Die ganzen Grafiken im Spiel sind in einer einzigen 2000x2000 Pixel Bitmap enthalten. Ein Feature wird es sein, eine eigene Grafik zu laden und damit das ganze Spiel optisch zu verändern.
Interessante Idee. Hast Du mal darüber nachgedacht ein klassisches Graphic Adventure zu machen das es erlaubt die Grafiken oder gar die Handlung etc. anzupassen?
Das mit dem Adventure und der änderbaren Handlung ist gut. Die Grafik ist einfach, die Handlung etwas komplizierter, aber die Idee hab ich mir mal notiert. 👍
Architecture "just" defines the structure of the software. However, Conway's Law already shows the connection between architecture and organization. Thr…
Nachdem ein Großteil der Stimmen ausgezählt wurde, ist ziemlich sicher: Donald #Trump wird als 47. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten ins Weiße Haus zurückkehren. Trumps Wahlkampf war geprägt von Wirtschaftspopulismus, transfeindlicher Panikmache und offenem Rassismus.
Dies hielt jedoch über 60 Millionen Amerikaner - darunter eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Schwarzen, lateinamerikanischen und weiblichen Wähler*innen - nicht davon ab, für ihn zu stimmen.
Seine Rückkehr an die Macht verspricht vier weitere Jahre schwerwiegende Angriffe auf die Rechte von Arbeitnehmer*innen und die Bürgerrechte im eigenen Land, ganz zu schweigen von weiteren Machtkämpfen im Ausland.
Für die progressiven Kräfte in den USA heißt es nun: vier Jahre Kämpfe gegen eine Regierung, die die wenigen sozialen Errungenschaften, die unter Präsident Biden erreicht wurden, wieder abbauen will.
Für linke Kräfte in Deutschland und der Welt bedeutet es, sich einer kriegerischen US-Regierung entgegenzustellen, die versucht, globale Klimavereinbarungen zu untergraben, ihre militärische Macht auszubauen und Israels Zerstörungen in Gaza zu unterstützen.
Neben dieser düsteren Aussicht muss es jetzt erstmal zu einer Analyse kommen, sowohl innerhalb des bürgerlichen Establishments als auch in linken Bewegungen: Was macht Trump für US-Wähler*innen so attraktiv, und warum hat unsere Seite wieder einmal keine überzeugende Alternative angeboten?
Wenn wir Trump als Symptom und nicht als Ursache eines viel umfassenderen sozialen Unwohlseins verstehen, dann war es von Anfang an zu wenig gewollt, einfach nur seine Präsidentschaft verhindern zu wollen.
WiseGuyz - Love Surfing Mama, was filmed in Kharkiv Ukraine on 12.07.2020. Band: Chris Bird - voc/guitar Baden (Alex Badanov) - double bass Shnur (Andrey Dyakov) - drums Director - Chris Bird @wise...
L'étudiante s'est déshabillée en public devant l'université Azad de Téhéran pour protester contre l’application abusive du port obligatoire du voile par les bassidjis (les miliciens islamiques volontaires et l’un des rouages de la répression en Iran).
La loi islamique en Iran impose un code vestimentaire très strict aux femmes, sommées de porter le foulard et des vêtements amples dissimulant leurs formes.
Le geste ultime de rebellion de cette étudiante iranienne l'a conduite en prison.
Amnesty Iran demande sa libération immédiate. "Les allégations de coups et de violence sexuelle à son encontre pendant son arrestation doivent faire l'objet d'une enquête indépendante et impartiale".
rien de neuf sous le soleil. Dans les années 70, déjà, les femmes qui défendaient leurs droits étaient qualifiées d'hystériques. Et ça n'a pas tant changé que ça ici.
Pour Ahou Daryaei (et combien d'autres ?) le "diagnostic" permet de les enfermer sans dire qu'on les emprisonne.
From my vaults – Aus-rotten … and now back to our programming. The discussions of the last few months, years, centuries(?) have been somewhat one-dimensional. People have completely adopted the relativizing position of the neo-fascists and called any kind of people they didn't like or who bought the wrong products or lived in the wrong place Nazis. Now I ask myself. Is the USA now a fascist country? Then it should be pre-emptively destroyed? Right? Or am I getting things mixed up?
