[(Forewarned; Excuse the tone and style of this comment... I have just watched some Stewart Lee.)]

"The short answer is no, probably not!"

Not what Edward Snowden said.

Not what serves the corporation, the advertisers, nor the snoops.

How hard, or how easy, is it, to script even a simple voice to text logger, and filter a trigger word list, to keep the resources down... even before an age of llm... then with the triangulatability intrinsic to the technology, and the various motion sensors etc that they have these days... they can do much more than just cold-read you and zap you with epi-acoustic manipulations... ?

Easy, right?

How hard, or easy, is it, to write a script that hides such features upon any suspicion of being detected?

Easy right?

How hard, or easy, is it, to defy the statutes mandating maximising wealth extraction in the service of your share holders, to disobey your boss telling you to build such things, after you've already been selected for such a role because you're indifferent and even eager to do such things, knowing that were you to so disobey you would lose your salary and suffer the wrath of the corporate legal department?

Hard, right?

How hard, or easy, is it, to avoid installing any of the many spywares advertised as necessary conveniences in your service, when you've no awareness of the dangers of advertising thus nor the prudence to avoid it or to put your guard up if ever exposed, [and with data-mining being completely outside your scope of conception of possibilities, let alone the dangers of it, to you], and so eagerly lap it up as if truth rather than a set of carefully crafted lies to maximally hoodwink the most from you and have you think it was your own idea, that it's just a necessary convenience in your service and so of course you'll install it, right... ...and to have that web-connected voice-activated technology work without listening to you constantly?

Hard, right?

So the answer to “Is My Phone Listening To Me?”, is perhaps not so much the "short" answer, as the "dangerously stupid" answer.

That article reads like:
  • wrong answer [to mislead the ignorant who wont read on]
  • boasting
  • wrong answer [reaffirmed, with...
  • nonsequitor argument affirming opposite.]
  • ~watch video~ semantic nonsequitor.
  • offer of services to prevent what the article said (from the start and throughout) wasn't happening [despite indicating that it evidently has to be happening].
Well, i'm glad there's clear messaging going out there to help people with their electronic freedom.

Is this to dodge some algorithmic censorship or something?

Not to worry, the right answer is buried in there.
eff is inconsistent...
Protestation (Deutsch)
The November 8th Publishing House https://november8ph.ca
Protestation (Deutsch)
1 Hour of KPD/ML Music (Communist Party of Germany/Marxist-Leninist) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFdH7dQ6Zjk
Protestation (Deutsch)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Protestation (Deutsch)
Karl Marx - Erster Entwurf zum "Bürgerkrieg in Frankreich" http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me17/me17_493.htm
Mark Wollschlager
The internet says that it's probably AI, but cute.
Karthikeyan A K 🐧
Unlike Kashmir and Punjab, other Indian states are not affiliated to a religion. So Pakistan is unable to kindle religious sentiments.

#Kashmir #Punjab #Islam #Sikh #Khalistan #Terrorism #India #Pakistan
Jose Luis Peruyero
You are not a number to us, dear 357.
Aladár Mézga
Accidentally, to many USians that's not just a number, but a calibre, Jose...
Mark Wollschlager
Looks like Florida.
My parents bought a house, split level 3br 2bath 2 car garage with basement for 16000. 1962 dollars.
$2,250/year average income in 1955. 2024 average household income is $80k.

That's not apples and oranges so let's assume (dubiously but for the sake of discussion) that the average household income was $4,500 in 1955. That would make these houses a bit less than 2x the household income.

Average house price in 2023 was $412k, or a little over 5x household income.
John Hummel
Corvids are smart as hell, but I still wonder how they got that one to cooperate with the photo.
John Hummel
I would love to believe that. And maybe it's even true.

The first five days of this November are a real thrill
Jess Nut
If I make it though the week I'll count it a win.
Mark Wollschlager
So chonk. Much nom.
Jay Bryant
And abortion rights....
Jay Bryant
Exactly right.
Alex Feldstein

The Trumps vote in NY. Looks like he doesn't trust her vote.
John Hummel
The wealthy are always above the law unless the law they break inconveniences another wealthy person.
Protestation (Deutsch)
You can follow us in other languages. Visit our website for more information https://wordsmith.social/protestation/social

Protestation (Deutsch)
Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus!
Protestation (Deutsch)
(Aufzeichnung einer Rede von Karl Marx über die geheimen Gesellschaften) mlwerke.de http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me17/me17_654.htm
Jay Bryant
A real page turner. 😉
Protestation (Deutsch)
Andrew Pam
How many cats does it take to change a light bulb?
Shaun Griffith
Never mind the robots, the cats are coming for our jobs!
Kenny Chaffin
Well maybe not sacrifice as in 'kill' but just distribute their wealth and put them out to pasture. :)
For a start, it would be useful to turn the richest into the most liberated person every year. Later, the anti competition could be elaborated by choosing five or more candidates or adding further categories.
@Bellarome let us stick to the suggestion every year the richest. Otherwise, the other richest would try to bribe their way out, or rely on not winning the departure ticket.
According to Forbes, the first emergency victim should be someone else.
neuer älter

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