde. Da der Text auch auf Deutsch vorliegen sollte, hab ich ihn durch ein Übersetzungsprogramm gejagt & das hat aus "Dr. XY" in der englischen Version automatisch "Herr Dr. XY" gemacht. Wir sind noch so weit davon entfernt, Geschlechterstereotype nicht zu reproduzieren, geschweige denn von echter Gleichstellung...
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@Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung Warum klatscht Ihr eigentlich inzwischen unter Eure Artikel erst einmal fünf bebilderte Anreißer zu anderen Beiträgen und erst irgendwo da drunter die Kommentare. Das ist nicht nur schwer zu finden, sondern nervig! Gerade auf dem Smartphone!
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Die Kleiderspenden werden für die betroffene Gemeinde Letur gesammelt und eventuelle Überschüsse gehen an die betroffenen Menschen in der Region #Valencia
Wenn du helfen willst, kontaktiere:
"Drei Tage nachdem Wolf verkündet hat, dass das #BSW in #Thüringen Koalitionsgespräche mit CDU und SPD aufnehmen will, hört man aus BSW-Kreisen, dass der Streit zwischen #KatjaWolf und #Wagenknecht bereits so weit gedrungen ist, dass man davon ausgehe, dass Wolf die Partei verlassen werde. Fraglich ist, wie viele BSW-Leute in der 15-köpfigen Fraktion Wolf folgen werden."
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Starkregen, Fluten, Dürre, Hitze – all das macht die Klimakrise wahrscheinlicher. Um sich daran anpassen zu können, wäre Klimaschutz umso wichtiger.!6042871
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Before plastic fangs and fake blood, October 31st was a day of rebellion; the history of Halloween spans five hundred years and two continents, featuring pagan rebels in the Medieval British Isles, the European witch hunts, Irish migration to the States, and widespread arson in Detroit in the 1980s….
Gießener CDUler bei Reichsbürger-Kongress: Er zweifelt Deutschland als souveränen Staat an Ein Gießener CDU-Mitglied äußerte sich in einem Youtube-Video am Rande eines Reichsbürger-Treffens. Die Partei prüft nun ein Ausschlussverfahren gegen den Mann. Es sind heftige und womöglich auch strafrechtlich relevante Aussagen, die da seit einigen Tagen in einem bei Youtube ausgestrahlten Film zu hören sind.
Windows 11 24H2?? Sick of this? Are you tired of doing your daily tasks with endless troubleshooting, console commands and explanatory videos? Are you fed up with unwanted monitoring and advertising? Switch to a modern, fast and peaceful system in your own hands today. Start using Linux today! MINT for daily use or Kubuntu for Power user and Futurists.
I have learned that those who want to switch are quickly overwhelmed when choosing a distro. MINT is understood by everyone, very intuitive. I would recommend it to anyone. And I have recommended KDE because I am just discovering it – I am actually an XFCE user. Once you get in, you quickly recognize the different possibilities.
I moved to Linux (Slackware specifically) a little over two decades ago. No Windows sinve 7 in the mid 2010s sometime, which was for a job. It dual booted with Arch... I only used the Windows side for work shrug
Mint is a lovely solid stable daily driver, it's only problem is like Debian it's packages are a bit old sometimes.. I always look and see what a machine is actually expected to do.
I have to admit liking Manjaro. Now that's pretty bleeding edge yet doesn't break too often and the forums are brilliant when inevitably the update manager gets itself into a circular dependency hell. Some zealot spouted some crap about EndeavourOS.. Well I tried that on a machine that was happily running Manjaro and it failed to even install to a terminal.. FAIL big time..
Half the problem is people come along "advising" newbies to use some stupid exotic (and often broken) pile of junk that is used by like 25 people on the planet and the broken crap that their "expert hobbiest" mindset allows them (after far more twatting about than is healthy) to use doesn't let them see the issue. Rather like raw Arch.. yeah it's fine.. but it breaks on every single update and last time I tried to install it there was a huge fail as it didn't install by default any networking capability (dhcpd among other bits).
Now it's not like I'm inexperienced or anything.. having been a unix user in the 80's (and even today I have a Solaris 10 server) and never really having a windows thing in the house.. It's just the stupid fanboys and their "almost unusable niche distro of choice"
20+ years ago as an early 64 bit adopter I ran Sabayon.. That's how to build an OS.. for a while there was nothing comparable.. beautiful.
@juliadream I used Sabayon for a while when I was moving away from Gentoo... and yes, I don't go around recommending Gentoo or Arch or derivatives to potential users. If I do see a "I wanrt to try Linux" post and comment, I'll usually suggest Ubuntu. The distros I run are not fit for mortal (n00b) consumption imo, but I find that dropping names like Arch or Slackware gets comments like yours warning new users away from people like me, which I think is the genreal atmosphere of Linux users right now. More people should run Linux beyond Android imo, but they will or won't reguardless of my little voice either way. The shouldn't, at least.
This was a Windows post in a predominantly Linux environment though. Call me as a gatekeeper if thou wilt, but I'm okay with that. The OP's grandmother, or even the OP's granddaughter, will probably never use Linux. It's a niche OS by nature. fwiw, I don't even go into the BSD / GPL argument in front of them. That's a masters-level discussion... and I bet a few of us could write a thesis about the differences
We certainly could.. I just advise people to grab Mint with XFCE and give it a go.. It's "XP" enough that after a couple of minutes explaining the package manager they seem to manage just fine. For tonight.. as it's the 31st and all alone (as usual) I'm going to have a little play in a vm with GhostBSD.. Y'know.. just for fun..
The host for the Ghost is my nearly 20 year old HP dl380 g5.. which is a NetBSD setup running Xen. and hosts among other things.. 32 bit Solaris6 and the one instance of XP in the house (for a stupid ancient Epson printer maintenance program) plus a few oddities like QNX. Yeah.. I really like making life hard for myself..
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Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.
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Süd-Tiroler AfD Jean-Pascal Hohm, deputato della AfD in Brandeburgo, era presente all’assemblea della Süd-Tiroler Freiheit. Il Verfassungsschutz tedesco lo ha “attenzionato” come estremista di destra. Un politico proveniente dagli ambienti più radicali dell’estrema destra tedesca “ospite” dell’assemblea provinciale della Süd-Tiroler Freiheit dello scorso weekend
Prozess zu gekauften Listenplätzen – Kriegskasse der AfD wieder vor Gericht Das Oberlandesgerichtgericht Celle musste sich mit angeblich gekauften Listenplätzen befassen. Der Mann, der den Wirbel ausgelöst hatte, blieb fern. Zugegeben es wird langsam unübersichtlich, was die diversen Verfahren rund um die sogenannte „Kriegskasse“ der AfD in Niedersachsen angeht.