junge Welt [inoffiziell]
US-Präsidentschaftswahl: Auftrieb für Lateinamerikas Ultrarechte [Online-Abo]

junge Welt [inoffiziell]
Indien: Lebensmittelskandal zum Lichterfest [Online-Abo]

junge Welt [inoffiziell]
Lufthansa und ITA Airways: ITA-Übernahme blockiert

junge Welt [inoffiziell]
Literatur: Formen und verformen

junge Welt [inoffiziell]
Jazz in der jW-Maigalerie: Der große Flow

junge Welt [inoffiziell]
Kino: So inklusiv war die Heimatfront

junge Welt [inoffiziell]
Landlust: Teller [Online-Abo]

junge Welt [inoffiziell]
Hasso-Plattner-Institut: Strafantrag fehlt

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Schon gelaufen: Nachschlag: Zerlegtes Glück

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Tesla Grünheide: Wo bei Tesla der Schuh drückt [Online-Abo]

junge Welt [inoffiziell]
Deak: Falschparker [Online-Abo]

junge Welt [inoffiziell]
Ost-West-Angleichung: Baustoffindustrie gibt nach

junge Welt [inoffiziell]
DFG-VK startet Kampagne gegen Wehrpflicht

Caspar C. Mierau
Ok, ich mach den Job und es gibt freie Waffeln für alle. Das gibt der Haushalt noch her!
Ingo Stützle 🎗️
meine Stimme hast du
junge Welt [inoffiziell]
Boxen: Angeknockt und angezählt

Anarchist Quotes
In other words, what Clinton wants is the opposite of free trade. She wants to keep the wealth of Africa in hands of the heirs and assigns of the same people who stole it, under colonialism.
-- Kevin Carson

#anarchism #quote #bot
D J Capelis
Dispensing advice more directly: if you are trans and a US citizen and don’t have an updated passport with your correct information now is the time to do some paperwork. There’s 75 days until the next administration decides how passports get issued.

It’s not just about ability to travel elsewhere (though that sure is useful!) it’s a federally recognized ID that lasts for ten years and is straightforward to update, renew, and is officially ID anywhere in the world including in our own country.
Steve Herman
The Committee to Protect Journalists warns that Donald Trump's election as the next US president "represents a turning point for media freedom as a critical pillar of democracy, given his longstanding, wanton attacks on journalists." https://cpj.org/2024/11/cpj-board-the-free-press-must-be-protected/
N. E. Felibata 👽

America needs to embrace November 5th as a day calling for rebellion...

Christina Dongowski
Was ist denn das für ein wilder Tag?!?! 😵‍💫
Ingo Stützle 🎗️
er ist noch nicht vorbei ☝️
Once again, another recommendation for the Asianometry YouTube page. I started watching him for the coverage of the semiconductor equipment industry, but he's been branching out with European history that is all new to me.

Air Quotes Comedian
There's some fascinating videos on that channel. They know their stuff.
Die Furie
Ich sach ma in Kürze, wat Scholz meint:

"Lindner, Du egomanische Sackwurst, Du hast jetzt Zeit, Deinem Porsche Winterreifen aufziehen zu lassen. Ich bin fertig mit Dir, Du Blödkopp. Und Sylt finde ich auch scheiße. Tschau Kakao."
Kompliment an meine Timeline hier, ist seid alle schön stabil, unterhaltsam, habt das Herz am richtigen Fleck, regt zum Nachdenken, zum Umdenken an, gibt wichtige Impulse, gebt gute Ratschläge, habt immer ein offenes Ohr.

Wirklich, vielen Dank! ❤️
selber! ;)
Danke dir…
Sofia ☭🇧🇷☭
LB: yes, please blame the US election on Jones Manoel, it would be extremely funny
Sofia ☭🇧🇷☭
Gonna keep encouraging the gringaiada to get mad at Jones just to make him famous outside of Brazil...or like...in Brazil
Was machen wir jetzt mit dem angebrochenen Jahrzehnt?
Mehr Drogen für Alle! Finde ich angemessen…

Air Quotes Comedian
I suppose the next thing will be The Sentencing if they even go ahead with it.

If it does then nothing will come of it of course and I suspect not many people will care, and that even if they did it wouldn't amount to a gnat's fart in a tornado with regard to shifting the needle as far as the beaks are concerned.

