Michael Bain
I think we were better off between 70 and 2010, but maybe that is just me

Even just 2019 would be great, before they crashed the worlds economy and spent up the debt
We were better off without Donald Trump/ I think big business has a very heavy influence on our governmental systems.
William Robison
That's why we are lucky that bears don't vote @Bellarome
We can barely manage men and women voting. Including bears would destroy the established voting system. It might be crashing down now. How would I know. They don't tell me anything.
Lisa Stranger
wHy iS aTtEnDaNcE DecLiNinG aT tHe ChUrChEs?!!
Lisa Stranger
and nah… you don’t get 2 votes, patriarch

it occurs to me that this may be the only reason they β€œallowed” women to vote πŸ˜’
Protestation (Deutsch)
Rosa Luxemburg: OffiziΓΆsentum d. Theorie (Teil 4) https://www.marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/luxemburg/1913/offiz/kap4.htm
toot of, tootles βš™οΈπŸš΄β€β™‚οΈπŸ› οΈ
Protestation (Deutsch)
Karl Marx - EntwΓΌrfe einer Antwort auf den Brief von V. I Sassulitsch http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me19/me19_384.htm
Protestation (Deutsch)
Deutsches Enver Hoxha Archiv - Über Indochina http://ciml.250x.com/archive/hoxha/german/enver_hoxha_ueber_indochina.html
mrrrgnnn tootles πŸ–– fedizens
Itzik Goldstein
Peter Lindelauf
But will fit on an American dollar bill.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus!
Jay Bryant
I approve this agenda.
I like the way you think
mrrrgnnn tootles πŸ–– fedizens
Moin ​:catwhithtea:​
Ja Moin πŸ––@Inyan, nur noch wenige Stunden bis WochenendeπŸŽ‰
Happy Halloween Eve!

Everyone got their tree up???

#Halloween #CatsofMastodon
photo shopped image of dozens of black cats stacked like a xmas tree with a star on top
Jay Bryant
Accurate. πŸ™‚
So... they "updated" my boss's computer to Windows 11. While he was on the phone about this to IT, I said if they want to upgrade mine, "better be Linux or FreeBSD."

They are leaving my computer alone!
Protestation (Deutsch)
You can follow us in other languages. Visit our website for more information https://wordsmith.social/protestation/social

Protestation (Deutsch)
Karl Marx - Notizen zur Reform von 1861 und der damit verbundenen Entwicklung in Rußland http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me19/me19_407.htm
John Hummel
Corvids are smart as hell, but I still wonder how they got that one to cooperate with the photo.
John Hummel
I would love to believe that. And maybe it's even true.
Protestation (Deutsch)
Rosa Luxemburg: OffiziΓΆsentum d. Theorie (Teil 3) https://www.marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/luxemburg/1913/offiz/kap3.htm
neuer Γ€lter

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