Nun waren ja die Diskussionen der letzten Monate, Jahre, Jahrhunderte(?) etwas eindimensional. Man hat ganz die relativierende Position der Neo-Faschisten übernommen und jede Art von Menschen, die man nicht so mochte oder die falschen Produkte gekauf…
🎥 Gewinne 1x2 Tickets für die Filmpremiere von «No Other Land» + Filmgespräch am 11. November 2024 im Babylon Berlin
Um teilzunehmen, solltest du Follower*in von unserem Account sein und die Person in den Kommentaren markieren, mit der du kommende Woche zur Premiere gehen willst 🖍
No Other Land - Premiere des Dokumentarfilms von Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham und Rachel Szor
▪️ Am 11.11. ab 19 Uhr im Babylon Berlin ▪️ Filmvorführung/Filmgespräch mit Basel Adra (Regie/Schnitt) und Yuval Abraham (Regie/Schnitt) (beide per Video zugeschaltet) ▪️ Originalversion in arabischer, hebräischer und englischer Sprache mit englischen Untertiteln
Mit «No Other Land» kommt am 14. November 2024 der preisgekrönte Dokumentarfilm über den Kampf einer Gemeinde im Westjordanland gegen die von der israelischen Besatzung geplante Umsiedlung in die deutschen Kinos. Die Kooperation einer palästinensisch-israelischen Gruppe von Aktivist*innen mit engagierten Filmemacher*innen wirft in einem Stück gefilmter Zeitgeschichte Fragen zum Nahostkonflikt auf, die aktueller nicht sein könnten.
Wir verlosen 1x2 Tickets für die Filmpremiere von «No Other Land» am 11. November im Babylon. Die Verlosung läuft bis zum 7.11.24 um 16 Uhr. Die Gewinner*innen werden direkt per DM oder Kommentar benachrichtigt.
Discover how artists are turning dirty vans into mobile canvases with incredible dust art.All photos from the Facebook Page Dirty Van Art and Pro Boy Nick.This blogpost features a collect
Whatever happens, let's keep positive and noit freak out! (I know this is easy to say from the other side of the ocean) As an answer to that little piece of music above, I'm giving you here an orchestra version of John Cage's 4'33" . It doesn't get faster. Hope you can enjoy!
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It's better to keep calm. What can we do about things? As a German citizen living in Germany I can't even go voting in the US, though I fear its outcome might have implications for the rest of the world. The extreme right is already rising all over Europe, and if Trump wins it will push them forward.
Yeah, the same tools used to silence Trump supports would also be used to silence pro-Palestinian protestors. When people in power get to decide a wrong side or a right side, or designate who is protesting and who is rioting... We have laws in place to handle incitements to violence, hare speech, etc. We just need the powers that be to actually use them. Right now they aren't bothering because they don't want to make waves in case Trump gets elected, or because Republicans in power will just dole out pardons.
Why is social media being held to standards that are not applied to traditional media, in person speech, etc.?
Having seen how countries that don't have freedom of speech laws, I'll take the bad with the good on that one. We can certainly expand the criteria for "incitement" laws. Yelling fire in a crowded area to start a stampede that causes people to get hurt is illegal, but yelling "secret underground pedophile ring in tunnels under DC controlled by the Jews" that causes people to get hurt is not... and we can change that.
Social media is literally breaking society apart by promoting lies, misinformation and hate speech.
Idgaf where the ideals come from if they plumb do not work.
Allowing social media to continue as it has so far is not working.
We are dying.
Democracy is not safe anywhere.
Nobody has a fix for this.
Now: The social media platforms already have algorithms capable of silencing the really bad stuff, the antivaxxers, the racists, the fascists, the evangelical nutballs, the climate denialists.
But they don't use them, because that would silence the GOP, which is looking out for their Billionaire owners.
Misinformation was spread before social media existed. It will continue to spread after. The problem is that you can't control it because it's international, and people and sites in different locations are beholden to different laws. You could have state run social media like China, that everyone is scared to use for fear of arrest and using VPNs to access Facebook or Twitter. You can have North Korea, where everyone is cut off from the outside world and any news or opinions that aren't controlled by state run media.
I get what you are saying, but the solution is not cut and dry and real world examples of implementing them are fucking terrible. Better education about spotting misinformation. Teaching better critical thinking skills to spot AI or deepfakes. How to actually do research and not just trust random satire articles that people think are news. Giving people the skills to combat misinformation will carry over to any medium it might be presented in, even if Uncle Bob makes a compelling argument about it over Sunday dinners.
When Twitter tried to block hate speech and misinformation before Elmo took over, people just left and started their own "free speech" social medias instead. Sure that lessoned their reach, but people just screen-shotted the posts and reposted them on Twitter anyway.
Idgaf. We have tried being liberal. Either we figure a way to silence the hate and misinformation, or we will have to have an extended period of straight up killing the people dumb enough to fall for it.
Civil war is unavoidable if we cannot fix it.
Me, I prefer silencing dumbasses to murdering them.