I don't expect them to follow their own rules because the rules are for show: It's true of International Law, it's true of any law you care to name I guess.
Bolsonaro ta inelegível. Nem na posse vai porque ta sem passaporte.
Vielleicht war’s nicht so ne gute Idee den brechmittelmörder zum Kanzler zu machen.
hope 👻 hat dies geteilt
hope 👻
Hoffe dennoch er übersteht die Vertrauensfrage. Merz oder Weidel wären noch schlimmer.
so oder so. Ich rechne damit, dass wer immer dran sein wird, in spätestens fünf Jahren werden die hier Leute in Lager verfrachten und umbringen.
Das Aus der deutschen Ampel: Endlich ist das Trauerspiel vorbei https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000243832/das-aus-der-deutschen-ampel-endlich-ist-das-trauerspiel-vorbei?ref=mastodon
Das Trauerspiel wurde entlassen.
always when i read postings here about the #usElections and stupid (there are others!) wannabe #leftwingers claim, that there is no #differnce between #harris and #trump, i am thinking about, how safe #german #communists, #liberals and german #jews felt on the #29.1.1933

you see yourself as a #leftist? i see you in #jail when trump wins
not to mention
#fascism is not #fun, and trump is much worse, no matter from where you come
joborun linux
pseudo democracy served capitalism well to maintain propaganda against "#anticapitalism" but they saw as threat being the #SovietUnion. Since then the pseudo-democracy cover has been tearing up in pieces bit by bit, traditional syndicalism has lost inch by inch any grounds gained, and capital has everyone up against the wall unarmed and ready to be shot at every hiccup.

Fascism was never a real ideology or movement, it was a fabricated tool by capital to defeat its enemies. It is the true nature of capitalism, capital & the state vs people.

It it wasn't this Trump there would have been another. Any reaction to this will justify a state of emergency and suspension of constitution.
joborun linux
Staples now is part of Marxist history (the notepads :)

With all great respect to the Frankfurtians they never contested (as most Marxists) a single greek i (ι) in the classical theory. They simply added toppings and ornaments to it.

K.Poulantzas, K.Tsoukalas, and possibly R.Miliband's interaction, took it all to a different level.
In scientific methodology, you start with assumptions and keep analyzing and researching. If you run into contradiction either you have made a mistake or your assumptions were wrong. In Marxist studies the assumption is the theory is correct, and you build.

K.Pou. reached so far into the study of the state and power he ended up in dead ends, where a pure economic definition of class was insufficient. Political power/authority is just a different determinant of class, the two define class more precisely. Money is power and power can be converted to money, everyone knows this now. You can't describe a two dimensional object with a single axis/variable.

KP wrote 15 books in 10 years, he understood those theretical limits and understood that he was wrong and had to start from zero again. So he chose to jump of the balcony instead of accepting to have to refute himself and classical Marxist theory.

Furthermore, the dialectic and the synthesis of anticapitalism is around Vanguardism and Libertarian principles. Something only the EZLN and zapatistas have achieved, the synthesis of what is still projected as diametrical opposites, or at least incompatible to be bridged. Neither Marxist clergy or classical Libertarian anti-capitalist clergy are willing to negotiate a possible synthesis.
Air Quotes Comedian
I wonder if Mike Pence is feeling hot under the collar.
Zionism is the middle east version of Lebensraum
frankie95 hat dies geteilt
Marina Weisband
Es gab sie immer, die schlimmen Zeiten. Ob man in sie hinein geboren wird, kann man nicht steuern. Wohl aber, was man selbst darin tut. Wie man sich verhält. Und wie man sich hält.

Inhaltswarnung: DePol

GBA geht gegen “Sächsische Separatisten” vor – Acht mut­maß­liche Rechts­ter­r­o­risten fest­ge­nommen – #terror
Die “Sächsischen Separatisten” sollen von einem bevorstehenden Zusammenbruch Deutschlands ausgegangen sein. An diesem “Tag X” hätten sie Gebiete in Ostdeutschland mit Waffengewalt erobern wollen, teilte die Bundesanwaltschaft mit. Der Generalbundesanwalt (GBA) hat acht mutmaßliche Rechtsterroristen in Sachsen und Polen festnehmen lassen
Protestation (Deutsch)
mlwerke.de - Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels: Artikel und Korrespondenzen 1868 http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me_ak68.htm
Shantell Powell

Inhaltswarnung: My bare bum

and what a lovely bum it is, thank you for the share.
Eberhard Wolff
Es ist besser falsch zu regieren, als falsch zu regieren.
Eberhard Wolff
Es ist besser falsch besser als regieren.
Besser: Es zu regieren ist falsch.
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always tired

Inhaltswarnung: Covid, Schutz (Empfehlungen bekommen, danke, mobiler Luftfilter)

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neuer älter

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