Do what I say or I'll kill you is the same shit MAGAs say while claiming it's to "protect the children". It doesn't become okay when the other side says it either.
I haven't checked the source thoroughly, it seems to be some kind of political party, but I'd say the article gives a fair and accurate description. Thanks @Emmanuel Florac for sharing it.
@Jess Nut Don't make me laugh. You're saying that it is RIGHT to do nothing, while billionaires and dictators flood the public opionion space with lies. Even up to the point where "democratically elected" despots are carrying out genocide and hate-based extermination of vulnerable people! Because WE KNOW that is where this is going. The press is no longer even attempting to keep up with what is a lie, rather they are now openly applying a double standard where anything insane the far right says is a "fair point" whereas if the centrists say a true thing about the far right, that's "shrill rhetoric, which will surely backfire".
You think the lies from twitter are people's honest opinions? It's an ocean of bought-and-paid for propaganda in there. People are not forming honest opionions while swimming in a sea of lies.
And you also seem to think that the social media companies aren't able to detect the lies and the hate.
They are.
They just chose not to limit it, because the lies and the hate are more profitable than the truth.
Democracy is great, but it has a very large and very obvious failure mode: If the people are lied to, democracy is no different from despotism.
All I am saying is, there are legal, reasonable ways to protect democracy against that failure mode. It is legal and reasonable to hold media accountable for the stories they actively promote. It is legal and reasonable to hold media accountable for the ads they choose to run.
The means to prevent Trump's takeover existed 10 years ago.
All this could have been prevented.
And you're saying "It's wrong to even the playing field against billionaire-owned media"
Every social media platform eventually turns into a "cesspool", especially if it has an algorithm that makes it thrive on "enraged engagement" for individualized ad revenue.
Oh no--gonna shut down X/Twitter? What the hell does the Muskrat expect folks to do with all the time they won't be wasting online? People might start to use their brains to learn new things & increase critical thinking, or talk with civility to complete strangers instead of knee-jerk all-caps typing, shouting and bullying? He must be crazy or something!
Elon Musk has claimed that Kamala Harris will shut down X, formerly known as Twitter, if she wins the 2024 US presidential election. Speaking on the Joe...
Speaking on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast in an episode released on Monday, 4 November, the billionaire declared that there was “no way” the Democratic candidate’s “puppet regime” would allow the social media platform to exist.
und was genau heißt einmalig? einmal pro schicht? erstklassig? also, wenn's nicht gut war, dann darf gekündigt werden? ich glaub immer noch nicht, dass 's echt is'...
@virgil tibbs hätte sich gefreut... was für ein geburtstagsgeschenk wäre das festzustellen, dass er doch im christlichen abendland wohnt, wo die beschäftigten der katholischen kirche munter in der pause herumvögeln, sogar mit einmaligkeitsqualitätssicherung!
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.
Once again, forced #hijab claims another life: Reports from Iran indicate that 16-year-old schoolgirl #ArezooKhavari tragically ended her life by jumping from a friend’s build
Once again, forced #hijab claims another life: Reports from Iran indicate that 16-year-old schoolgirl #ArezooKhavari tragically ended her life by jumping from a friend’s building after being sent home from a school trip for “violating the dress code by wearing jeans” instead of the required uniform.
Her grieving father shared that this was not an isolated incident; Arezoo had faced persistent harassment from the school over her clothing choices, her friendships, and her resistance to the mandatory hijab policy.
Last year, the school had nearly refused to enroll her. A reliable source revealed that she had even been threatened with expulsion after the vice principal submitted a video of her dancing without a hijab to the principal for disciplinary action.
In Iran, schools are gender-segregated, and girls are required to wear the hijab from the age of 7 or risk being denied an education. Strict dress code restrictions, targeting both Islamic and non-Western attire, have been enforced since the 1979 revolution. These restrictions, along with religiously based discriminatory laws, have created an environment of repression where expressions of any individual identity out of the Islamic Republic’s fascism can have life-threatening consequences.
The responsibility for Arezoo’s tragic death lies squarely with the Islamic Regime in Iran.
"Rund 1500 Menschen kamen am Montagabend nach Angaben der Polizei in Rostock zusammen, um vor der wachsenden Gewalt gegen queere Personen zu warnen und mehr Schutz für deren Community zu fordern. »Aufgeben ist der Anfang vom Ende und wir werden auf gar keinen Fall aufgeben«, sagte Rostocks Oberbürgermeisterin Eva-Maria Kröger (Die Linke) in einem Redebeitrag während der Demonstration. »Dafür sind wir hier und dafür halten wir zusammen.«" Anton Benz @nd.Aktuell #rostock #bsieben #brandanschlag